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  Mr Black will visit our new school building ______ two days.

[  ]

   A. before    B. after    C. at    D. in


科目:初中英语 来源:中考英语听力  全真模拟试卷 题型:001




[  ]

A.Wendy is from Canada, so is Grace.

B.Both Wendy and Grace are not from Canada.

C.Wendy is not from Canada, but Grace is.


[  ]

A.They had a good meal in the park yesterday.

B.They had a good time in the park yesterday.

C.They liked playing in the park.


[  ]

A.My daughter likes English best of all the subjects.

B.My daughter thinks it's better to learn English.

C.English is easy to learn than any other subject, so my daughter likes it.


[  ]

A.They will take ship to Dalian.

B.They will swim to Dalian.

C.They will go to Dalian by train.



[  ]

A.I don't like spring.

B.I like summer, too.

C.I prefer spring to summer.


[  ]

A.You're welcome.

B.Hi! Nice to see you.

C.Fine. Thanks.


[  ]

A.There is a show tonight.

B.OK. Go along this way and you will see it.

C.Thank you very much.


[  ]

A.About two years.

B.You are welcome.

C.Come from China.


[  ]

A.It's not my watch.

B.It doesn't work.

C.It doesn't matter.


[  ]

A.Hold on for a second, please.

B.Hello. From Mr. Black.

C.Hello! Who are you?



[  ]

A.At the No.19 Middle School.

B.At the No.5 Middle School.

C.At the No.9 Middle School.


[  ]

A.She is Jim's mother.

B.She is Jim's sister.

C.She is Jim's aunt.


[  ]

A.It's Sam.
B.It's Tom.
C.It's Jim.


[  ]

A.They are going to swim.

B.They are going to do some housework.

C.They are going to go fishing.


[  ]

A.It's rainy.
B.It's sunny.
C.It's cloudy.


16.How was Jack at school?

[  ]

A.He did well in his lessons.

B.He liked his school.

C.He was too lazy to study.

17.Where did Jack's parents work?

[  ]

A.On a farm.
B.In a school.
C.In a hospital.

18.What did Jack's parents want him to be?

[  ]

A.A doctor.
B.A student.
C.A cleaner.

19.How many days did the cleaners work a week?

[  ]

A.One day.
B.Three days.
C.Five days.

20.What do you think of Jack?

[  ]

A.He was a lazy boy.

B.He was good at his lessons.

C.He was not clever.


  Mike lives in a village not far from New York. He has a big 21 dog. He likes the dog very much.

  It was a 22 morning. The dog stood near an old well(井). He stood 23 all the morning and looked at the well. “Wow…wow…wow.” The dog barked(吠) and barked all the time. Mike 24 to the dog and asked, “Why are you barking?” The dog looked at Mike, and then looked into the well. The dog thought there was another dog 25 the well.


科目:初中英语 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:001


1.Who does the man want to talk to?

[  ]

A.Mr Smith.    B.The woman.    C.Nick.

2.Who did the man get a post card from?

[  ]

A.The woman.    B.Tim.    C.Connor.

3.Who works the hardest?

[  ]

A.The man.    B.The woman.    C.Jim.

4.What's the relationship(关系) between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.Neighbours.    B.Classmates.    C.Relatives.

5.What's the woman's job?

[  ]

A.Nurse.    B.Waitress.    C.Saleswoman.


6.Where did the man meet Jack?

[  ]

A.At the woman's.

B.At the man's.

C.At the man's sister's party.

7.Where does this conversation take place?

[  ]

A.In a teaching building.

B.At a department store.

C.On a sports ground.

8.Where does this conversation take place?

[  ]

A.In an office.    B.In a bank.    C.In a shop.

9.Where does this conversation take place?

[  ]

A.At home.    B.In a stadium.    C.At a hotel.

10.Where is Mr Smith now?

[  ]

A.In his office.   B.In a restaurant.   C.In a shop.

11.Where is the woman going?

[  ]

A.To the post office.

B.To the supermarket.

C.To the cinema.

12.Where is the man going to meet his wife?

[  ]

A.At a railway station.

B.At the airport.

B.At a bus stop.

13.Where does the conversation take place?

[  ]

A.On phone.   B.In a class.   C.At a meeting.

14.Where does the dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.At a cinema.   B.In an office.   C.In a hotel.

15.Where did the conversation take place?

[  ]

A.In a field.   B.On a farm.   C.On a train.


16.What does the woman want to know?

[  ]

A.The weather.   B.The time.   C.The date.

17.What does the woman's hair look like now?

[  ]

A.Very long.   B.Long.   C.Short.

18.What will happen to the woman?

[  ]

A.Finish school soon.

B.Go for traveling.

C.Go to college.

19.What is the man going to do?

[  ]

A.To go skating.  B.To go skiing.  C.To get a chance.

20.What does Mr Plumber probably do?

[  ]

A.A seller.   B.A doctor.   C.A repairman.

21.Which is true?

[  ]

A.Her height is just all right.

B.She is too short.

C.She is taller than most of men.

22.What do you think of the son?

[  ]

A.Working hard.


C.Not clever.

23.What does the man think of the shape(外形) of the TV set?

[  ]


B.Not good.

C.Not very good nor very bad.

24.What does the woman complain(抱怨) about?

