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Alice Munro has won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature. The short story writer is the first-ever Canadian, and the 13th woman, to win the prize. She has been called “the master of the modern short story”.

Alice Munro was born on July 10, 1931, just outside Wingham, Ontario, which has appeared in her stories many times.

Munro said that she began to escape into books when she was only ten years old. After her mother was diagnosed(诊断)with a serious disease, she started to throw herself into the world of books to make herself feel better.

Munro was a late bloomer(大器晚成) as a writer. She produced her first collection when she was 37 and didn’t get known outside Canada until the 1970s.

In fact, Munro works with an easy-to-read writing style, which is often described to be “practically perfect”. Her story, The Bear Came Over the Mountain, was made into a movie called Away From Her.

The 83-year-old author is often compared to Chekhov, the 19th century Russian who is considered one of the greatest short story writers in history.

Munro lived for many years in the small town of Clinton, Opt, but she was so shy that many people in the town didn’t know who she was. Munro said she was trying to be more social and accept invitations and go out to see people.

1.Who is Alice Munro?

2.How old is Alice Munro?

3.Why did she escape into books?

4.Can readers find any information about Wingham in Munro’s stories?

5.What is the film Away From Her based on?

6.What kind of person do you think Alice Munro is? Tell us your impression of her in TWO to THREE sentences.


1.The master of the modern short story

2.83 years old

3.To make herself feel better.

4.Yes,they can.

5.The Bear Came Over the Mountain.

6.She is an excellent and shy woman.She is a greatest short story writer.


试题解析:本文大意:Alice Munro获得了2013年诺贝尔文奖,她是迄今为止获得短篇小说奖的第一位加拿大人,第13位女性。她已经被称为“现代短篇小说专家”,经常被比作是契诃夫。她的故事“熊从那边来”,被改编成一部电影“柳暗花明”。她太害羞了,在她居住的小镇上许多人不知道她是谁。



3.a serious disease, she started to throw herself into the world of books to make herself feel better在她的妈妈被诊断为一种严重的疾病后,她开始全身心投入到书籍的世界来使自己感觉好些,可知答案为To make herself feel better.


5.a movie called Away From Her她的故事“熊从那边来”,被改编成一部电影“柳暗花明”,可知答案为 The Bear Came Over the Mountain.

6.a greatest short story writer.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年云南省玉溪市毕业生学业水平考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

There was a big apple tree. A little boy liked around it every day. The little boy and he no longer played around the tree. One day the boy came back to the tree. He looked .

“What’s wrong you?” asked the tree.

The boy answered: “I want my own house. I need money to buy it.”

“You can pick my apples and them. Then you will have money.”

The boy picked all the apples on the tree and left .

A few years later, the boy came back. He told the tree that he wanted to travel around the world.

“Use my branches to build your boat.” the boy cut the tree branch.

Many years later, the boy returned. “Sorry, but I don’t have for you.” The tree said.

“All need is a place to rest.” said the boy.

The tree said, “Good! Old tree roots are the best place to rest.” The boy sat down. The tree was glad.

The tree in this story is like your parents. Your parents are like a tree. They always you, no matter where you are.

1.A. plays B. playedC. playing D. to playing

2.A. grew upB. put upC. cheered upD. rang up

3.A. excitedB. happyC. surprisedD. sad

4.A. forB. ofC. withD. on

5.A. buyB. sellC. eatD. make

6.A. happilyB. angrilyC. friendlyD. lovely

7.A. BecauseB. ButC. OrD. So

8.A. anythingB. everythingC. nothingD. something

9.A. youB. heC. ID. We

10.A. worryB. loveC. hateD. give



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年上海市松江区九年级6月模拟(四模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

“Chinese style road crossing” became a hot topic in China from the end of last year. Now, many cities have started to punish these jaywalkers (乱闯马路的人).

“Chinese style road crossing” means crossing roads without thinking about traffic lights, as long as you are part of a crowd.

Beijing Traffic Management Bureau (北京交通管理局) announced that from April 6, people who do not wait for the green light to cross the road will receive a fine of 10 yuan. Officials from the bureau said that using the diagonal (对角线) to cross the road is also against the rules. Walkers should walk in an “L” shape.

Besides Beijing, many places have also taken steps to stop “Chinese style road crossing”. Provinces such as Sichuan, Shanxi and Zhejiang have already started to fine jaywalkers 5 to 50 yuan since last year.

Road traffic deaths top the list of deaths from non-natural causes in China, Xinhua reported. The action to punish behaviors that go against traffic rules calls on people to realize the importance of traffic safety.

However, many people complain that the red lights last too long. “But as long as the design of traffic lights is the same, everyone should follow the rulers. Otherwise the country will lose its order,” said People’s Daily.

Some cities have also paid attention to the problem. Beijing Traffic Management Bureau, for example, said it would not only focus on punishment, but also improve road safety facilities (设施), such as fixing traffic lights in a more proper way and building overpasses (天桥).

1. Was the topic “Chinese style road crossing” very popular last year?

2.What is the right way for walkers to cross the road?

3. How are jaywalkers in Sichuan punished?

4. Why is it necessary to punish those who go against traffic rules?

5. Besides punishment, what else do some cities do to solve the problem?

6. What’s your opinion on the action to punish jaywalkers?



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年上海市松江区九年级6月模拟(四模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mr. Lee spent the final time of his life in writing after finding out that he ________ soon.

A. would die B. will die

C. died D. has died



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年上海市松江区九年级6月模拟(四模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Paul learns English ________. He often goes to the English Corner at weekends.

A. he B. him

C. his D. himself



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年上海市杨浦区九年级中考4月基础测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1. The club organizes short trips to the mountains, , museums ,and so on.(beach)

2. After years’ practice, the boy became a very famous (art)

3. The love from our parent is the love in the world (deep)

4.Italy beat France by 6:4,and won the championship for the time (four)

5. The weather is very at this time of year.(change)

6.He played the piano so that a lot of people lost themselves in it.(beautiful)

7.People are wondering how Malasia Airline Flight MH370 could off radar(appear)

8.It’s Dad’s birthday and we’re going out for A、meal to (celebration)



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年上海市杨浦区九年级中考4月基础测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If I can’t finish _____________my homework now, I’ll go on with it after supper.

A. do B. doing C. did D. to do



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-1014学年江苏省扬州市邗江区七年级下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:翻译




2.Mr Wu将带领那些访问者参观我们的博物馆。










科目:初中英语 来源:2013--2014学年度海门市七年级第二学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

is it from your home to the centre of the town?

Only 10 minutes on foot.

A. How often B. How soon

C. How far D. How long


