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Hello,boys and girls. My name is David. Tm from Canada. Tm in the U. S. A now. I 1 1 the food here. So I often eat a 1 2 of food. I have breakfast at home. F 3 breakfast,I eat eggs and apples. I d 4 like milk at all. I have no time to go home for 1 5 .

The lunch in our school is good. I can have d 6 foods for lunch. I eat chicken,tomatoes and oranges. Sometimes I eat cakes and hamburgers. I have dinner at home w 7 my father and mother. S 8 we eat out with our friends. We h 9 fish,vegetables and fruit.

What a 10 you? Please tell me.


1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

6.  7.  8.  9. 10.

[答案] 1. like   2. lot   3. For   4. don't 5. lunch

6. different   7. with   8. Sometimes   9. have   10. a- bout


1. 本题要用动词,根据题意:我喜欢这里的食物,用 like。

2. 固定短语:“许多”a lot of。

3. eat... for breakfast “早饭吃 ”。

4. “不喜欢”don't,句中not…at all表示“一点也 不”,看出是否定。

5. 句意:我没有时间回家吃午饭。和前面意思联系 起来,故填lunch。

6. 第五行 I eat chicken,tomatoes and oranges.看出 前面是不同的食物,故填different。

7. 句意:和父母一起吃饭,with“与……一起”。

8. 句意:有时我们和朋友一起出去吃饭,sometimes “有时”。

9. have相当于eat,意思是“吃”。

10. 句意:你呢?

题目来源:2016年阅读空间英语阅读理解与完形填空七年级 > PASSAGE E阅读理解


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

    Early last year,two young brothers in Jiangsu Province 1 badly burned while playing. The “game” they were playing was 2 they had watched in the cartoon Pleasant Goat and the Big Big Wolf (《喜羊羊和灰太狼》). The brothers were 3 two little goats while their friend was playing a bad wolf     Their friend tied them 4 a tree and set fire to the grass around them. The sad story is an example of how many children follow the violence (暴力) they see on television,especially cartoons. It is 5 that violent cartoons can make children more aggressive (具有攻击性的). In a survey,researchers 6 the children after watching non-violent and violent cartoons. They found that the kids who watched violent cartoons fought with others and 7 class rules more often. Children under the age of seven are too 8 to understand that the violence on TV can bring 9 real harm. It is parents’ job 10 them understand it.

() 1. A. are   B. is   C. were   D. was

() 2. A. something   B. anything   C. everything   D. nothing

() 3. A. eating   B. buying   C. watching   D. playing

() 4. A. with   B. to   C. in   D. at

() 5. A. report   B. reporter   C. reported   D. reporting

() 6. A. advised   B. asked   C. called   D. compared

() 7. A. broke   B. followed   C. obeyed   D. made

() 8. A. young   B. old   C. small   D. little

() 9. A. him   B. them   C. we   D. you

() 10. A. help   B. to help   C. helping   D. helped


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











1题为判断正(T) 误(F) ;2题为补全句子;3题为简略回答问题;4题为翻译句子;5题为句型转换。

1. Raines Chinese name is Sophie.()

2. Sophie comes from .

3. Who is a swimmer?


4. 请将文中画线句子(2) 翻译成汉语。


5. 请将文中画线句子(1) 变为特殊疑问句。



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











corner,be, watch,play,fast,but,over,between,after,activity We have two classes in the afternoon. Now classes are 1 . Many students are doing outdoor 2 . Some boys are 3 football on the playground. Some girls are playing games in a 4 of the playground. There is a basketball game 5 Class One and Class Two. A lot of students come and 6 it. Class One will win (赢) the game,7 the players (选 手) from Class Two are still (仍然) playing very hard.

Look!Five boys 8 practicing (练习) running over there. They practice it every day 9 school. They can run very 10 now. I think our school life is very interesting.


1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

6. 7. 8.  9.  10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:









<img 83="" src="file:///D:/%E5%BD%95%E9%A2%98twr/%E5%91%A8%E6%B5%8B%E6%9C%88%E8%80%83%E7%9B%B4%E9%80%9A%E9%AB%98%E8%80%83%E9%AB%98%E4%B8%AD%E8%8B%B1%E8%AF%AD%E5%BF%85%E4%BF%AE4%E5%A4%96%E7%A0%94%E7%89%88/Untitled.FR%E9%A2%98%E7%9 <span class=" ae="" span="" class=""" untitled.fr98 ee-1. ="" style="width: 132 <span class=" height:="">

(1) Americans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight o^lock in the morning. They usually have eggs,some meat,bread,fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelve and one o’clock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near workplace.

(2) Children in school take sandwiches^ fruit 9 and cookies with them or eat in school. Supper,the main meal? is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat or chicken,turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or rice,vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee,tea or milk. Then comes the dessert.

