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The Art of the Elephants

If your cat walked across something you were painting and left footprints behind, would you consider your cat an artist? What if your bird held a colored pencil in its beak(喙) and painted on a piece of paper? Most people may think of animal art as a joke, but some people have been taking it very seriously.

Elephants were used for hundreds of years in Thailand’s logging industry(伐木业). They moved wood from forests in areas where there were no roads. At the beginning of this century, when the forests of Thailand began to quickly disappear, the government put a stop to logging. All of a sudden, many elephants in Thailand no longer had a way to make a living.

Some elephants were treated badly. Others had to try to live on their own and couldn’t find enough food to eat. There were once tens of thousands of elephants in Thailand. Today, there are less than five thousand. When two Russian American artists, Vitaly Komar and Alex Melamid, first heard about the troubled elephants in Thailand, they knew that something had to be done to forever change the way people treated Thai elephants. Then, they came up with an idea to help these elephants.

Komar and Melamid visited elephant camps in Thailand and began to show the elephant trainers how to teach the elephants to paint. At first, the trainers had to guide the elephants’ trunks. The elephants became more comfortable doing this with practice—and lots of sweet snacks—and finally started to paint on their own. The strange idea that Komar and Melamid had to save the elephants actually began to work. They even helped found several elephant art schools in Thailand and in other Asian countries. The elephants and their trainers go there to learn about painting and get supplies they need.

Today, people begin to buy elephant artworks from galleries(画廊) all around the world. Some are even willing to pay more than $2,000 for the works of the elephant artists! Some people compare the cheerful, brightly-colored artworks to the works of some great abstract(抽象地) painters. Some people are just happy to buy these special and original(原创地) artworks. Others think they are helping the troubled elephants in this way. The next time you see a piece of colorful abstract art, find out who the artist is. You just may be surprised at what you learn!

1.What may most people think of animal art?


2.What did elephants do in Thailand’s logging industry?


3.How many elephants are there in Thailand today?


4.What was Komar and Melamid’s idea to help the elephants in Thailand?


5.Please list one reason why people buy elephant artworks.


1.Most people may think of animal art as a joke. 2.They moved wood from forests where there were no roads. 3.There are less than five thousand. 4.They showed elephants trainers how to teach e...

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年德州市中考英语模拟试卷与答案 题型:单词填空

Patricia was born in Michigan and grew up in California. When she was a little girl, she often stayed with her grandparents who lived in Union City, Michigan. One summer day, a meteorite (流星) 1. (fall) from the sky, right into her grandparents’ backyard! Before that, her grandparents had lived a 2. ['kwa?t] life on their farm. Now things were 3. from before. They had so much to do. People came to see the meteorite. The professors from the 4. [ju?n?'v??s?t?] came to study it and analyze (分析) it. Her grandparents had never talked to so many people in 5. (they) lives! Everything changed.

As you can guess, no one in the town had ever 6. (see) a meteorite before! They were confused (困惑) and didn’t know 7. to do. Some people thought it would bring them good 8. (lucky) if they touched it.

Patricia loves to tell the story about her meteorite and even today, she carries a piece of the meteorite with her 9. [we?r'ev?] she goes. When I met her, she let all of us touch it and make a 10.. What might you wish for if you could meet Patricia and see her meteorite?

1.fell 2.quiet 3.different 4.university 5.their 6.seen 7.what 8.luck 9.wherever 10.wish 【解析】文章主要讲述了一个夏天的晚上,一个流星从天上直接掉到了Patricia祖父母的院子里,而在那之前,她的祖父母一直在他们的农场过着安宁的生活,现在事情已经和原...


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省外研版七年级英语下册同步测试:Module5 Shopping Unit 3 Language in use 题型:语法填空


Now many people buy things over the Internet1.is it becoming more and more popular?

2.(one), most families have their own computers.3.the help of the Internet, people are able4.(go) online. So online shopping becomes popular with people. Second, shopping on the Internet 5.(not) take a lot of time. Third, people can compare the products on 6. Internet and choose cheap things. Online shopping can help 7.(they) save money.

However,8.are some disadvantages. Some people don’t like this way of 9.(shop). They think it’s not safe10.(pay) over the Internet. People can only see the pictures of a product.

