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The human brain weighs about 1.4 kilograms, but it can, hold much more information than most computers. However, there is another difference between humans and computers. Computers don't forget information they are given, but humans often do. No one remembers everything, and luckily we don't usually have to. But everyone can improve their memory if they want to. Here are some suggestions.
◆Try to use new information immediately. For example, if you meet someone who says "Hi! I'm Carlos," don't just say "Hello." Repeat the person's name. Say"____"
◆Break a big number into smaller parts. For example, it's hard to memorize (记忆) 109244153. But if you break it into three parts--109/244/153—it becomes easier.
◆Write out what you need to remember over and over again. This will help you keep it in mind longer, especially for memorizing formulas (公式) or facts.
◆Always review information. If you bring what you've learned back to your mind, they become easier to remember. For example, before you go to sleep, it’s a good idea to review the new things you learned that day.
◆Discuss with a friend. It is always easier to remember things through discussions. You can have a discussion about what’s right and what's wrong, and it will lead to the right answer.
◆Never tell yourself that you have a bad memory. You can always do something to help improve your memory. And everyone's memory gets better if they use it often enough.
All of the suggestions are helpful. If you follow them, you are certain to improve your memory.
【小题1】 How many suggestions are mentioned in the passage?

【小题2】 Which should be put in the blank (空格) in Paragraph 2?
A.Hello, Carlos.B.How do you do?
C.Hello, I am Sophia.D.Glad to meet you!
【小题3】 What can help memorize a big number more easily according to the passage?
A.To store it in a computer.
B.To break it into stunner parts.
C.To discuss it with a friend.
D.To review it before you sleep.
【小题4】 Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Discussing with friends can help you remember things.
B.Always reviewing information can help you fall asleep.
C.Formulas and facts can help you learn about your brain.
D.Human beings can improve their memory by computer.
【小题5】 What does the sentence "Never tell yourself that you have a bad memory” mean?
A.You should tell others about your bad memory.
B.You should believe in other people all the time.
C.You should ask others to improve their memory.
D.You should be confident in your memory ability.


【小题3】细节理解题。这个题目的答案在文章中的第三段中,即Break a big number into smaller parts,当我们记忆比较长的数字时,我们可以把它分成几个小部分来记。本段还给出了一个例子,故选B.
【小题4】理判断题。根据文章第六段Discuss with a friend可知,和朋友一起讨论会比较容易记住,故A选项是正确的。根据文章第五段可知always review information可以帮助我们记住东西,故B选项表达不对;C选项在文章中并没有说明,且这句话公式和事实能帮助你了解你的大脑,这句话本身就是不对的;D选项意为人们可以通过电脑来提高记忆力,这句话也是不对的。故选A。
【小题5】句意猜测题。原句Never tell yourself that you have a bad memory意为:不要对自己说你的记忆力不好。这句话旨在告诉我们要相信自己的记忆力其实很好,要有信心,故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The westerners have more vacation days than us. Some people like to stay at home during their vacation. They work in the garden, visit their friends, read books or watch television. Many families take their lunch to a park or somewhere far from the city. They like to eat under some trees or near a nice lake. If they live near the sea, they often go to the seaside. There they can fish, swim or enjoy the sun.
The westerners like travelling. They think travelling and outdoor activities are the parts of their lives. They work hard to save money, but their main purpose(目的) is to travel.
Most western students often make use of their vacation to camp. There are thousands of camp interesting bases(基地) in western countries. They can swim, go fishing, attend lectures, and take part in many other recreational(娱乐性的) activities there. It can help them wrest from the secrets of nature, train(训练) their viability(生存能力), and teach them how to be self-reliant (自立).
【小题1】Some westerners like to ______ at home during their vacation.

A.clean their rooms B.cook their meals
C.work in the garden and watch TV D.go fishing
【小题2】Many families often take their lunch out and have it ______.
A.under some trees B.near the city
C.near the sea D.in the restaurants
【小题3】______ is very important for the westerners.
A.Working hard B.Travelling C.Saving money D.Going camping
【小题4】What does the underlined phrase “wrest from” mean here?
A.取得 B.保守 C.认识 D.探索
【小题5】The passage mainly tells us ______.
A.how the westerners spend their vacation
B.the westerners have more vacation days than us
C.different views on vacation between the westerners and the easterners
D.teach the western students how to be self-reliant


