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科目: 来源:山西农业大学附属中学2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

I’m sorry I’m late. I should get here 10 minutes .

A. early B. earlier C. the earlier


科目: 来源:山西农业大学附属中学2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

I used to live in my own room alone. But one day it all changed when my brother Mike asked to share my______. At first, my parents said “no” to him, but at last my mother agreed. I cried and asked my parents not to do this, ______it didn’t work.

As soon as Mike entered my room, it began to become______. To my anger, he often left his unwashed clothes and toys everywhere!

One evening, I was doing some______on my computer while Mike was listening to music. ______, I left my seat to get some water. A big surprise was waiting for me when I______. He was using my computer to play games. I had forgotten to save the homework. Sadly, he had closed my program______saving it—all I had done had disappeared! I______him. He cried a lot as my mother came and beat him. My mother also asked him to leave my room at once.

Then I did my homework______. At 10∶00 pm. I finished it. When I was going to turn off the______, I saw the photo of my______that he had put on my table. I looked at his lovely face and remembered how______he was when my mom beat him. I really felt______. I went to see what he was doing. I found he was______in my parents’ bed. I kissed his face. He woke up, got up and said. “I’m sorry. I won’t bring you any more trouble.”

I was so moved and said. “From now on, my room is not only mine. It is______!” That night, Mike and I shared not only the room, but the bed.

1.A. clothes B. food C. room

2.A. because B. but C. or

3.A. dirty B. empty C. quiet

4.A. business B. homework C. reading

5.A. Later B. Instead C. However

6.A. danced B. fell C. returned

7.A. after B. by C. without

8.A. agreed with B. heard from C. shouted at

9.A. as well B. for ever C. once again

10.A. computer B. fan C. radio

11.A. brother B. cousin C. father

12.A. clever B. happy C. sad

13.A. bored B. excited C. sorry

14.A. jumping B. sleeping C. sitting

15.A. his B. hers C. ours


科目: 来源:山西农业大学附属中学2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

My friend, Dick, has a large police dog. It’s name is Jack. Every Saturday afternoon Dick takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.

One Saturday afternoon, a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for a walk. But the man was still there. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the man and looked at him. But the man kept talking. Finally Jack could stand it no longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the man, but this time he held the man’s hat in his mouth.

1.From the story, we know that Jack is ________.

A、 Dick’s good friend

B、 a large police dog

C、 a young man

2.Where does Dick walk with his dog every Saturday afternoon?

A、In his room B、 In the street C、 In the park

3.Jack became very worried one afternoon because ______.

A、 he couldn’t be taken out for a walk at the usual time.

B、 a young man came to visit Dick that afternoon.

C、 Dick walked around his room several times.

4.What does the word “stand” mean in the passage?

A、 站立 B、理解 C、忍受

5.Why did Jack sit down again in front of the man with the hat in his mouth?

A、 Try to take the man laugh.

B、 Like the young man very much.

C、 Ask the young man to leave


科目: 来源:山西农业大学附属中学2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Jenkins is a farmer. One day he drives his truck to town and on the way his truck knocked down a boy and hurt(弄伤) him. He takes the boy to a hospital and he pays a lot of money for that, but the boy’s parents want to get more money from him, so they say their son can’t lift(举起) his right arm above his head.

Mr. Jenkins’ lawyer comes and asks the boy some questions. “Now, my boy,” he says, “Mr.Jenkins’ truck knocks you down in the street.”

“Yes, sir,” he says.

“And you can’t lift your right arm now?”

“Yes, sir,” he says.

“Could you show how high you can lift your right arm?”

Slowly the boy lifts his right arm before his nose.

“Poor boy,” says the lawyer, “And how high can you lift before the accident?”

“Oh, I can lift it very high.” Says the boy, and the right hand goes up high above his head.

1.Mr. Jenkins’ truck knocks down ________.

A. a lawyer B. a boy’s father C. a boy

2.The boy’s parents want to get ________ from him.

A. more trucks B. more money C. more monkeys

3.Mr. Jenkins’ lawyer asks the boy to ______.

A. ask some questions

B. answer some questions

C. lift his left arm

4.The boy says he can’t lift his _________ now.

