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Some volunteers from Beijing arrived in Shanghai _____ April 29 to work for the World Expo.

         A. on         B. at                   C. of                               D. to


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

When Mr Black was young, he often played football, and he was good   1 it. But then he went and worked in a town and there was   23   football team for him there, so he stopped  3. Then he began to get fat, so he thought, “I stopped playing football and I’ve got fat. What shall I do?” He thought about it for  4 days and he said to , “I’ll play pingpong.” He had some  6 and he played for a few months. He met a nice girl at the club  7   day and they played a game of pingpong against  8   young man and young woman. Mr Black played very 9 , and he was very sad about this. “I never played 10   than this before,” he told the girl. “Oh,” she said, “you played pingpong before, didn’t you?”

1  A. at          B. in       C. for        D. about

2  A. no           B. an        C. on       D. a

3  A. play   B. playing     C. played      D. to play

4  A. every       B. much      C. a little   D. a few

5  A. himself    B. herself    C. themselves     D. itself

6  A. games    B. friend     C. times     D. lesson

7  A. every    B. one     C. each     D. whole

8  A. the other    B. others   C. each other   D. another

9  A. worse    B. badly      C. good     D. well

10  A. badly     B. well   C. worse    D. better


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

       —What do you think of the report about the air pollution on TV last night?

—I think the situation is so        that we should take action to protect the environment.

      A. serious                     B. amazing                    C. necessary                 D. fantastic


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 By _________________ (improve) reading skills, you can understand more and read faster.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

His parents were angry with him just now.

      A. annoyed   B. surprised  C.  annoy    D.pleased


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 I couldn't find my dictionary _________.

A. somewhere  B. anywhere   C. nowhere   D. everywhere


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Please turn _______ the light before you leave.

                   A. on                       B. off                        C. up                          D. down


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 10 years ago, _____only one classroom building in our school.

And in 10 years, _____ five classroom buildings in our school.                                

A.there will be, there are     B. there was, there will be

C. there will be; there was    D.there had; there will have.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

If you want to make some money,you could get                     ( 一份兼职工作).

