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If you want to know further information, you can email me ______Tianmao@l63. com. or call me______0759-3342839.

A. on; at B.at; on C.in; at D.for; at

B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:如果你想知道更多信息,你可以发邮件到Tianmao@l63. com,或打电话0759-3342839。email sb. at+邮箱意为“给某人发电在邮件,邮箱是……”;call sb. at+电话号码意为“给某人打电话,电话是……”。故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年春外研版英语八年级下册课后习题:模块专项训练5 题型:阅读单选

Why do you remember Hello Kitty,Snoopy and all the other playful animals?What makes you love them?Well,maybe because they’re like the people around you.Think about it! You may just find a friend or classmate who is like them.Is he or she:

As sweet as Hello Kitty:She likes to eat cakes.She loves to make new friends.She asks friends to her tea parties.She is warm and sunny and will always help you.

As clever as Snoopy:He went to school when he was nine.He learned to use a typewriter in two years! He thinks a lot.He is so clever that you like to be with him.

As sarcastic(讽刺的)as Garfield:He sits happily in the seat and says sharp words to you.Sometimes he is not nice.He doesn’t really like you?He thinks you’re a fool?No,in his heart,he loves you.He is a friend with hard words but a warm heart.

As naughty as Mashimaro:He doesn’t look like a good boy.He has sleepy eyes and looks naughty.He always plays tricks on people.So you get angry with him and don’t like him very much.His mind is active and full of ideas.He tries to be big and catch your eyes.But he’s still a child.

1.If you want to make a friend like Snoopy,he or she must be at least.

A. clever B. naughty

C. active D. sweet

2.Tom’s friend is always warm-hearted with sharp words.He is just like .

A. Hello Kitty B. Mashimaro

C. Snoopy D. Garfield

3.The underlined words “plays tricks on” probably mean .

A. plays games with

B. makes mistakes

C. makes fun of

D. makes friends with

4.Cathy is a kind-hearted girl.She is always ready to help others.Her favourite food is cake.Her friends all call her .

A. Hello Kitty B. Snooy

C. Mashimaro D. Garfield

5.According to the passage,people love cartoon animals because .

A. they are the animals that often make people laugh

B. their personalities are like the people around them

C. the cartoon animals are sunny,warm and full of ideas

D. they always help people and think a lot

1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 【解析】本文主要介绍了四个卡通人物,分别是凯蒂猫、史努比、加菲猫和流氓兔。 1.结合第三段第一句As clever as Snoopy 和最后一句He is so clever that you like to be with him 可知,Snoopy 很聪明,所以可以推断,如果你想拥有一个像Snoopy一样的朋...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年春外研版英语八年级下册课后习题:期中检测 题型:多任务混合问题



Have you ever watched old movies?If so,maybe you have known Carole Lombard(卡罗尔·隆巴德).She was a famous actress in the 1930s.She died when she was only 34.In her short life,she made 70 movies.

In 1921,when she was only thirteen years old,a movie director saw her in the street.He decided to put her in a movie.The movie was one of the last silent movies.She acted well enough to win the hearts of many people.At the age of 16,she left school to act.In 1926,an accident happened to her.The accident left scars (伤疤) on her face,but she didn’t give up.She continued to act.

Later,she married Clark Gable who was an actor.He was the great love in her life.They lived happily together.


1.She acted well enough to win the hearts of many people.

She acted _______ well that she ____________ the hearts of many people.

2.Who decided to put Carole Lombard in a movie in 1921?


3.What happened to her in 1926?


4.Was she a famous actress or a famous director in the 1930s?


1.sowon 2.A movie director (decided to put her/Carole Lombard in a movie in 1921.) 3.An accident (happened to her in 1926.) 4.A famous actress (She is a famous actress in 1930s.) 【解析】试题分析:...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级上册Unit6周检测英语试卷 题型:完成句子



It’s very ______ ________ __________ the lamp __________ the newspaper.


It is going to rain, you’d __________ _________your umbrella __________ you.


Qogir Feng is __________ __________ __________ mountain peak in the world.


The new shopping mall_____ ______ _______ _________ 50 square kilometres.


Nothing can ______ _______ ________ _________the Birdwatching Society.


Please _______________________________________________ .


Reading is _______________________________________________ .


The cold weather makes some birds ______________________________.


Zhalong Nature Reserve is _______________________________________.

1.dangerousto cover with 2.better take with 3.the second highest 4.has/covers an area of 5.stop/keep/prevent her fromjoining 6.write down what you see 7.part of our lives 8.fly so...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级上册Unit6周检测英语试卷 题型:单选题

The teacher told us _________ make any noise while watching the birds.

A. to try not to B. to try to not C. not try to D. to try don’t

A 【解析】句意:老师叫我们尽量不要在看鸟的时候发出任何声音。tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事,try not to do sth.尽量不要做某事,故答案为A。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级上册Unit6周检测英语试卷 题型:单选题

The film is one of _____that I have seen, I almost slept in the cinema.

A. the most interesting B. the least interesting

C. the most interested D. the less interesting

B 【解析】句意:这部电影是我看过的最没有趣的电影之一,我几乎在电影院里睡着了。interesting一般修饰物,interested一般修饰人,首先排除C;根据后面的句子“I almost slept in the cinema.” 几乎在电影院里睡着了,说明电影是看过的最没有趣的电影,the most interesting最有趣的;the least interesting最没有趣的。...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省扬州市邵樊片2017-2018学年八年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:单选题

--This is no-smoking zone. Can’t you see the sign? ---Oh , sorry. I ______ it.

A. haven’t seen B. didn’t see C. don’t see D. won’t see

B 【解析】句意:——这是禁止吸烟区,你没看见标志吗?——对不起,我没看见。根据句意可知是刚才没看见,所以用过去时态;故选B


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年春外研版英语八年级下册第六模块检测试卷 题型:单选题

Sherry has travelled to many big cities, London,Sydney and Beijing.

A. such as B. for example

C. as well D. as well as

A 【解析】句意:雪丽去过许多大城市,如伦敦、悉尼和北京。such as也作为“例如”讲,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。 for example作“例如”讲时,一般只以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。 as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。as well as用;和;也;和……同样好...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新目标英语九年级上册分层精练:Unit7 Teenagers should beallowed to 题型:补全对话7选5


A: You look sad. What’s wrong with you?

B: 1.

A: Why?

B: It was Friday and I was allowed to go to my friend’s party in the evening, but I had to be back home before 10:00 p.m. 2.

A: Oh, that was late. 3.

B: If I break any of the rules, I have to help my mother clean the yard or cook dinner.

A: 4.

B: No, I didn’t. The yard was very clean, so I didn’t need to clean it. And my mother said the food I cooked was terrible, so she didn’t let me cook.

A: Didn’t you do anything?

B: No, I didn’t. But my mother cut my hair short. You know that I like long hair, because I want to be a movie star.

A: Well, I think your mother was right. 5.

A.What happened next?

B.Your hair was too long and it didn’t look clean.

C.I broke one of my family rules yesterday.

D.When did you do it?

E.Did you do that?

F.However, I came back home at 12 o’clock.

G.Did you say sorry to your mother?

1.C 2.F 3.A 4.E 5.B 【解析】这是一段有关家规话题的对话。星期五晚上B被允许去参加朋友的聚会,必须在晚上10点之前回家,如果违反了规定,必须帮助妈妈打扫院子或做饭。而B却到了十二点才回家。 1.句意:我昨天违反了我的家规。上文他问他发生了什么事,此处应该阐述原因,故答案为C。 2.句意:但是,我十二点才回家。上文说必须在10点之前回来,下...