A. right arm B. left arm C. right foot

5.There is _______ wrong with the boy.

A. something B. anything C. Nothing


科目: 来源:山西农业大学附属中学2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Nowadays, many children spend hours a day looking at computer screens or other digital products. Some eye doctors say all the screen time has caused more children to have what they call computer vision syndrome(视力综合症).

Nathan Warford is an optometrist (配镜师) in the US. He says he has seen more children having eye problems.

“More children come into my office because their parents have noticed that they have headaches or red eyes, or because their degree of short-sightedness appears to be increasing very fast and they’re worried,” he said.

Dr. Warford says part of the problem is that even if their eyes start to feel uncomfortable or they start to get a headache, some children don’t tell their parents, because they don’t want their games or the computer to be taken away.

Another part of the problem is that people blink(眨眼睛) less often when they look at the screen.A person who uses a computer or a digital product blinks about one third as much as we normally do in everyday life. If eyes can’t stay wet or are too tired, they will not be protected like normal.

1.Which of the following isn’t caused by too much screen time?

A. Having headaches. B. Having wet eyes. C. Having red eyes.

2.Some children don’t tell their parents when their eyes start to feel uncomfortable because .

A. they think it is not serious

B. they want to go to hospital themselves

C. they want to continue playing computer games

3.People blink as they normally do when they use computers.

A. one third as much B. two thirds as much

C. half as much

4.From the passage, we can learn that .

A. tears can’t protect eyes

B. less screen time is good for eyes

C. children should blink as much as possible

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A. People who often get headaches.

B. Some information about the latest digital products.

C. Eye problems in children caused by using digital products.


科目: 来源:山西农业大学附属中学2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

A:I’m hungry, mum.

B:Well, I make noodles for you.

A:Great. 1..

B:OK. Can you help me make them?

A:Yes. 2.?

B:Well, help me cut up the tomatoes.


B:Two is OK.

A:What else?


A:First, I put some oil. Then put in the green onions.

B:I know next pour into water.

A:So clever. But remember boil the water for more than ten minutes. Then put in the noodles.

When the water is boiled again you can eat the noodles.


A、What can I do for you?

B、Bring me two eggs.

C、How do you make tomato and egg noodles?

D、I like tomato and egg noodles.

E、How many tomatoes do you need?

F、I can’t wait to eat them.

G、How much salt do you need?


科目: 来源:山西农业大学附属中学2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:任务型阅读

Climbing a mountain is hard work. But one step(脚步) after another finally brings a person to the top. Along the way, he can stop and look around. And the higher he climbs, the more wonderful his view is. If he keeps climbing, he will have a new world before him. He will have a new way to see everything. Now learning a foreign language is something like climbing a mountain. This new language can give you a new view of life. And it is more than a look at the surface of things. It can open the way into people’s minds and hearts and into a culture that is very different from your own culture. This will make you richer, richer in things that money can’t buy. Even though you never set foot(踏上) on a ship or a plane, you can be an armchair traveler through books. The mountain climber stops now and then to enjoy the scenery around him. Reading is just like this. If you are interested in it, you will find fun in books.

1.Is climbing a mountain easy?


2.What will he have if he keeps climbing?


3.Can learning languages open the way into people’s minds and hearts?


4.How will learning languages make you?


5.Where will you find fun if you are interested in reading?



科目: 来源:山西农业大学附属中学2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:选词填空



In the future, we won’t use1.to write on. We can study on computers. And there will be fewer cars and2.pollution. Everyone will play a3.in protecting the earth. The sea will be cleaner and the sky will be bluer. So the4.will get better and better.

I believe people will even have robots in their homes. They can help with the housework. Of course, there are5.robots working in factories now. They do simple jobs over and over again. And they will never get6..

People will be able to7.to the moon for a holiday. Perhaps people will live on a space8.one day. However, some people9.. They think it is10.for humans to live in space.


科目: 来源:山西农业大学附属中学2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达


提示:1.Do you often do chores?

2.What chores do you often do?

3.What do you think of doing chores?

Hello, everyone!


科目: 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习1Unit 2 How often do you exercise单元检测 题型:单项填空

It is very important for us_____ English well.

A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned