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In America, seldom do you go anywhere without hearing a principle called WIN-WIN. It sounds strange to me at first because throughout my childhood, I have always been taught to try everything possible to win an upper-hand, rather than to help other people win. However, as time goes by, I have gradually understood the essence (真谛) of WIN-WIN principle—it is the way of winning on both sides.
When I was little, I used to play Chinese checkers (跳棋) which includes two basic tactics (战术): One is to create paths for yourself; the other is to prevent your rival﹙对手﹚ moving. Players may use these two totally different ways in the game, but the key for the player to win is to continuously create paths for him even if his rival may take advantage of it. Finally he can always reach the goal a few steps ahead of the other player.
In the 1990s, a strategy﹙战略﹚ called WIN-WIN became widespread in the western world. Its aim is to achieve your success while giving other people some advantages, so there is no real loser. One example of using the WIN-WIN principle is the voluntary system in the US. Most Americans support the spirit of voluntary contribution. In the US, schools and children organizations usually encourage and support kids to take part in community activities so that the voluntary spirit can be enrooted in their minds from childhood.
In China, it’s quite usual that some people are too selfish and never take people’s interests into consideration, while someone who really has courage to do something for the public is often called “foolish” or “silly”. Actually helping other people can be of great delight for the helper, for he can also learn something useful for his life such as sympathy, care, devotion, etc. So only if you take other people’s interests into consideration , you can make sure to win what you want.
【小题1】The purpose of the author in writing the passage is _______.

A.to tell us the cultural differences between China and the US.
B.to tell us the different educational systems in the US and China.
C.to tell us the importance and meaning of WIN-WIN.
D.to show that WIN-WIN is popular in the US and China.
【小题2】What is the author’s attitude(态度) towards WIN-WIN?
【小题3】The underlined word “enrooted” in the third paragraph means ____.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Are your children liked by their teachers? All parents want their children to impress their teachers and succeed in school. You can get your children to impress their teachers by following these easy steps.
Make sure they’re prepared. Teachers are impressed by children coming to school prepared to learn. Make sure they have everything they need—pencils textbooks, erasers and so on.
Require them to be active in class. Teach them to ask teachers questions when they don’t understand something. Some children think teachers are bothered by questions, but most teachers are impressed when children take the initiative(采取主动) in asking questions. They should take part in class discussions, giving their opinions politely.
Keep your children healthy. If your children are tired and hungry, they won’t be ready to learn. Children need at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night. Feed your children a solid breakfast and prepare a healthy lunch. Provide them with fruit and other healthy foods—apples or bananas are better for them than cookies.
Make sure that your children do their homework. If they really don’t understand it, discuss it with them patiently. Don’t help them do their homework. Teachers can always tell who it is that does the work.
Teach your children good manners and habits. Children need to arrive at the school punctually, and be polite to their teachers and classmates. Parents need to teach these skills at home. Nothing is sweeter than children who say “please” and “thank you”,  and these are children their teachers are certain to love.
【小题1】What should parents do according to the passage?
A. They should ask their children’s teachers questions at times.
B. They should prepare their children cookies as well as fruits.
C. They ought to have discussions over difficulties with their children patiently.
【小题2】Which of the following statements is Not true?
A. Teachers aren’t able to decide if parents do homework for their children.
B. Children should go to school on time and learn to behave well.
C.Hungry and tired children can’t focus on their study.
【小题3】The passage mainly tells us that being parents, you should ________.
A. ask your children to get ready for classes before going to school
B. help your children to impress their teachers at school
C. teach your children to be polite to both their teachers and classmates


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“What is success”? Mr. Black asked his 6th grade business class. It was his opening conversation for the first class of the term.
“Success is riding in a sweet car, watching an 80-inch((英寸) TV, and living in a place with at least twelve rooms.” One student answered, earning(博得)laughs from all the students.
Mr. Black smiled, but shook his head. “Tom, that is excess(过量). That is not success.”
“How about being able to provide for your family?” A blonde girl named Sandy in the front suggested as an answer.
“Now we’re getting closer,” Mr. Black smiled, “but try thinking about what you need and what you want.”
“Getting everything you want.” Tom shouted out an answer again, trying for more laughs.
Mr. Black sighed(叹气).“ I believe we’ve already talked about excess versus(与…比较) success.”
“Getting everything you need, but some of what you want?” James, sitting in the back wondered aloud.
“Quite right!” Mr. Black clapped. “Success is getting everything you need and some of what you want. The more you get that you want, the more successful you are. You do reach a point where you are living in excess, though.”
“What does this have to do with business?” Tom asked. It seemed if it wasn’t funny, he wasn’t happy.
“Well, Tom, think of it this way: the point of business is to make a living to support your family. Once you have properly seen to (确保) their needs, you can then seen to getting the extras that you want.”
“What if I don’t have a family?” he continued to be difficult.
“Then you have to provide for yourself, a family of one.”
“He has goldfish to think about!” Peter, Tom’s friend, shouted out.
“Then he needs to provide for a family of one with a fishbowl.” Mr. Black corrected himself.
Tom nodded, satisfied with that answer.
“So in the next nine weeks, we’re going to study basic business situations, like having a checking account and understanding credit cards(信用卡).”
Tom rubbed his hands together excitedly. “When do we get to start spending?”
“You already are, Tom. You’re spending time with us!” Mr. Black laughed. “Now, let’s see what you guys know about credit cards…”
【小题1】What was Mr. Black?