1题为判断正(T) 误(F) ;2题为补全句子;3题为简略回答问题;4题为翻译句子;5题为句型转换。

1. Americans usually have breakfast and supper at work palce.()

2. is the most important meal in a day.

3. What do Americans usually have for breakfast?


4. 请将文中画线句子(1) 翻译成汉语。


5. 请将文中画线句子(2) 变为特殊疑问句。



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

话题学校文体说明文 词数 95 限时 9分 正确率 %

Lucy is a new student in the school. And there are thirty-nine students in 1 class. That's twenty-one boys and 2 girls. There are two 3 girls. Their names are Tina and Linda. They 4 twelve years old. They 5 China. They like Chinese people and food,6 .

7 any buildings in their school? Yes,there are. Boys and girls often have classes in the classrooms,play games 8 their classmates in the sports hall,and 9 books in the library. There is a dining hall in the 10 . It's next to the sports hall.

() 1. A. your   B. her   C. my   D. hiss

() 2. A. nine   B. thrity-two   C. eighteen   D. twenty

() 3. A. American   B. England   C. China   D. Canada

() 4. A. am   B. is   C. are   D. be

() 5. A. drink   B. make   C. like . D. look

() 6. A. so   B. too   C. also   D. two

() 7. A. Is there   B. Have you   C. Are there   D. Has he

() 8. A. with   B. from   C. to   D. of

() 9. A. ride   B. read   C. play   D. work

() 10. A. school   B. park   C. hospital   D. home


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:










The Reading Club meets in the library after school. We read and talk a 1 English storybooks. It is a lot of fun. I tell the o 2 students about good books. Then,they tell me about their f 3 books. We also learn about new books and choose what we want to r 4 next. We can read books alone,or we can listen to recordings of storybooks on CDs. I like 1 5 to stories on CDs. I can hear many d 6 voices and sounds. This h 7 me speak and understand English.

S 8 we read books in pairs. Students in Grade 9 help me read difficult books. They tell me what the words mean and help me understand. This is very h 9 . I like to learn f 10 the older students.


1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

6.  7.  8.  9.  10.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











One day I go to my good friend Bruce's home. There are four people in his family. His parents 1 both English teachers. He 2 a little brother. 3 name is Peter. Peter is only five years old. He doesn’t 4 to school. So he doesn’t know how to read or write. I see Peter sitting at the table with a pen 5 his hand. “What are you doing,Peter?” I ask. “I'm writing 6 my friend,Bill”’ says Peter. “But how 7 write?” I ask. “You don't know the words,because (因为) you don't go to 8 . ”With a smile,Peter says. “But it doesn’t matter (没关系) because my 9 and I know the words on the moon. I write to him in the moon language. It's easy (容易的) for him to read my letter. I tell him an interesting story. I'm sure Bill will be 10 to read it. ” What an interesting answer it is!

() 1. A. is   B. be   C. am   D. are

() 2. A. has   B. have   C. is   D. are

() 3. A. Her   B. He's   C. His   D. She's

() 4. A. go   B. goes   C. to go   D. going

() 5. A. on   B. in   C. to   D. from

() 6. A. in   B. with   C. to   D. on

() 7. A. you can   B. can you   C. you may   D. may you

() 8. A. the party   B. the zoo   C. school   D. his home

() 9. A. brother   B. sister   C. friend   D. teacher

() 10. A. sad   B. busy   C. happy   D. ill


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:







限时j 7分



There is a zoo named Zhongshan in our city. There are many animals. Some animals are very friendly. But some other animals are not. Tigers,lions and some snakes are dangerous (危险的) . That's why they must be in cages (笼) . But I don't think it's good for animals to be in cages. They need to be free. The animals in cages cannot be happy.

Tigers usually live in forests (森林) and mountains (高山) .They are strong and can run very fast (快) . They run after and eat small animals like rabbits and deer (鹿) ,but now they are in small cages. They have nothing to do every day. So they walk around in the cages,and they want to come out. When they are tired,they sleep. I feel sorry for them.

() 1. Why do tigers? lions and snakes have to stay in cages?

   A. Because they are very dangerous. B. Because they are very friendly.

   C. Because they need to be free. D. Because they like to be in cages.

() 2. Where do tigers usually live?

   A. In cages. B. In forests and mountains.

   C. In the zoo. D. In small rooms.

() 3. What do tigers usually do in forests?

   A. They have nothing to do. B. They walk around.

   C. They want to sleep. D. They run after and eat small animals.

() 4. Tigers want to when they are in cages.

   A. come out   B. eat animals

   C. run fast   D. be friendly to people

() 5. Why does the writer feel sorry for the tigers in cages?

   A. Because the writer thinks tigers need to eat food.

   B. Because the writer thinks tigers are dangerous.

   C. Because the writer thinks tigers need to be free.

   D. Because the writer thinks tigers are very happy.

