精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

“________ I take your umbrella with me.” “No, you ________.”

[  ]

A.May, mustn't
B.May, needn't
C.Must, mustn't
D.Need, can't

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

下列划线字注音完全正确的一项。(     )(3分)
A.脑(suǐ)花(pǔ)( lí)歌倜傥(tìtǎnɡ)


Amy:  I like to take my vacations at home. But this summer, I want to do something different. I’m going sightseeing(观光). Next week I am leaving for Ottawa. I’m staying there for two weeks. Then I’m going to Alaska. I’m going to take many photos there. I can’t wait any longer.


Jay :  This summer vacation is coming. I’ll be very busy. I’m going to Europe(欧洲)to visit my cousins in Liverpool and my aunts in Naples. I plan to go to Rome, because I want to meet pen friend Jackson there.


Jarey: I think the best place for a summer vacation is the beach. I’m going to Hawaii on August 8. It has fantastic beaches and I like the sand, the sea and the sun, I am staying there for three weeks. There are many exciting things to do there.
【小题1】Amy is going to _________ first for her summer vacation.
【小题2】Jay is going to Europe to _________ . 
A.visit his pen friendsB.go sightseeingC.take photosD.visit his relatives(亲戚)
【小题3】Jay’s pen friend lives in _________ . 
【小题4】Jarey is going to stay in Hawaii for _________ . 
A.ten daysB.three weeksC.four weeksD.half a month
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Jay is going to take many photos during the summer vacation.
B.Amy isn’t going to take vacation at home this summer.
C.There are beautiful beaches in Hawaii.
D.Jay’s aunts live in Naples.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

短文首字母填空。 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
“You are welcome to have d__【小题1】_ with me on Sunday,” said John.
“But I don’t know w___【小题2】__ your house is,” said Henry. "It’s e___【小题3】__ to find. You get off the bus. Then c___【小题4】__ the road, and take the first t__【小题5】__ on the left. Walk for five m___【小题6】__. Then you’ll see a big tree. Take the s___【小题7】___ turning on the right after the tree. Walk about a hundred metres down this road. There is a big red house. Go p___【小题8】__ the big house about five hundred metres, and you’ll see a small y__【小题9】__ house beside a little tree. Open the door with your foot.”
“With my foot?” said Henry.
“Yes,” said John. “Well, you won’t c_【小题10】__ to my house empty-handed(空手地), will you?”


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省泰兴市九年级升学统一考试(一模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子

Do you like travelling? Do you often travel in your holidays? Travelling is i__________ and exciting, but it is not if you get sick. So what can you do to stay in good h_______? There are three things you should remember when you travel: relax, sleep and eat w______ .

When you travel, there are so many places to v_______: museums, shops and parks. You may spend most of your days w_________ around these places. You may be very tired after a few h_________. If this is the way you feel, you should take a good rest.

Sleep is a________ important. You may want to stay out late at night. In many cities, the nightlife can be very exciting. Then you should plan to sleep for an hour in the day.

Finally, if you want to stay healthy, you must eat well. That m_________ eating the right kinds of foods. When you are in a new country, you may want to try new foods, but you need to be careful about how m_________ you eat . Lots of rich (油腻的)food isn’t good for you .

So, remember these! If you want to enjoy your holiday, take good care of y________. Give your body some rest. Get enough sleep and eat good, healthy food.


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:填空题

1. Movie Palace has the most c_____ seats.
2. Last week's talent show was a great s_____.
3. —Could you take out the t_____? —Sure.
4. There is going to be an art  _____ (展览会) this evening.
5. My brother wants to be a computer _____ (程序师).  
6. Yang Liwei is a n_____ hero in China.
7. Li Yundi, a well-know Chinese p_____, always loved music.
8. Deng Yaping went to Tsinghua University and m_____ in English and management in 1997.
9. I don't like pure (纯的) milk, but I like y_____.
10. Do you think it _____ (必要的) to have a friend who has cool clothes?


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省期末题 题型:填空题

1. Does he ___________(有) big eyes?
2. We have two ___________(手).
3. They live on the ___________(五) floor.
4. May I take you a ___________ (口信)?
5. Ellen ___________ (乘) the bus to school.
6. Would you like something to d___________?
7. Three q___________ of the students are carrying the water.
8. Help y___________ to the dishes, kids.
9. Would you like a g___________ of milk?
10. I don't want any more noodles. I'm  f___________.

