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More and more Chinese are having English names, but not everyone is good at finding one. Why not offer them some help? An American girl called Lindsay Jernigan is now teaching people how to get better English names.

While working in Shanghai, Lindsay met many Chinese people with strange English names. Some of them chose a lucky number of "Seven", a favorite fruit, "Apple", and a cartoon character, "Snow White". Others had names like "July" and "Rabbit".

After noticing the problem, Lindsay had an idea. She quit her job and set up a website(bestenglishname.com)to help Chinese people get better English names.

The website helps people in two ways. After they take an online quiz, people will get five English names based on their personal information, such as age, job and even future plans. This costs 18 yuan. People can also meet with Lindsay to talk about their English name. But that costs more.

Now, about 2,000 people each day visit the website. Most of them are preparing to study or work abroad. Lindsay is planning to offer them more help, such as helping them write resumes(简历).

1.The underlined word "quit" in the third paragraph can be replaced by " ".

A. cared about B. looked for C. picked up D. gave up

2.Which of the following is NOT true about Lindsay?

A. Her idea came from her work experience in China.

B. Her website mainly helps the English-speaking people.

C. She plans to provide more service for customers.

D. She can help people to get names in two ways.

1.D 2.B 【解析】文章介绍了 Lindsay发现许多中国人有各种各样的英文名字,因此她建立一个网站帮助中国人起更好的英文名字。 1.根据set up a website(bestenglishname.com)to help Chinese people get better English names.可知她建立一个网站帮助中国人起更好的英文名字,所以应是她辞去工作;故选...

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:完形填空10篇 题型:完型填空

The Train Story

I was travelling by train one morning. Quietly reading, I found myself suddenly listening to the announcements(广播). When the trainman makes an announcement, it’s often quite boring. But this one was ________.

As I looked up from my paper, I ________ others also listening. Not only that, they smiled!

Why was so much attention being paid to this message?

As best I can remember, the trainman said, “Good morning. Ladies, Gentlemen and _______. It’s 7:35 a.m. and you'll be glad to know that we are right on time. What a lovely morning it is in Sydney today. The sun is shining, the temperature is about 21 degrees, birds are singing, and all’s right with the world. Thanks for ________ my train and I hope to see you again. Have a great day!”

Wow! Have you ever heard an announcement like that? I certainly hadn’t. As well as getting everyone smiling, there were quite a few people who started talking to one another about how good the message had made everyone feel.

The moment I got off the train, I ran into the young trainman and started to ________ him. He seemed a bit ________ at first. Continuously I said, “Well, I just wanted to thank you for your brilliant message on the way. It got everyone's attention and smile. Thank you so much for giving us such a good ________ to the day.”

That day I got two messages. The first is that people’s happiness at work shows in what they do and say. Also, the story tells me what you can get from thanking people for something they’ve done, ________ when it's not expected. Can you imagine the conversation that trainman would have when he got home, “Guess what happened to me today—a passenger thanked me!”

1.A. different B. famous C. bad D. easy

2.A. heard B. noticed C. got D. kept

3.A. Guides B. Teachers C. Parents D. Children

4.A. buying B. taking C. visiting D. passing

5.A. thank B. miss C. trust D. meet

6.A. mad B. tired C. surprised D. proud

7.A. lesson B. idea C. trade D. start

8.A. finally B. properly C. especially D. clearly

1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.C 【解析】作者描述了在火车上的一段经历。乘务员在火车上播报了当天的天气预报,并向各位乘客送上最美好的祝福。每位乘客都非常的开心,作者在下车的时候,找到那位年轻的乘务员向他表示了谢意。 1.句意:但是这一次却不一样。A. different不同的;B. famous著名的;C. bad...


科目:初中英语 来源:新人教版第二单元测试卷(含答案) 题型:阅读单选

Mr. Wang is a teacher. He teaches in a middle school. He gets up at five o’clock in the morning. He eats breakfast at six.

After that he goes to school on foot. He always gets there early. He cleans the desks and chairs for other teachers. Classes begin at eight o’clock. He works hard. He goes home at four in the afternoon. Then he does some housework. After dinner he reads newspapers and goes over(检查) the students’ homework. He goes to bed at about ten o’clock.

1.Mr.Wang works    .

A. on a farm B. in a bank

C. in a middle school D. in a shop

2.He goes to work    .

A. early B. slowly C. late D. quickly

3.After dinner he    .

A. reads newspapers B. takes a walk

C. watches TV D. takes a shower

4.How many hours does Mr. Wang sleep?

