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【题目】通读下面的对话, 根据上下文补全对话内容。

Lin Tao is a student from Changsha. He was ill last night. He hurried to a hospital this morning. Now he is at the doctor's.

Lin Tao:Good morning, Doctor.

Doctor:Good morning. You don't look well.1 , young man?

Lin Tao:I've got a headache and a cough. It feels terrible.

Doctor:Don't worry. It's nothing serious. Have you taken your temperature?

Lin Tao:2.But I haven' t got a fever(发烧).


Lin Tao:It's been like this ever since last night.

Doctor:Let me look over you. Open your mouth and say”Ahh”.

Lin Tao:4?

Doctor:No, nothing serious. Just a cold. Take this medicine three times a day and a drink more water. You'll be better soon.

Lin Tao:5, Doctor.

Doctor:You're welcome.


1What's the matter/wrong/trouble

2Yes. I have

3How long has it been like this

4Is it serious

5Thank you



1根据下句I've got a headache and a cough.我头疼咳嗽可知,上句应是问“你怎么啦”,故答案为What's the matter/wrong/trouble?

2根据上句Have you taken your temperature?你量体温了吗?和根据下句But I haven' t got a fever(发烧).但是我不发烧可知,空处的句子应是做简单的肯定回答,故答案为Yes. I have.

3根据下句It's been like this ever since last night.从昨晚开始就这样可知,上句应是问“像这样多少时间了”,故答案为How long has it been like this?

4根据下句No, nothing serious.不,没有什么严重的事情可知,上句应是问“严重吗”,故答案为Is it serious?

5根据下句You're welcome.不客气可知,上句应是说“谢谢”,故答案为Thank you.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—I feel stressed at times, but I don’t know________about it.—You can come to me whenever you need.

A.whom to talkB.when to talkC.who to talk toD.when to talk to


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Bill最近对中国乐器和中国民乐很感兴趣,想向你了解一些这方面的情况。请你给他回复一封邮件,简要介绍一种中国传统乐器,如乐器名称、乐器历史、著名艺术家、相关名曲以及与名曲相关的故事等( 至少介绍其中三点)

要求: (1) 80词左右;




科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Do you often talk with your parents about your problems? When you talk to them, will they believe what you say, listen to you and ____ you?

It has ____to do with both you and your parents. Some parents are easy to talk to, and they are great listeners, _____some are hard to walk close to. As communication is a two-way street, the ____ you talk can cause different results. So you should follow the advice below.

Be_____. Tell your parents about what you think, feel, and want as clearly as possible. They will be more helpful if they_____what you mean and what’s really going on.

Make your parents believe you. If you’re____honest, your parents will believe what you say. However, if you hardly tell them the truth, it will be difficult for them to believe you.

Try not to____. If you disagree with your parents, can you see things_____your parents’ side? If both you and your parents think for each other, you will be able to talk in a_____way.

1A.depend onB.take afterC.agree with

2A.somethingB.nothingC.every thing










科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Parents are probably the closest people in the world to us. However, parent-child relationships are not always easy to deal with. What's worse, now that we live in an information age, the internet is bringing new challenges to family relations.

The China Youth Children Research Center did a survey about such relationships in the United States, Japan, South Korea and China. According to the survey, the use of the Internet has become one of the main reasons for fights between parents and children in China and South Korea. “This shows that some parents consider the internet being a toy instead of a tool," China Youth Daily said. "In addition, they don't have enough trust in their children, so it leads to conflicts sometimes.”

However, the internet can actually improve parent-child relationships if both sides use it the right way. Kim Se-Yeon, a 20-year-old South Korean who goes to college in Beijing, says that she believes the internet has brought her closer to her parents. She taught her parents how to use chat apps and post pictures on social media. Her parents trust her when they found that she can control herself well. These days, she and her parents often chat with each other and make video calls through the internet.

Experts suggest that to reduce your parents' concern about your internet usage, you should show them that you can manage your time well. Children are just as responsible for creating healthy family relationships as their parents are.

1Which of the following countries DID NOT take part in the survey about parent-child relationship mentioned in the passage?

A.The United StateB.South Korea

C.The United KingdomD.Japan

2What does the underlined word conflicts mean in the second paragraph?


3Why does the writer mention Kim Se-Yeon as an example

A.Because she goes to college in Beijing

B.Because her parents learn to use chat apps

C.Because the internet didn't play an important role in her daily life

D.Because the internet improves her relationship with her parents

4According to the passage which statement is NOT true?

A.Children should tell parents that they can manage their time well

B.Children can do nothing to create healthy family relationships

C.If parents have not enough trust in children, problems may appear

D.Parent-child relationships are sometimes difficult to deal with


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Welcome to the zoo!

Come and meet the Indian(印度的) elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.


Opening time



Under 12:Free

9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.

10:00 a.m.—3:00 p. m.Friday only

Keep the zoo clean!

Do not touch, give food to or go near the animals.

1Now Mr. and Mrs. Smith are in the zoo with their two sons, one aged 14 and the other 11. How much are the tickets altogether(总共)?


2Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

A.Take a few nice photos.B.Give some food to the fish.C.Touch the monkey on the head.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据短文内容,分别将方框中的正确选项填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整正确,每个方框内有一项是多余的。

A. chance B. terrible C. laid D. soil E. lay F. bravely

There were two seeds (种子). They were good friends. They often talked with each other when they were free. One day, they had nothing to do. They1on the ground. They looked up at the sky and had a chat with each other.

The first seed said,“I want to grow! Then I can enjoy the sun and the rain!” Later, it grew. It had a 2to enjoy the sun and the rain. The second seed said,“I am afraid of growing up. If I grow, I have to live in the3. Little animals may come up to me and eat me. How4! If I become a beautiful flower, a child will come and pick me. It is much better for me to wait. It’s a dangerous way to be alive.” It did nothing and refused to grow. Spring came soon. A duck came up to the seeds. It eat the second seed and went away. See? We shouldn’t act like the second seed. We should face our life5.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 “一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮”。特别是这次疫情以来,因为我们普通百姓的互相帮助,也因为世界其他各国的鼎力支持,我们终于取得了一个又一个胜利。互相帮助能使我们战胜困难,走得更远,也使我们的生活变得更加美好。谈到“帮助”这种话题,你一定有许多经历和感受吧!请结合一(两)件事围绕此话题为某英语杂志写一篇不少于80词的短文谈谈你对它的认识和理解。并给同学们提出一点建议和希望。(短文中不可出现真实的人名和校名)



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Have a nice journey

—Thank, __________.

A.it’s very kind of youB.that’s all right

C.the same to youD.congratulations.

