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Dear students, please read every sentence carefully. ________ you are, ______ mistakes you’ll make.

A. the more carefully, the fewer

B. the more careful, the less

C the more carefully, the less

D the more careful, the fewer.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年重庆第七十一中学校九年级3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

-______ is it from your home to school?

-It’s about ten minutes’ bus ride.

A. How far B. How long

C. How many D. How soon


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄沙沟镇南常中学九年级中考适应性测试四英语试卷(解析版) 题型:翻译



1.---I can’t make complete sentences.

--- Don’t __________________________(不要怕犯错), because it’s very common.(make)

2.---Wanglin won the first prize in the speech contest.

---Yeah, he was _____________________________(激动得说不出一句话来).(that)

3.---How can I improve my English.

---Doing more listening and reading can_________________(使你可能学好英语).(make)

4.---He ____________________________(过去厌恶踢足球 ), but now he loves it.(used)

---Oh, people sure change!

5.---What did your head teacher ask you to do just now?

---He ____________________(鼓励我们参加保护) the environment.(encourage)


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄沙沟镇南常中学九年级中考适应性测试四英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--- Is John an ________ boy?

--- Yes, he never tells lies.

A.honest B.active C.athletic D.outgoing


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东泰安市九年级阶段性评估英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

How do you like your school? Have you ever written to your headmaster to express your idea? Here are some letters written by students from different schools.

Luke, 14, from Jiangsu

I will give some suggestions about our school uniform. In our school, we students have to wear uniform every day. But the yellow and green sports kit(服装)looks really dark and old. It can’t stand for young and lively spirit. We can add some red or orange colors and make a new type of uniform. I hope our headmaster will think about it.

Danny, 14, from Zhejiang

I have two suggestions for my headmaster. First of all, I think we should have more hobby classes in science , such as plane model making class and computer programming class. It is really boring to study basic subjects all the time. And second, I hope we can have more PE lessons or more time for physical exercise. Lots of students now don’t have a strong enough body.

Sam, 15, from Shanxi

I’d like to say thank you to my headmaster. About one week ago, I got a bad cold after playing basketball. Our headmaster came to me after he knew about it. He took care of me until my parents came. I really want to thank him for that.

Helen, 14, from Shandong

In the letter I wrote, I want to talk about the possibility of personal(个性化的)classes. Now many middle schools are trying the “personal class” system. Students don’t have regular classes. They can choose lessons they want to take. I think it is more effective. And it is also good for exercise. We don’t have to stay in one classroom all the time.

1.Luke gives some suggestions about ______ in his letter.

A. hobby classes B. personal classes

C. school uniform D. basketball playing

2.The reasons why Danny gives two suggestions are that ______.

A. students have too few classes every day and they love sports

B. studying basic subjects only is boring and students are too weak

C. hobby classes are interesting and students have no PE lessons at all

D. students want to cancel the basic subjects and they want to have more sports lessons

3.All the students except __ write to the headmaster to complain about something.

A. Luke B. Danny C. Sam D. Helen

4.The underlined sentence “I think it is more effective” means “______”

A. Regular classes will be more vivid and lively.

B. Regular classes will help students learn better.

C. Personal classes will be more vivid and lively.

D. Personal classes will help students learn better.

5.According to the passage, most students write to their headmasters about ______.

A. personal experiences

B. how to make schools better

C. spare time activities

D. how to deal with other students


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东泰安市九年级阶段性评估英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Tom works hard at English.

—____, and _____.

A. So does he ; so you do B. So you do; so is he

C. So he will; so do you D. So he does; so do you


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东泰安市九年级阶段性评估英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— I missed the beginning of The Voice of China yesterday evening.

—_________! But you can watch the re-play tonight.

A. Hurry up B. What a pity

C. Try your best D. It serves you right


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东东营市九年级下第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

North American black bears are shy animals. They are fearful by nature, and will usually run away if they see or hear people. Because of this, it can be difficult for scientists to learn about these animals.

In order to study black bears, researchers from New Jersey, USA, catch bears and use drugs to help them go to sleep. Researchers then work out the size and the weight of the bear, take blood to test for diseases(疾病), remove a tooth and take it to the lab to find out its age. From these studies, researchers want to find out how many bears live in New Jersey, how long they live, and how many babies they produce.

But in Minnesota, USA, researchers study bears that are completely awake. The bears know the researchers' voices and they are not afraid of die research team. With the help of a few grapes to keep the bears busy, researchers can touch them to check their hearts, look at their teeth, and do other jobs. Researchers can also walk or sit with bears for hours and make videos to learn about their everyday lives.

In both places, the main purpose is the same—to make sure there is a healthy population of black bears. But the research methods and the kinds of information that researchers, are able to collect are quite different.

1. In the first paragraph, we can learn that North American black bears are _______.

A. shy and fearful animals B. not found today

C. well known to scientists D. not afraid of people

2. The word "remove" in the second paragraph probably means _____ in Chinese.

A. 拔下 B.移植 C. 清洗 D. 修补

3.Which of the following may NOT be included in the New Jersey studies on bears?

A. The age. B. The way of their communication.

C. The weight. D. The number of babies they produce.

4.In the Minnesota studies, researchers _____.

A. can never get close to the bears

B. study the bears while they are asleep

C. use grapes to make the bears full

D. learn a lot about the bears' everyday lives

5.What do the two studies have in common?

A. Research places. B. The main purpose.

C. Research methods. D. Collected information.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁省营口市中考模拟考试(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

----_______ wonderful girl she is ! She can skate so well.---- ____ more and make it better .

A. What, Practices B. How, Practicing

C. What a , Practice D. What an , To practice

