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—__________is Beijing?

—It’s in China.

A. What B. How C. Where D. When


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省广州市天河区2016年中考英语一模试卷 题型:补全对话

第二节 完成句子



The meeting was very important. It three days.

2.多么好的消息啊!Lucy 取得了在英国学习的机会。

news! Lucy got a chance to study in England.


I wonder home last night.

4.为了提高口语,他们用 Twitter 与美国朋友聊天。

They useTwitterto chat with American friends improve their spoken English.

5.世界卫生组织(WHO)是在 1948 年成立的。

World Health Organization in 1948.


You will get fatter you more exercise.


It’s so polite your seat to the old.


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版英语 9年级上册Unit 2 Colours 检测题 题型:完形填空

People talk about two kinds of colours: warm colours and cool colours. The_________colours are red, orange and yellow. These colours give you a happy and_________feeling. People________in cold climates would rather use warm colours_________their homes a warm and comfortable feel. People think that red, for example, represents_________and it is also the colour of heat and strong feelings. Wearing red makes_________easier for you to take action.

The cool colours are green blue and violet. These colours,________warm colours, are_______. Blue makes us feel calm and peaceful. It can also represent sadness. Where there are cool colours,people are usually_________. People who like to spend time___________often prefer blue.

1.A. cool B. warm C. calm D. cold

2.A. sad B. nervous C. worried D. contented

3.A. living B. live C. lived D. lives

4.A. to take B. to give C. to carry D. to get

5.A. peace B. quiet C. power D. calm

6.A. it B. that C. this D. its

7.A. like B. unlike C. dislike D. liking

8.A. relaxed B. relaxing C. worried D. surprised

9.A. stressed B. noisy C. powerful D. quiet

10.A. relaxed B. alone C. contented D. sad


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上英语同步练习2Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag第二课时 section A 题型:七选五

M:Can you help me?

W 1.

M:Is my ruler on the table?

W:No, it isn’t. It’s on the bookcase.

M:Oh, OK. 2.Are they on the bookcase, too?

W:3. They’re on the chair.

M:Oh, so, where is my pencil box?


M:And where’s my backpack?

W:It's under the table. And your baseball is under the chair.

M:Oh,OK. And where are Mom’s keys?



B.The keys? They’re on the table.

C.No, they aren’t.

D.How about my books?

E.It’s under the sofa.

F.Where are they?

G.Thank you.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级上英语同步练习2Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag第二课时 section A 题型:单项填空

—Where is___________ schoolbag?

—It’s ______ the sofa.

A. Ann; on B. Ann’s; on

C. Arm’s; in D. Ann; in


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版2017秋九年级英语 Test for Module 10 题型:选词填空




Australia has a population of no more than 24 million,but the large number of Australian scientists who1.Nobel Prizes shows the excellent education in Australia.

So far,twelve Australians have2. the Nobel Prizes,eleven for science and one for literature(文学作品).The Nobel Prize in Literature went to3.Patrick White in 1973.He is4. considered as one of the most important English-language writers of the 20th century.In his lifetime,he published(出版) 12 novels,three short-story collections and eight plays.

The5.Nobel Prize went to Brian Schmidt in 2011 and the one before him is Elizabeth Helen Blackburn.Brian Schmidt was born6.24 February 1967 in the USA.7. he was studying at Harvard University,he met his future wife,Jennifer M.Gordon.She is an8..In 1994,Brian Schmidt decided to move to Australia.From then on,he began to call Australia home.In 2011,he9.the Nobel Prize in Physics together with two Americans.

Elizabeth Helen Blackburn was born on 26 November 1948 in Australia.Now10.works as a researcher at the University of California in the USA.For her work,she was given the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology(生理学) or Medicine,sharing it with two other people.


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版2017秋九年级英语 Test for Module 10 题型:阅读理解


In some foreign countries,some people don't like the number 13.They don't think 13 is a lucky number,for example,they don't like to live on the thirteenth floor.

One day,my friend Jack asked some friends to dinner.When all of his friends arrived,he asked them to sit at the table.He began to count the people in his mind while they were having the delicious food.Suddenly,he cried out,“Oh,there are thirteen people here!”

Everyone's face turned white except Mr Brown.He said slowly with a smile on his face,“Don't worry,my friends.We have fourteen people here.My wife Mrs Brown will have a baby in a few months.She is in the familys now.”

All of them became happy again.“Congratulations!” they said.They all had a good time that evening.


1.Some people don't like the number 13 because they think it's unlucky.

2.Jack asked his friends to dinner one day.

3.The people felt unhappy when they heard Jack's words.

4.Mrs Brown will have a baby in a few weeks.

5.At last,all people had a good time that evening in the passage.


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版九年级上册英语 Unit 3 Teenage problems-Task 同步练习 题型:翻译


The teenage problems must ______________.


I usually cannot find ______________ the things I want to do.


Don’t ______________ your parents.


______________ have similar problems.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省镇江丹阳市2017届中考二模英语试卷 题型:单项填空

—May I go to the zoo with you next Sunday?

—No, you can’t, you have a ticket. I have only one ticket.

A. if B. until C. or D. unless

