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______ win in the sports meeting, he practised running every day.

A. In order that     B. As a result        C. So that          D. In order to


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Kim:  What do you want to do in the future, Bob?
Bob:  I want to become a well-known writer. 【小题1】
Kim:  I want to be a singer. I enjoy singing very much.
Bob:  I always hear you sing in your classroom and in the dormitory.
Kim:  You know, practicing is very important. My teacher always asks me to practice as much as possible.
Bob: 【小题2】
Kim:  Three hours a day on weekdays and six hours a day on weekends.
Bob:  Do you think it is boring to practice singing every day?
Kim: 【小题3】Singing is a great pleasure for me. I have entered for the “Future Star Cup” singing contest. It will be held next week.
Bob:  Do you think you will win in the contest?
Kim:  Yes. Before I entered for this contest, I had already taken part in many singing contests, and I had won some prizes. I’m very confident about myself. By the way, I’ve heard that our school held a composition (作文) contest last week. 【小题4】
Bob:  No. I didn’t think I would win it. I don’t practice writing compositions much, you
Kim:  You should write more and take every chance to practice, or your wish to become a great writer will not come true.
Bob: 【小题5】
Kim:  You’re welcome.
A. No, of course not.
B. Did you take part in it?
C. Will you win in the contest?
D. What about you, Kim?
E. Thank you for your advice.
F. How long do you sing every day?
G. How often do you practice writing?


科目:初中英语 来源:2011年四川省广安市中考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

If you’re into sports, you’ve seen it happen—tennis players jump over the net to shake hands after a hard match; football players exchange jerseys(运动衣)after ninety minutes of knocking each other around; even boxers touch gloves at the beginning of each round. Players in every event, from spelling bees to golf(高尔夫球),act in this way. It’s all part of sportsmanship(体育精神),a great tradition in sports and competition. It means playing and being calm all through the match.
Everyone feels great when they win. In the last few years, you might see some players celebrate a goal(进球)with a long victory dance or talk big about their ability. However, it’s always hard for people to say in public that they made a bad play. Good sportsmanship is what they really need. It’s the golden rule of sports.
Good sportsmanship means that you play by the rules, talk politely to everyone during games and stay cool even when you lose the game. At the school sports meeting, for example, it’s more important for you to know how to work as part of a team and cheer your teammates on. That may help you enjoy more success at your future work. In competition—as in life—you may not always win, but believe me, sportsmanship will help you get through, and there is always the next match.
【小题1】What match do you know will last ninety minutes?
A. Tennis.                        b. Football.     
C. Golf.                           D. Spelling.
【小题2】The underlined word “bees” in the passage means            .
A. fly.                            b. competition.     
C. guess.                           D. research.
【小题3】Why do you think good sportsmanship is really important?
A. It’s all part of sports.
b. It’s all part of celebration.
C. It’s the golden rule of sports.
D. It’s how to stay cool.
【小题4】Winning the game will make it possible for players to          .
A. celebrate a goal.                  b. exchange jerseys.     
C. shake hands.                      D. feel great .
【小题5】The passage mainly tells us that sportsmanship gets you through no matter whether          .
A. you win or lose.                  b. you play or learn.     
C. you are happy or not.               D. you feel hard or not.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011年初中毕业升学考试(辽宁沈阳卷)英语(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

If you’re into sports, you’ve seen it happen—tennis players jump over the net to shake hands after a hard match; football players exchange jerseys(运动衣)after ninety minutes of knocking each other around; even boxers touch gloves at the beginning of each round. Players in every event, from spelling bees to golf(高尔夫球),act in this way. It’s all part of sportsmanship(体育精神),a great tradition in sports and competition. It means playing and being calm all through the match.
Everyone feels great when they win. In the last few years, you might see some players celebrate a goal(进球)with a long victory dance or talk big about their ability. However, it’s always hard for people to say in public that they made a bad play. Good sportsmanship is what they really need. It’s the golden rule of sports.
Good sportsmanship means that you play by the rules, talk politely to everyone during games and stay cool even when you lose the game. At the school sports meeting, for example, it’s more important for you to know how to work as part of a team and cheer your teammates on. That may help you enjoy more success at your future work. In competition—as in life—you may not always win, but believe me, sportsmanship will help you get through, and there is always the next match.
【小题1】What match do you know will last ninety minutes?
A. Tennis.                        b. Football.
C. Golf.                           D. Spelling.
【小题2】The underlined word “bees” in the passage means            .
A. fly.                            b. competition.
C. guess.                           D. research.
【小题3】Why do you think good sportsmanship is really important?
A. It’s all part of sports.
b. It’s all part of celebration.
C. It’s the golden rule of sports.
D. It’s how to stay cool.
【小题4】Winning the game will make it possible for players to          .
A. celebrate a goal.                b. exchange jerseys.
C. shake hands.                      D. feel great .
【小题5】The passage mainly tells us that sportsmanship gets you through no matter whether          .
A. you win or lose.                 b. you play or learn.
C. you are happy or not.             D. you feel hard or not.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年内蒙古海拉尔第四中学初二上期期末考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】—What a ________ (love) girl Gina is!
—Yes. We all like her.
【小题2】I went to the zoo yesterday and saw some tigers, lions and _______ (wolf) in it.
【小题3】—What’s the weather like today?
—It’s ______(cloud).
【小题4】—Who is the ________ (win) in the long jump in your school sport meet?
—Wang Junfeng.
【小题5】The dictionary is very _______ (use) to students. If you don’t know a word, you can look it up in the dictionary.


科目:初中英语 来源:2009年初中毕业升学考试(山东临沂卷)英语(带解析) 题型:补充句子

Kim:  What do you want to do in the future, Bob?
Bob:  I want to become a well-known writer. 【小题1】
Kim:  I want to be a singer. I enjoy singing very much.
Bob:  I always hear you sing in your classroom and in the dormitory.
Kim:  You know, practicing is very important. My teacher always asks me to practice as much as possible.
Bob: 【小题2】
Kim:  Three hours a day on weekdays and six hours a day on weekends.
Bob:  Do you think it is boring to practice singing every day?
Kim: 【小题3】Singing is a great pleasure for me. I have entered for the “Future Star Cup” singing contest. It will be held next week.
Bob:  Do you think you will win in the contest?
Kim:  Yes. Before I entered for this contest, I had already taken part in many singing contests, and I had won some prizes. I’m very confident about myself. By the way, I’ve heard that our school held a composition (作文) contest last week. 【小题4】
Bob:  No. I didn’t think I would win it. I don’t practice writing compositions much, you
Kim:  You should write more and take every chance to practice, or your wish to become a great writer will not come true.
Bob: 【小题5】
Kim:  You’re welcome.

A. No, of course not.
B. Did you take part in it?
C. Will you win in the contest?
D. What about you, Kim?
E. Thank you for your advice.
F. How long do you sing every day?
G. How often do you practice writing?