A. Eight. B. Seven.

C. Nine. D. Ten.

1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 【解析】试题分析:短文以记叙文的方式,描述了王老师的一天。 1.题意:王先生在 工作。考查细节理解题。根据开头两句Mr. Wang is a teacher. He teaches in a middle school.,可知他是中学教师,故选C。 2.题意:他上班 。考查细节理解题。根据He always gets there ...


科目:初中英语 来源:新人教版第二单元测试卷(含答案) 题型:单选题

The vegetable soup    delicious.Can I have more?

A. looks B. tastes

C. sounds D. feels

B 【解析】试题分析:句意:这个蔬菜汤尝起来非常美味,我可以再喝一点吗?looks看起来;tastes 尝起来;sounds听起来;feels摸起来。根据句意可知选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年第二学期八年级英语第三单元提优卷(含答案) 题型:回答问题

"Here is the shopping for Mr Green," said Dad, handing me a big plastic bag. Dad owned a milk bar, and sometimes I helped out after school with deliveries(送货).We had our regulars, but times were hard. Dad said it was the home deliveries that kept us in business. The deliveries included the tea my dad imported(进口)from Fuzhou. Dad was well-known for his tea,and people came from miles around to buy it.

I loaded up my bicycle with Mr Green's shopping. His order always included three packets of my dad's tea. How Mr Green could drink that much tea each week was a mystery to me.

"See you later, Chen," said Dad.

He always called me by my Chinese name.

My dad's parents came from China in the 1950s. I had a one-yuan coin they brought with them. I cycled out into the sun, wishing I could drive—it would be so much quicker to make deliveries.

Dad always said the exercise was good for me. I knew he was right, but I'd already decided that when I left home, the first thing I would do was to buy a car.

I loved anything to do with cars, and I'd decided I would be a mechanic, although I knew it wasn't what Dad had in mind for me. He'd already started saying to his friends, "When Chen goes to university..." If that happened,I would be the first person in my family to go,and it would be a great honor for my dad. But it wasn't what I wanted.

1.How did the writer's dad keep his business?


2.When did the writer's grandparents leave China?


3.Did the writer's dad want the writer to go to university? Why?


1.By the home deliveries and tea. 2.In the 1950s 3.Yes, Because his son would he the first person to go to university in his family. It would be his green honor. 【解析】文章讲述了作者帮助爸爸送货的故事。 1.根据...


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年第二学期八年级英语第三单元提优卷(含答案) 题型:单选题

The virus may destroy and some files in your computers will disappear.

A. mouse B. keyboard C. programs D. screen

C 【解析】句意:这个病毒也许会破坏程序,你电脑里的一些文件将会消失。A. mouse鼠标; B. keyboard 键盘; C. programs 程序; D. screen屏幕;根据电脑知识故选C


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年第二学期八年级英语第三单元提优卷(含答案) 题型:单选题

Hainan is famous its beautiful beaches.It is famous an international island·

A. for;as

B. as;for

C. as;as

D. for;for

A 【解析】句意:海南因为它的美丽的海滩而著名,它作为一个国际岛屿而著名。根据be famous for因---而著名;be famous as作为---而著名;故选A


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下unit2试卷 题型:单选题

--- We are going on holiday in Hong Kong tomorrow.

--- ________. And I will miss you.

A. Good luck B. You are welcome C. That’s all right D. Enjoy your holiday

D 【解析】句意:-我们明天要去香港度假。-享受你的假期。我会想念你的。A. Good luck 祝你好运气!对别人“参赛” “考试”之类活动的祝福语;B. You are welcome. 不用客气;对“感谢”用语的答语;C. That’s all right ①作为感谢用语的答语。当你为别人做了好事,别人对你表示感谢时,你常用它来做答语。意思是“不用谢,不客气。” ②作为道歉用语的答语。...


科目:初中英语 来源:贵州省遵义市2018年中考英语练习试卷 题型:单选题

—Will we have dinner at the new restaurant?

—Maybe.We’ll go there if the film ________before 6.But I don’t know if there________any free tables then.

A. will end;will be B. ends;will have C. ends;will be

C 【解析】句意:-----我们要在新餐馆吃饭吗?----也许吧。如果电影在6点前结束,我们就去那儿。但是我不知道是否还有空桌。if引导的时间状语从句,主将从现,第1个句子用一般现在时,填ends;第2句是if引导的宾语从句,if的意思是“是否”,if引导宾语从句时,从句的时态根据时间状语确定,如果是将来的时间,用一般将来时,故第2句用一般将来时,结合句意可知选C。

