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科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

11.What kind of party will Tina have this Saturdayevening?
A.A dance party.   B.A birthday party.   C.Adinner party.
12.What does Tina like very much?
A.Helping others.   B.Eating cakes.   C.Reading books.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

14.What will Helen do first?
 A.Buy some things.   B.Meet Henry.   C.Make beef.
15.How many things should Helenbuy?
 A.Three.   B.Four.  C.Five.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

12.What does Peter want to do?
 A.To see a movie.   B.To buy a book.   C.To send a letter.
13.Where is the theater?
A.Next to the bookstore.   B.Next to the post office.   C.Next to the traffic lights.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

Summer Course Registration (登记) Form
Name(16)略 Smith
School(17)略 Flying Technology School
Student IDHD (18)略
Summer class(19)略 Spoken class
TimeFrom 10:00 to 12:00 on (20)略


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

12.Why is the girl a bit nervous?
A.Sheis afraid of getting up late.
B.She is a new student to the school.
C.She isn't ready for the coming exam.
13.What can the students do if they feel hungry?
A.Ask the teacher for some food.
B.Have something to eat inclass.
C.Eat something during the break.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

10.Why is the woman unhappy with the dog?
A.It looks very dirty andsick.
B.It will make a mess inthe house.
C.It will make troubleswith the neighbor.
11.What are they going to do with the dog?
A.Keep it.   B.Send it back.   C.Give it away.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

8.Why is the boy back home early today?
A.Because he wants to have a short break.
B.Because he wants to help for the dinner.
C.Because the classroom is too noisy to study
9.What will the boy do to help his mother?
A.Wash the dishes.   B.Wash the tomatoes.   C.Set the table.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Who bought the sweater?
A.The man's daughter.    B.The man's son       C.The man's wife.
7.Whatsize should the man try?
A.Size 14.   B.Size 16.   C.Size 18.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

16.Smith makes the phone call because he略.
A.hopes to find a job    
B.plans to go to evening classes         
C.wants to know more about the club
17.Smith reads the ads略.
A.on the Internet        B.in a newspaper            C.on a poster
18.The club doesn't have any lessons on略evening.
A.Monday             B.Tuesday                 C.Wednesday
19.Smith can speak略besides English and French.
A.Chinese             B.Spanish                  C.Japanese
20.Why does the woman ask Smith for his e-mail address?
A.She wants to talk with him.
B.She wants to know more about him.
C.She wants to send him some information.


科目: 来源: 题型:填空题

13.What kind of home does Kangkang's grandparents live in?
A.A farmhouse.   B.An apartment.    C.A building.
14.How many floors are there in Kangkang's house?
 A.Two.    B.Three.   C.Four.
15.Wang Wei's house is略.
 A.near a building        B.near a school              C.near a farm.

