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科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标九上 Unit 10 单元测试 题型:单项填空

Put on your coat. Don’t ______.

A. take them off B. take it off C. take off them D. take off it


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标九上 Unit 10 单元测试 题型:单项填空

We used to ____ to school, but we get used to _____ to school now.

A. walk, take a bus B. walk, riding a bike C. walk, ride a bike D. walked, took a bus


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标九上 Unit 10 单元测试 题型:单项填空

I think it’s impolite to keep others ______.

A. wait B. to wait C. waits D. waiting


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标九上 Unit 10 单元测试 题型:完形填空

We find it difficult to learn English, but not Chinese, because Chinese is our mother language. In fact Chinese is much more difficult to___than English. However some students in other countries can speak Chinese as___as English. What___them successful? “I think conversation is the most helpful way. They try to speak in____ If you only listen to what others speak, you will be good at___, but if you talk as much as possible, you will find you can speak __,” says Alice Smith, an English girl now___Chinese at Beijing University.___is interested in Chinese and its history. She thinks that to learn a language, one must try to know___about the country. Chinese is different from English,____we can use the same way in learning it. It is conversation.

1.A. talk B. say C. learn D. know

2.A. well B. good C. bad D. badly

3.A. makes B. make C. let D. lets

4.A. English B. Japan C. French D. Chinese

5.A. listen B. talk C. listening D. talking

6.A. good English B. good Chinese C. bad English D. bad Chinese

7.A. picking B. catching up C. studying D. teaching

8.A. He B. She C. Her D. His

9.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

10.A. so B. and C. also D. but


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标九上 Unit 10 单元测试 题型:阅读理解

Table manners are different all over the world. If you are a guest(客人) in India, this information will help you a lot.

In India, dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening. But there are not strict rules about time. Whenever a guest arrives, a family offers food. When you go to a home, the person who receives guests takes you to the living room first. At this time everyone welcomes you. Then you go to the dinning room. There you wash your hands in a bowl of water. All the food is on the table.

In India you usually eat with your fingers. You eat from the same dish as everyone else. But you eat from one side of the dish only. It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish. After dinner, you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.

Most meals in India have a dish called fufu. People in India make fufu from the powder(粉末)of some plants. Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw(锯子)because it’s very hard. You must chew(咀嚼)fufu well, or you may get sick. You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only.


1.From the passage we know that in India the rules for dinner time are not strict.

2.If you are a dinner guest in India, the host always takes you to the dinning room first.

3.People in India usually eat with their fingers.

4.In fact, most dishes in India are too hard to eat.

5.When you eat fufu, you must use the fingers of your right hand only.


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标九上 Unit 10 单元测试 题型:阅读理解

One day, Class Two had an English class. The teacher saw a boy reading a picture book and said, “Bob, what do you usually do after lunch?” Bob nervously got up from his seat, but he did not know what to answer. He thought for some time and then said, “Wait for dinner.”

The teacher was displeased and just at that moment, he saw another boy asleep. The teacher was getting a little angry now, but he was trying not to show it. Then he asked, “And you, Thomas?’

As Thomas was asleep, of course, he could not hear what the teacher had said. His deskmate woke him up. Thomas stood up quickly and answered in a loud voice, “So do I.”

1.This story happened _____.

A. in the teacher’s office B. after lunch C. in class D. a home

2.Bob’s answer made the teacher ______.

A. angry B. displeased C. surprising D. laughing

3.The teacher asked Thomas ______.

A. what he wanted to do after class B. what he did in class

C. the same question as he asked Bob D. to help Bob

4.Thomas’ answer meant that _____.

A. he knew what to do and what not to do after lunch B. he did the same thing as Bob did

C. he read a picture book D. he did many things after lunch

5.From the above story we can see that _____.

A. Thomas did not know what question the teacher had asked B. Bob did well in his lessons

C. Thomas was good at his lessons D. Bob and Thomas worked hard at their lessons


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标九上 Unit 10 单元测试 题型:任务型阅读

阅读下面的一封信,按要求完成各项任务。 (每小题1分,满分5分)

I’ve got some information for everyone going to Britain next month. As you know, you’ll be staying with a family for two weeks. Now the most important thing is money. You should take about £30 in cash(现金) and about £200 in traveler cheques(支票). Then when you arrive at the airport you’ll be met by our host(主人) family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. I’ve told them to look out for the red shirts. You’ll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, it’s very important that you take the school letter. While you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our agent(代理人). I’ll give you her office phone number now: It’s 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. Belcher, that’s B-E-L-C-H-E-R. She’s in the office from 9-5 every day. OK! That’s everything. Have a good trip.


Money-cash: 30
traveler cheques: (1)
Wear: (2)
Take: (3)
Office phone number: (4)
Ask for: (5)


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标九上 Unit 10 单元测试 题型:选词填空

eat, much, left, polite, start, put, drink, somebody, rule, quiet

If you’re going to a formal western dinner party for the first time, you’d better know about western table manners. It’s1.to follow them.

When you sit down at the table, take your napkin(餐巾) and2.it on your lap. The dinner always 3. with a small dish. When you start eating, you should keep the fork in your4.hand. It’s polite to finish5.everything on your plate, so don’t take6.food than you need. Maybe you don’t know whether it’s polite or not to speak loudly at the table. The answer is that you should speak7.and smile a lot. When you drink to8., you’d better raise your glass and take only a sip(啜饮). Remember not9.too much. If you can’t remember these10., just do as other people do.


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标九上 Unit 10 单元测试 题型:书面表达


eating meals with other people ·attending a party

目标句型:be supposed to do




科目: 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.第四课时 section B 题型:翻译

1.long straight hair ______________________

2.primary school ______________________

3.和……相处得好 ______________________

4.写下,记下 ______________________

5.—名中学生 ______________________

