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B2.Liso and Emily ore talking on the phone. Complete their conversation using be going to with the verbs in brackets.

Lisa: It ⑴ (be) a fine day tomorrow. Are you going out with your family?

Emily: Yes. We (2) (have) a picnic in the park. My mother

(buy) a lot of food for it.

Lisa: Will your grandparents go too?

Emily: No. They don't like picnics. They

(4) (stay) at home tomorrow,but Aunt Pauline and her son (5) (join) us.

Part B2

1 is going to be

2 are going to have

3 is going to  buy 

4 are going to stdy

5 are going to join 

题目来源:2016年译林英语补充习题七年级下册 > Unit 2 Neighbours


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(A  Daniel wants to write a story for website. Complete the draft of his story with th words in the box and change the sentences in brackets into simple sentences with proper prepositions.

compared     with   life   dried  food   in the form of     not tasty

    I was born on the Moon and I have lived here with my parents since then. Our

home is special.(1) (It is a house which has a huge air tank) . It provides us with oxygen. (2)(we can move around our house freely if we do not wear the special boots) because gravity is not a problem inside the house.

Our main food is ⑶ pills. Sometimes we eat (4) too. They dre (5) , but they are easy to

get.We sleep in space sleeping bags. We can control the tempemture of the sleeping bag (6) (because there is a tempemture control inside it) .

  On this planet,there are no schools. Instead,each of us has an e-teacher and we learn with a computer at home.(7)

(I often wonder what the schools on the Earth are like) .

    In my spare time,I like to play the guitar. The guitar was brought from the Earth by my mum. (8)(I learnt to play it when I was ten years old) . I also like taking photos with my camera.

    However,I want to visit the Earth one day. I think it must be very beautiful. My parents often say that

(9) on the Earth,life on the Moon is a little boring.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Al. Read the advertisement below for the community centre in Benny's neighbourhood. Complete it with the words in the box.

broken community centre engineers fix neighbourhood problems skills someone 

Welcome to the Sunshine Town ⑴ ! A The centre helps everyone in our (2)

with any (3) they have. It has a great team of workers with good (4) to help you any time you need them.

Having trouble with your computer? (5) can help!

(6) bicycle? (7) here can

(8) it for you.

It is also a great place to do activities and make new friends in a the neighbourhood.

Come and visit the community centre today!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

C.Benny is asking some people about the neighbourhood. Listen to their conversation and complete Benny's notes.

Mr Chen likes it because there are (1) in it.

Mr Wei likes it because there are  (2) around it.

Mrs Wei thinks it is a nice place to live because (3)  

Miss Li thinks the best thing about living here is  (4)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A1. Other students in Class 1,Crade 7 are talking about Millie Simon's and Daniel's future cities. Complete what they say with the words in the box.

fresh jogging looking forward to underground Western

I like Millies future city because the air is (1) and clean there.

The “Clean Air Town” is great. I'd like to go (2) there.

I wouldn't like to take small planes in a city.I like to travel by ⑶ .

People can try all kinds of food in "The Plaza". Thats great!I like (4) food very much. 

Daniel's future city is wonderful. I can buy very cheap things there. I'm (5) cities like that in the future.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

C.Benny wants to know more about the animals. He is asking Cathy some questions. Listen to their conversation and help Benny complete his notes.

˙Dogs can hear sounds much (1) . than we can,and they have a very good sense of (2)  .

. Horses usually (3) standing up. A young horse can

(4)   soon after birth.

˙Cats can (5) very well at night because they have very special (6) . Cats sleep for about

(7) hours a day.

. There are over (8) sheep in the world. Sheep like to live (9) others and move around in (10) .



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Until now I three articles about the USA.

a. wrote     b .have wrote      c.have written


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

E1. Look at the picture of the room. The boy is somewhere in it. Then listen to the police looking for the boy. Put a cross (X) in all the places they look and a tick (v) in the place they find the boy.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B Finding their way

B1. Sandy's uncle and aunt leave the police station,but they cannot find their way to Sandy's flat. Sandy's aunt calls Sandy to ask for directions. Read their conversation.

Sandy: Hello?

Aunt: Sandy? It's me,Aunt Joan,again.

Sandy: Aunt Joan,where are you? You're late!

Aunt: Oh,Tm so sorry,Sandy. We're lost. We're in front of the police station.

How do we get to your flat from here?

Sandy: Well,first,turn left.

Aunt: OK.

Sandy: Then turn right at the traffic lights. Go straight on at the crossing and over the bridge. My flat is on the left,opposite the post office.

Aunt: Oh yes. I see.

Sandy: It takes about ten minutes from there.

Aunt: OK.

Sandy: Call me again if you need to.

Aunt: OK,we will. Thank you. See you soon.

Sandy: See you.

