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“Did you go skating a lot last year?” I asked. Jen shook her head and looked at me. Finally she said, “On Thanksgiving, Mom and I always went to visit some friends who lived on a farm. I especially loved seeing their big turkeys.”

Until then, I didn’t think about how Jen felt. She had a new stepfather (继父) and stepbrother, and had a new town and home, too. Jen and her mom used to live near a lake where Dad and I went every summer, and she had to move up north with us. She had more changes than me.

Jen seemed sad, so I was busy thinking of some ways to cheer her up on Thanksgiving. I told her my plan and she was excited. First we made a huge snowball, and then a small snowball. Then we built a wall behind the big snowball as a tail. Jen mixed some food coloring with water, saying, “We can spray (喷) colors on the tail.” Our snow turkey had a red, blue, green, and yellow tail. We were so busy that we didn’t notice our parents come outside. Dad found a hat for the snow turkey, and Mom wrapped her scarf around its neck.

“Thanks for cheering Jen up,” Mom said. “You’re a good brother, and you always come up with great ideas.’’ A happy feeling spread through me. I began to understand how much she cared about everyone in our new family.

1.What did Jen do on Thanksgiving in the past?

A. She went skating with her friends.

B. She went to the farm with her mother.

C. She stayed at home with her mother.

D. She made snow turkeys with her mother.

2.What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A. Jen lived near a lake in the past.

B. The writer was Jen’s stepfather.

C. Jen moved up north for studying.

D. The writer just moved out of his old house.

3. How many people are there in Jen’s new family?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

4.Which of the following is the right order?

①made a small snowball

②found a hat

③made a huge snowball

④sprayed colors on the tail

⑤wrapped a scarf around the neck

⑥built a wall behind the big snowball

A. ①③⑥④②⑤ B. ①②③④⑤⑥

C. ③①⑥④②⑤ D. ③①⑥②④⑤

5.What can we infer (推断) from the underlined sentence?

A. Jen’s stepmother was not friendly to the writer.

B. Jen didn’t feel happy after moving here.

C. Jen’s mother did a lot to make Jen happy.

D. The writer felt happy because his stepmother liked him.









1.文章第一自然段On Thanksgiving, Mom and I always went to visit some friends who lived on a farm. 在感恩节这天,妈妈和我总是去拜访一些朋友住在一个农场。故选B。

2. and her mom used to live near a lake where Dad and I went every summer, and she had to move up north with us. 珍和她的妈妈过去住在一个湖泊附近,那是爸爸和我每年夏天都去的地方,后来她和我们不得不搬到北方。故选A。


4. we made a huge snowball, and then a small snowball. Then we built a wall behind the big snowball as a tail. Jen mixed some food coloring with water, saying, “We can spray (喷) colors on the tail.” Our snow turkey had a red, blue, green, and yellow tail. We were so busy that we didn’t notice our parents come outside. Dad found a hat for the snow turkey, and Mom wrapped her scarf around its neck. 首先,我们做了一个巨大的雪球,然后一个小的雪球。然后我们建立了一个雪球作为一个大尾巴后面的墙。Jen把一些事物着色与水混合,说,“我们可以在尾巴上涂(喷)颜色。“我们的雪火鸡有红色、蓝色、绿色和黄色的尾巴。我们很忙,我们没有注意到我们的父母来。爸爸发现了一个雪火鸡,妈妈用的围巾裹着火鸡的脖子。故选C。

5. for cheering Jen up,” Mom said. “You’re a good brother, and you always come up with great ideas.’’ A happy feeling spread through me. I began to understand how much she cared about everyone in our new family. 感谢你让Jen快乐起来,”妈妈说。“你是一个好哥哥,你总是能想出好主意。“快乐的感觉传遍了我。我开始了解她是多么地关心在新家庭的每个人。故选B。



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻何仉初级中学八年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

She sometimes ______ the train to work.

A. by B. take C. takes D. catch



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州西部协作区八年级上第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--Where ______ you ______lunch?---At home.There was no school lunch.

A.did,have B.are ,having

C. will,have D.do,have



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州西部协作区八年级上第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Nobody taught me English. I learned it by .

A. I B.my C. mine D.myself



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州西部协作区九年级上联考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Halloween is a strange holiday. It started several centuries ago in Europe. It began as “Hallow Evening” meaning “holy night”. At that time November 1st was called “All Saints’ Day” and people honoured all the saints who did not have their own special day. People believed that all the spirits of dead people were active on the night of October 31st. So people would play all sorts of tricks on each other.

Black is one of the traditional Halloween colors, probably because Halloween festivals and traditions took place at night. Pumpkins are a symbol of Halloween, so orange has become the other traditional Halloween color. Making lanterns out of pumpkins is a Halloween custom.

Halloween is great fun for children. They dress up as ghosts(鬼),witches(女巫), Small children go “Trick-or-Treating”. They wear costumes, knock on doors, and shout, “Trick or Treat!” People almost always choose to give them candies as a treat, instead of choosing to receive a trick from the children. Adults sometimes “trick or treat” their friends, too. Usually the “treat” is a glass of wine or some small gifts.

1.Halloween is a holiday which started ________ of years ago in ________.

2.It was believed that the spirits of _______ people were active on the night ________ “All Saints’ Day”.

3.________ and ________ are both traditional Halloween colors.

4.People, especially________, have great fun playing “Trick or Treat” to ________Halloween.

5.According to the custom, people always treat the children with ________ instead of _______a trick from them.



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州西部协作区九年级上联考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I have finished _________my report. May I start to learn ________the guitar?

A. writing, playing B. writing, to play

C. to write, playing D. to write, to play



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州西部协作区九年级上联考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— What did you do on April Fool’s Day? — I played a trick my brother.

A. on B. to C. with D. at



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东济宁梁山韶华中学九年级9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He decides his life and promises a better person.

A.to change,to be B.changing, being

C.changing, to be D.to change, being



科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东日照莒县北五校八年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Jim is funnier than ________ in his class.

A. any other boy B. any boy

C. any other boys D. all the boys