[  ]

A.The dirty glass.

B.The dirty table.

C.The dirty floor.

25.What is the man going to do?

[  ]

A.Watch a play.   B.Play cards.   C.Smoking.


26.What does the woman mean?

[  ]

A.She doesn't know Rudolf.

B.No man named Rudolf.

C.Two men called Rudolf.

27.What does the man mean?

[  ]

A.No words can express his feelings.

B.He arrived at the Great Wall later on.

C.The Great Wall is very great.

28.What does the woman want to be?

[  ]

A.A doctor.   B.A nurse.   C.A teacher.

29.What does the man mean?

[  ]

A.He doesn't like to go to see a doctor.

B.He is going to the hospital to see a doctor.

C.He doesn't like doctors.

30.What does the man mean?

[  ]

A.He dislikes her suggestion(建议).

B.He likes her suggestion.

C.He generally agrees with her.


31.Whose umbrella is that?

[  ]

A.The man's.   B.The woman's.   C.Henry's.

32.Who is the shortest?

[  ]

A.The woman's brother.

B.The man.


33.What does the man want to drink?

[  ]

A.Black coffee.

B.White coffee.

C.Tea with milk.

34.Who does the man want to talk to?

[  ]

A.Mr Smith.   B.The woman.   C.Nick.

35.How much did the man get on the Final Test?

[  ]

A.115.   B.145.   C.97.


科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Tom Brown was a good boxer(拳击手). He was very big and had a pair of strong fists(拳头), but he only used them in boxing. He had won the championship(冠军赛)many times.

  One day he went to see his grandmother in a small town by car. He was driving his car along a dark street when he saw two men attacking (攻击)a young woman. Mr Brown stopped his car at once and rushed out to help the woman. “Get in my car, ”he shouted to her. “Drive to the police station. Quick! ”

  Ten minutes later, the policemen came. They found the two men had gone away and Mr Brown was lying on the ground. He was black and blue all over(浑身上下遍体鳞伤).

  One of the policemen knew Mr Brown. He said, “Why, this is Mr Brown, our great boxer! ”“Why didn't you fight back but let them hit you like this? ”asked the policeman to Mr Brown. “You are strong enough to hit four of them with your fists! ”“But I haven't got my gloves(拳击手套)on, ”answered Mr Brown.“A boxer must never go to fight without his gloves on. That's one of our rules. ”

( )1. Where did the story happen(发生)? It happened ________ .

A. at the police station                    B. in a city

C. in a street                            D. at his grandmother's

( )2. When he saw two men attacking a young woman, Mr Brown ________ .

A. drove to the police station               B. got out of his car and helped her

C. stopped his car and shouted              D. lay down on the ground

( )3. When the policemen came, they found Mr Brown ________ .

A. was badly hurt                        B. was a great boxer

C. was fighting the two men               D. was helping the young woman

( )4. He didn't fight back because ________.

A. he wasn't a good boxer                  B. the two men were much stronger than him

C. he could hit four of them                D. he had to obey(遵守)the boxing rules

( )5. One of the boxers' rules is ________.

A. to fight with the gloves on                B. to fight without the gloves on

C. to fight with strong fists                 D. to fight four men



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr. Bush comes from 36  . He now works 37 a middle school in our city. He has sixty students. He often says his class is too big and it is hard work for him to ___38_ with every student in English. He enjoys 39 black tea and green tea. He likes Chinese food 40 _, too. He doesn't 41  drinking milk. He likes playing basketball, but he 42  play well. His son and I 43 in the same class. 44 name is James. We are  45.  

(   ) 36. A. America         B. American         C. a America     D. a American

(  ) 37. A. for             B. on              C. in           D. to

(  ) 38. A.say          B. talk             C.tell          D.speak

(  ) 39. A. to drink      B. drinks           C. drink        D. drinking

(  ) 40. A. very much    B. very           C. many        D. much

(   ) 41. A. like            B. likes            C. liking        D. to like

(  ) 42. A. isn't            B. aren't            C. don't        D. doesn't

(   ) 43. A. be            B. am              C. is           D. are

(  ) 44. A. My              B. Your            C. His          D. Her

(   ) 45. A.teachers      B.doctors           C.workers      D. classmates


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr. Bush comes from 36  . He now works 37 a middle school in our city. He has sixty students. He often says his class is too big and it is hard work for him to ___38_ with every student in English. He enjoys 39 black tea and green tea. He likes Chinese food 40 , too. He doesn't 41  drinking milk. He likes playing basketball, but he 42  play well. His son and I 43 in the same class. 44 name is James. We are  45.  

(   ) 36. A. America         B. American         C. a America     D. a American

(  ) 37. A. for             B. on              C. in           D. to

(  ) 38. A.say          B. talk             C.tell          D.speak

(  ) 39. A. to drink      B. drinks           C. drink        D. drinking

(  ) 40. A. very much    B. very           C. many        D. much

(   ) 41. A. like            B. likes            C. liking        D. to like

(  ) 42. A. isn't            B. aren't            C. don't        D. doesn't

(   ) 43. A. be            B. am              C. is           D. are

(  ) 44. A. My              B. Your            C. His          D. Her

(   ) 45. A.teachers      B.doctors           C.workers      D. classmates


