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---Where’s your mother, Helen?

---She __________the flower in the garden.

A. waters B. is going to water

C. is watering D. watered


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏盐城东台市第一教研片八年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There is no air _______ water on the moon .

A.and B. but C. or D.with


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏启东长江教育集团七年级下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Mrs.. Black was a famous musician. Several years ago she ______ music at a school and her students did well in their lessons. They liked her very much. Now the old woman stays at home with her husband. The old man looks after his wife well and she is _______ worried about anything. And she is very __________.

Just like some old people, Mrs. Black finds that her _________ is falling. Sometimes she forgets what she did or what she will have to do. It often gets her in trouble. Her ________ noticed this and asked her to see a famous doctor.

He bought two tickets__________ London and told her to put ________ into her handbag while she was playing the piano. The next morning, when they got to the _________ just in time to catch the plane, Mrs.. Black said, “ I wish we’d brought ________ with us.”

“Don’t be a fool(傻瓜), dear!” said Mr. Black with a smile. “ We are not going to hold a concert(音乐会), but to see a ________.”

“I know,” she said, “ but I’ve left the tickets on it!”

1.A. loved B. taught C. enjoyed D. studied

2.A. always B. often C. never D. sometimes

3.A. sorry B. worried C. sad D. happy

4.A. sight B. hearing C. interest D. memory

5.A. husband B. daughter C. son D. student

6.A. for B. in C. from D. to

7.A. it B. them C. this D. that

8.A. airport B. bus stop C. station D. hospital

9.A. money B. music C. the ticket D. the piano

10.A. doctor B. film C. play D. house


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南菁高级中学七年级3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

缺词填空 (本大题共5分,每空0.5分)

Hosts: Ladies and Gentlmen! Today we have some volunteers from our neighbourhood. They’re going to talk about their j__1._______. Maybe they’ll be of some help to you some day!

Woman 1: Hello, my name is Pan Wei. I’m a c____2._____ English teacher. I enjoy my job. I love t__3._______ young people this useful language. I could help if you have problems with your English studies.

Man 1: Hi, I’m Lin Sen. I’m a computer e____4._____. I help people with their computer problems. I’m happy to c_____5.___ and fix computers for people in our neighbourhood.

Woman 2: Hello everyone! My name is Su Ning. I’m a n______6.___ at Sunshine Hospital. I like being a nurse because I help people in our town in an important w__7._______. In my free time, I’d like to help at the c_8.________ center by doing some health care work for you.

Man 2: I’m Lan Bo. I’m a dentist. My job is to look a____9._____ people’s teeth. I want to help people avoid(避免) toothache(牙疼). I can give you advice on everyone tooth care.

Host: T______10.___ for your kindness. I believe you can all help people in our neighbourhood in some way.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南菁高级中学七年级3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Once a king was walking around a pool with his ministers(大臣). Suddenly, he came up with an idea. He asked, “How many baskets of ________are there in the pool?” The ministers couldn’t give a(n) __________. The king was angry, “You _________answer my question in three days!”

Three days passed, but the ministers had _________answer. Just then, a child said that he knew it. The king told the ministers to lead (带领) the child to the _________. To his surprise, the child refused(拒绝) and said with a smile, “It’s __________. No need to go to the pool.” This made the king pleased(高兴). “All right. Let us know what it is.” The child said, “If you know the _________of the basket, the answer is known. __________it is as big as the pool, there is one basket of water; half as big, ________basket(s)…” “stop! That’s it. You’ve got the answer.” The king said happily.

Sometimes to get out of the difficulty, one must change one’s way of __________.

1.A.fish B.flowers C.water D.grass

2.A.basket B.pool C.question D.answer

3.A.can B.must C.may D.need

4.A.no B.an C.every D.another

5.A.palace B.pool C.room D.garden

6.A.easy B.important C.hard D.dangerous

7.A.colour B.age C.size D.weight

8.A.Because B.If C.But D.Or

9.A.half B.one C.two D.three

10.A.listening B.teaching C.talking D.thinking


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南菁高级中学七年级3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---What __________the people in your neighbourhood __________?

---They are kind and helpful.

A. does; like B. do; like C. are; like D. is; like


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏韩洋初级中学八年级下第一次阶段性测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


寒假过后,你准备参加学校“英语角”开展的“用英语讲故事”活动,你选取了“记一次旅行话题”话题。请你根据下表所提示的要点,以A trip to Beijing为题,简述你的北京之旅,并谈谈感受。














提示词:升国旗:the raising of the national flag

I went to Beijing with my parents this winter holiday.________________________________


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏韩洋初级中学八年级下第一次阶段性测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The Greens used to live in London and now they ________ in Beijing.

A. used to live B. are used to live

C. are used to living D. are used for living


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南耒阳市七年级下第一次段考测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

An old man visited a new doctor. The new doctor was very young.“I don’t feel well, doctor,”the old man said,“please find out (查明) what’s wrong with me.”

“Take off(脱掉) your clothes and lie on the bed,” the young doctor said, “I’ll examine you.”

He listened to the old man’s heart, looked into his throat(喉咙) and examined(检查) every part of him. However, he couldn’t find anything wrong with the old man. At last he said,“I’m sorry,but I can’t find anything wrong with you. You are as healthy as (和……一样健康) I am.”

“That’s very strange(奇怪的),”the old man said,“I really feel bad.”

“Come back tomorrow if you don’t feel better,”the young doctor said,“I’ll examine you again.”

“All right, doctor.”the old man said slowly. He stood up and put on his clothes. Then he walked out of the hospital. A few minutes later,a nurse ran in.“Doctor,Doctor!”she cried,“The man who you said was healthy has just died outside the door.”

The doctor thought quickly and said,“Then turn the body around so that(以便)people will think he was coming.”


1.What’s wrong with the old man?


2.How did the new doctor examine the old man?


3.Was the old man as healthy as the doctor?


4.Could the doctor find anything wrong with the old man?


5.If the old man didn’t die, do you think he would see that doctor again?


