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科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标八上 Unit 4 单元测试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Most people like Jazz 107.9 FM, because it _______ very beautiful music.

A. gives B. gets C. takes D. plays


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标八上 Unit 4 单元测试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

What do you ____ this new watch?

A. think at B. think of C. think over D. think hard


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标八上 Unit 4 单元测试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

-______ is the ticket? -It's five yuan.

A. How many B. How long C. How far D. How much


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标八上 Unit 4 单元测试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Mary is the youngest ____ the three girls.

A. on B. than C. of D. at


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标八上 Unit 4 单元测试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

—Why did you decide on that restaurant? — it had the cheapest food.

A. So B. Because C. What D. But


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标八上 Unit 4 单元测试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Professor Li is very creative. I think he’s one of in the college.

A. most popular teachers B. the most popular teachers

C. more popular teachers D. the most popular teacher


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标八上 Unit 4 单元测试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

London is such a wonderful city. It is very large. The Thames River runs____the city from west to east. So the city has____parts: the South and the North. In the North, there are important buildings, shops, big parks and interesting places.

The weather in London is good. In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not very hot____the city is near the sea. People say____London is a foggy city and it often rains. It is true.

Last year, when I____in London I met one of the____fogs in years. You could hardly see your hand in front of your face. Cars and buses moved along with their lights on. When evening fell, the weather____even worse. The fog was as thick as milk____the buses and cars stopped. I happened____an important meeting on the other side of the town, but it was impossible to find a car. I had to get there____

1.A. about B. through C. in D. along

2.A. four B. six C. five D. two

3.A. because B. so C. but D. or

4.A. what B. where C. that D. which

5.A. were B. am C. be D. was

6.A. thick B. thicker C. the thickest D. thickest

7.A. become B. got C. turn D. grow

8.A. All B. Each C. Every D. None

9.A. to have B. have C. having D. had

10.A. by car B. by bus C. on foot D. on the foot


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标八上 Unit 4 单元测试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Wang Lan and Wang Jing are students from Shanghai. They are sisters. They are looking for a new place to live in. They need to catch buses and trains every day. They can pay 375 yuan a week.

Wang Lan is 24 years old, and she is studying computer science. She goes to university every weekday and sometimes on Saturdays. She usually studies every night and she doesn't go out very often. She has a lot of books and a large desk. A quiet place is what she wants to live in.

Wang Jing is 19 years old. She is studying English at a language college. She has classes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. After that she often plays badminton with her best friend at the college. Sometimes they go shopping. In the evening, she usually watches TV or studies with her friend. Sometimes they go to the cinema.

根据短文,判断对错. 对的写T,错的写F.

1.Wang Lan and Wang Jing are good friends.

2.Wang Lan and Wang Jing are looking for a good job in Shanghai.

3.Wang Lan is older than Wang Jing.

4.Wang Lan likes studying. She doesn't like going out.

5.Wang Jing is studying computer science in the university.


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标八上 Unit 4 单元测试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解



Persons per



per 100 people

Percent(百分数) of children in

middle school
















New York










1.Which city had the most people?

A. Tokyo. B. Seoul. C. London. D. Moscow.

2.People in London live better than those in .

A. Tokyo B. Seoul C. Moscow D. New York

3.It was the most difficult for people in to make a telephone call.

A. Tokyo B. Seoul C. Moscow D. New York

4.People in Tokyo owned more telephones than people in .

A. Seoul and London B. Seoul and Moscow

C. Moscow and London D. Seoul, Moscow and London

5.Every child could go to school in .

A. Tokyo B. London C. New York D. Moscow


科目: 来源:绵阳关帝中学2017秋人教新目标八上 Unit 4 单元测试英语试卷 题型:任务型阅读

The coldest and most difficult place in the world in which to live is Antarctica. Antarctica is the land of snow and ice near the South Pole(南极). Most people do not think there is much life in the icy waters around it. They are wrong.

Antarctica's seas are full of life. There are many kinds of fishes, water birds, seals and whales. They eat the thick plant life in the sea and the smaller water animals. Some whales, for example, eat more than a ton of food every day.

The most famous animal of Antarctica is the penguin. It struts around the icy as if it were a movie star walking down the street.

1.Antarctica is _______ than any other place in the world.

2.Antarctica is the land of _____________ near the South Pole.

3.There is _______ life on Antarctica land.

4.We can find some whales in the _______ around Antarctica land.

5.The penguin is _____________ animal of Antarctica.