1.Why 2.First 3.With 4.to go 5.doesn’t 6.the 7.them 8.there 9.shopping 10.to pay 【解析】文章介绍了网购的事情。 1.句意:为什么它变得越来越受欢迎?根据后文介绍的网购受欢迎的一些优点,可知上文问为什么;故填Why 2.句意:首先,多数家庭有自己的...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:阅读回答20篇 题型:回答问题


Ready, Set, Jump!

For skydivers, the sky isn’t the limit. It’s just the beginning. Thousands if people try skydiving each year. Some only jump once, while others go on to experience lifelong adventures, flying and turning over through the air.

Skydiving is a method of leaving an airplane and returning to the earth with the help of gravity, then slowing down by using a parachute (降落伞). It may include more or less free-fall, a time during which the parachute has not been used and the body gradually accelerates (加速) to the highest speed.

There are three choices for the beginners. However, before you try skydiving, a ground course on safety is required. The first method is accelerated free-fall. You jump out of the plane while being held by two coaches, one on either side. They hold onto you until you open your parachute. The second method is called static line. After jumping out, you will experience free-fall for a second or two. Then the weight of your body will pull the line tight, opening the parachute.

Tandem (串联) is the most popular because it is the easiest. You and the coach are

tied together, the coach behind, with you in front. You jump out of the plane together, and the coach takes care of opening the parachute.

For each of these three methods, the coaches give instructions in the air with hand

signals (信号) or a radio. If you are eager to try something challenging and would love to feel the freedom of flying, skydiving might be an adventure for you. Who knows? With risk and excitement mixed together, skydiving might just change your life.

1.Do thousands of people try skydiving each year?

2.How many choices are there for the beginners?

3.Why is tandem the most popular?

4.How do the coaches give instructions in the air?

5.What is the passage mainly about?

1.Yes. 2.three/3choices. 3.three/3choices. 4.Because it is the easiest. 5.It is mainly about what the skydiving is, how to do skydiving for the beginners and the writer’s opinion on skydiv...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:阅读回答20篇 题型:阅读单选

Today in our P. E. class, we all had to play basketball. There are only 7 girls in our P.E. class, so the class is mostly boys. And because we’re girls, they don't really like us. We hate basketball, and they hate us. So we asked them if we could sit on the chairs and not play. They agreed and so we talked and laughed happily on the chairs.

Well, today, Just while all the girls were talking happily, the P. E. teacher came in. Angrily, he looked at all the boys running around with the basketball. Seeing that not a girl was playing, he looked at us. Shaking his head, he blew his whistle( 哨子). Everyone looked up. We were all surprised.

“Why aren't you playing?” he asked us.

“Well,they said that we didn’t have to play,Mr. Backus!” We quickly blamed(归咎于) the boys, afraid to get into trouble.

“What? They didn't want to play!” the boys didn't want to get into trouble, either. Mr. Backus told us to get up and made all of us run around the playground for 5 minutes. Later, he made us sit down and listen to him. The boys complained, but he made them listen anyway.

“Am I ever unfair to you?” he asked. We all shook our heads. It was true. Mr. Backus was the nicest P. E. teacher ever! He never shouted and complained. He was just nice. “Well, then I hope you are fair to me. I don t care whose fault(错误) it was. One person’s fault, the whole class’s fault. Understand?”

We nodded and waited. It was the only thing he ever asked us to do: to be fair. It was not much; it was not anything. So we listened on.

“This time I catch you not doing anything, you run for 5 minutes. Next time. you run for 10 minutes. It’s your choice. You could play games or run. I don’t really care, but I think you care. Remember, one person's fault: the whole class's fault. Got it?”

As we nodded again, he left. We could see him smile as he closed the door. Mr. Backus was just too nice. That was why we all liked him and he certainly loved us.

1.Do the girls in the class like basketball?


2.What did the girls do in their P. E. class?


3.How long did Mr. Backus ask the students to run?


4.What did the students think of Mr. Backus?


5.What did Mr. Backus want his students to learn from his lesson?


1.No, they don’t. 2.They talked and laughed happily on the chairs. 3.For 5 minutes. 4.He was nice / a good teacher. 5.They should be responsible for what they do. 【解析】本文作者讲述了自己一次上体育课发生的...


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年南京市七年级(下)英语unit1单元测试卷 题型:阅读单选

Lots of families in Great Britain have one or more pets.

Dogs are the most favourite pets and there are about 6 million of them in Great Britain. The second favourite pets are cats (about 5 million) and the third favourite pets are parrots.