A.A historyteacher B.A scienceteacher
C.A business teacher D.A math teacher
【小题2】Which student didn’t seem to be taking the class seriously?
A.Tom B.James C.Peter D.Sandy
【小题3】How did Mr. Black make his class lively and interesting?
A.He himself kept talking
B.He just read from a textbook.
C.He showed a movie to his students.
D.He got his students to take part in a discussion.
【小题4】How do you like Mr. Black according to the passage?
A.Strange B.Patient
C.Shy D.Proud
【小题5】What can be the best title of this passage?
A.Get What You Want B.Needs and Wants
C.Try to Get More Money D.How to Live Well


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Many students ask for advice about improving their English. There are three basic questions.
The first question is about real English. Li Hao from Hubei wrote, “I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English songs. But it takes a long time. What do you think?” This is a great way to learn English! Talk about the film or song with your friends, and guess the meaning of the new words. Just enjoy yourself!
The second question is about speaking. Sam, from Suzhou wrote, “Our school has a foreign teacher. But I’m shy and can’t speak to her. What should I do?” When I visit China, lots of people in the street say, “Hello! How are you? Where are you from? Do you like China?” These are good questions to start a conversation. Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile! Smiling always helps.
The third question is about vocabulary. Oliver, from Anhui wrote, “I want to remember all the new words. I wrote them down, but I forget them quickly. What should I do?” Try to remember eight or nine words a day. Write them on pieces of paper and place them in your bedroom. Say the words when you see them, and change them every day. And when you’re shopping, how about counting the English words, or saying the English names for everything you see?
【小题1】How many basic questions do the students often ask?

A.Two. B.Three.
C.Four. D.Five.
【小题2】 What is Oliver’s problem?
A.He’s too shy to talk with others.
B.He’s not able to count English words.
C.He can’t remember new words.
D.He doesn’t know what real English is.
【小题3】What’s the best title of this passage?
A.How to learn English
B.Talking about English films
C.Advice about English writing
D.The way of beginning an English conversation


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Hello, everyone. Because of the high rate of school violence(暴力) in some areas, teenagers’ safety becomes a serious problem. We are planning to set up an organization named School Watch to make sure that students have a safe school environment. Please be part of our plan!
What is School Watch?
School Watch is a volunteer project in our school. It helps us stop violence and improve the quality of school life. It will keep yourself and your schoolmates safe. The other members of School Watch care for you and your classroom, and you do the same for them.
Is it for everyone?
Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offer.
What else can it do?
School Watch makes it possible for us not only to help each other but also to make friends with each other. Some members may offer to help the schoolmates who have problems with their homework.
Who is the School Watch?
Our school will look for the School Watcher and give him or her lots of prizes. You could be the one!
How do you start?
To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of the plan in your grade. You can check the official website at www.schoolwatch.com if you want to get more information.
【小题1】. School Watch can help its members_______.

A.save the environment
B.go to school on time
C.improve the quality of school life
D.organize the sports activities
【小题2】. The members of School Watch are probably______.
A.teenagers B.doctors
C.parents D.policemen
【小题3】. Anyone can become a member of School Watch because ______.
A.everyone may have problems B.everyone can give help to others
C.everyone doesn’t go to school D.everyone isn’t busy


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Apart from keeping fit, students can learn many important lessons about life from life doing sports. Sports can teach students about winning and losing, When they win, they will get a lot of 【小题1】___, but they will also have to 【小题2】   it when they lose. This will help students understand competition, and make them more 【小题3】___ and hardworking. All this will【小题4】   them for the difficult challenges they will face at school and in 【小题5】____.
The introduction of school uniforms has helped to 【小题6】___ school violence. Much of school violence is linked to the clothes which different youth gangs wear. In schools with youth gangs, the number of fights 【小题7】___ by 40 percent after uniforms were introduced. Uniforms also 【小题8】____ a message that students are at school to study, not to play. They create school 【小题9】_____. These things help to reform problem students and improve their 【小题10】____ at school.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Do you think it’s hard for you to learn English? Listening to English songs may be a fun way to learn. You might be thinking: Where can I find some online music? Well, there are plenty of places to listen to and download English songs.
Google music is a good website. It has about 350,000 songs for download. You can search by artist and song name. You can also search by criteria(标准). For example, if you want to find a slow song by a female singer, just choose “ female singer” and “slow” on the page. On Google music, you can read the lyrics to the songs as you listen.
Baidu MP3 is another big online music database(数据库). You can find some of the newest songs on Baidu and download them.
If you just want to listen to music, you can try www. aiting.com and www. haoting. com. They are two large online Mp3 players.
After you pick(挑选) the songs, you can start learning. Learning language from music is fun, so don’t think of it as work. You can listen on your way to school or before you go to sleep. Close your eyes and try to get the meaning of the songs.
【小题1】There are _____________________________________ songs to download on Google music.
【小题2】We can download English songs from ________________ and ____________________.
【小题3】The ways of searching songs are ______________________________________
【小题4】When we listen to songs, we can read the lyrics on__________________________________
【小题5】The best title of the passage is _______________________________________