However, some families do not keep cats or dogs. They keep other animals as pets in their homes. There are more than 12 million pets in Great Britain. The English take good care of their pets. They give them nice names: Rover, Rax, Cindy, Misty (for dogs); Albert, Snowy, Fluffy, Tom (for cats); Polly, Chatterbox (for parrots); Guy, Scamper, Shipley, Shirley (for monkeys). When they speak of their pets, they say ‘he’ or ‘she’ instead of(代替)‘it’.

The English give their pets nice food to eat. They buy food for their pets in pet shops. The English are pet lovers!

1.There are more than 12 million ______ in Great Britain.

A. dogs B. cats C. parrots D. pets

2.______ are the most favourite pets in Great Britain.

A. Dogs B. Cats C. Parrots D. Birds

3.There are about ______ Million cats in Great Britain.

A. 1 B. 6 C. 5 D. 12

4.Each pet has a nice name. dogs are called ‘______’.

A. Guy, Scamper, Shipley B. Rover, Rax, Cindy, Misty

C. Albert, Snowy, Fluffy, Tom D. Polly, Chatterbox

5.The English buy food for their pets _______.

A. in the supermarket B. in the hospital C. in pet shops D. in the street

1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 【解析】文章介绍了英国人喜欢养宠物。 1.根据There are more than 12 million pets in Great Britain.故选D 2.根据Dogs are the most favourite pets and there are about 6 million of them in G...


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年南京市七年级(下)英语unit1单元测试卷 题型:单选题


-Yes. This is Simon speaking.

A. Who are you B. What’s your name

C. May I speak to Simon D. Are you Simon

C 【解析】句意:——我可以和西蒙通话吗?——可以,我就是。A. Who are you你是谁; B. What’s your name你叫什么;C. May I speak to Simon 我可以和西蒙通话吗; D. Are you Simon你是西蒙吗?根据This is Simon speaking.可知是在打电话,打电话问你是谁通常用Is that---?根据打电话的习惯;故选C ...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年春学期人教版七年级英语下Unit 11单元检测含答案 题型:阅读单选

In July, my friend and I took a camping trip. We traveled for four weeks and visited the United States and part of Canada. We decided to camp because it took less money than living in hotels.

We planned very carefully. First, the car we were going to drive was very small, so we decided to take only a small bag each and a few camping things as possible as we can. We took some medicine with us to prevent(预防) insects(昆虫), and also food for picnics. Second, there was a lot to see in the United States and Canada, so we had to decide on the direction(方向) we wanted to drive on a big map.

All of this planning took a long time.

The date we started was July 2nd. We saw and did many things on our camping tour. We climbed the mountains, visited famous caves, and swam in cool mountain rivers. We visited many cities and talked to many people. We went to a hotel room when it rained at night. We had an exciting trip.

1.The two friends went camping ________.

A. for four days B. with all their friends

C. so they can save(节约) money when traveling D. because it was warm in July

2.Which of the following statements is possibly TRUE?

A. They went by car.

B. They are now on the trip.

C. They were quite rich.

D. They were going to make a tour all over the US and Canada.

3.We learn from the second paragraph(第二段) that ________.

A. they must have been ill

B. they must have brought a lot in the car

C. they must have studied the map carefully

D. they must have been hurt by insects

4.It is quite clear that ________.

A. there would be no insects at all

B. the two friends would take turns to drive

C. they were sure to take some medicine with them on the trip

D. the two friends didn't take any food with them

5.What happened when it rained at night?

A. They talked to people when it rained.

B. They went swimming.

C. They had to stop climbing.

D. They had to stay in a hotel for the night.

1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D 【解析】本文介绍了两个朋友外出旅游的情况。 1.细节理解题。 根据第一段第三句We decided to camp because it took less money than living in hotels.知选C 2.细节理解题。根据First, the car we were going to drive ...


科目:初中英语 来源:冀教版七年级英语下册Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road 单元检测卷 题型:单选题

Mimi is _____ cat.

A. Lucy's and Lily's B. Lucy and Lily C. Lucy's and Lily D. Lucy and Lily's

D 【解析】句意:Mimi是露西和莉莉的猫。考查所有格辨析。含有两人以上的所有格,分两种情况:一是共有某物,在最后一人后面加+’s;二是分别拥有(即各是各的),需在每一个人名后加+’s。本句Mimi是被露西和莉莉共有的一只cat,只需在Lily后面加所有格即可;故选D。

