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科目: 来源:甘肃省张掖市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:句型转换

1.China has a population of 1.3 billion.( 对划线部分提问)

_____ the population of China ?

2.They have already finished the work.(否定句 )

They ______ ______ the work ______

3.He went to bed after he finished his homework。(改为同义句)

He _______go to bed ______ he finished his homework


The rich person______ ______his money to these poor children last year.


He asked me another question _______ ______ answering me.


科目: 来源:甘肃省张掖市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空


Mary was ill, so she went to see _____ .

“Doctor, I’m not feeling _____ ,” said Mary. “Every time I do my homework, I feel _____ . If I go to school on foot, I have to sit down and _____ for a few times.”

The doctor looked over her _____ . At last he said, “_____ serious, but I’m afraid you are eating too much.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean?” asked Mary.

“I mean you eat _____ food,” said the doctor.

“Oh! You mean I’m too_____ . That’s a problem,” said Mary. “What should I do?”

“The answer is easy,” said the doctor. If you want to be thinner and healthier, you _____ eat a lot of food and you should also do much _____ .”

1.A. her mother B. the teacher C. the doctor D. her friend

2.A. terrible B. ill C. good D.well

3.A. hungry B.thirsty C. tired D. happy

4.A. stand up B. lie down C. eat food D. have a rest

5.A. carelessly B. careless C. carefully D. careful

6.A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing

7.A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too

8.A. thin B. healthy C.stressed out D. heavy

9.A. must B. should C. shouldn’t D. didn’t

10.A. housework B. homework C. shopping D. Exercise


科目: 来源:甘肃省张掖市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

When Mr. David retired(退休), he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it.

But to his great surprise, many tourists came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village. From room morning to night there were tourists outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into Mr. David's garden. This was too much for Mr. David. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said: "If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心), come in and look around. Price; twenty dollars." Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house. "I came here to retire, not to work as a guide." he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away.

1.Mr. David's house was ________that many tourists came to see it.

A. so small B. so quiet C. so interesting D. so big

2.Mr. David put a notice on the window in order_______.

A. to drive the visitors away

B. to satisfy the visitors' curiosity

C. to let visitors come in and look around

D. to get some money out of the visitors

3.The notice made the visitors________.

A. more interested in his house B. lose interest in his house

C. angry at the unfair price D. feel happy about the price

4.After Mr. David put up the notice________.

A. the visitors didn’t come any longer

B. fewer and fewer visitors came to see his house

C. more and more tourists came for a visit

D. no tourist would pay the money for a visit

5.At last Mr. David had to sell his house and move away because _____.

A. he did not like it at all

B. he could not work as a guide

C. he made enough money and wanted to buy a new expensive house

D. he could not live a quiet life in it


科目: 来源:甘肃省张掖市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood near a river. Suddenly his old axe(斧头) fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then all at once a beautiful fairy(仙女) came out and asked the man what was the matter.

“I have lost my axe.” he said. “It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood.” The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked, “Is this yours?” “No.” said the man.

The fairy then showed him a silver axe and asked again. “Is this yours?” “No.” again answered the man. Then she showed him the old axe.

“Yes, this is mine.” called out the happy man. “I know that well enough.” Said the fairy, “I only want to see if you can tell me the truth, and now I’ll give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides your own one.”

1.The man with his old axe fell into the river.

2.The fairy came out and asked what was wrong with him.

3.The sad man only wanted the gold and silver axes.

4.The fairy found his lost axe for the man.

5. From the story, we know that an honest man may get more.


科目: 来源:甘肃省张掖市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

A:What’s up?

B:I need some help.1.?

A:What about a scarf?

B:No,that’s too boring.


B:Oh,that’s too expensive.

A:How about buying some tennis balls?

B:No way !That’s too cheap.


B:Flowers? She likes flowers best,4.

A:Let’s go to flower store.

B:OK.Thank you !

A: 5.

A.Why not buy a camera?

B.It’s a good idea.

C.What should I get for my mom for her birthday?

D.I am glad to help you.

E.I think it is good to give her some flowers.


科目: 来源:甘肃省张掖市2016-2017学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达





科目: 来源:江苏省灌云县西片2017届九年级下学期第二次月考(5月)英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Do you know __________ old lady standing by the window? Her son is ________ astronaut.

A. the; / B. a; an C. the; an D. / ; the


科目: 来源:江苏省灌云县西片2017届九年级下学期第二次月考(5月)英语试卷 题型:单项填空

I’m really busy now because a lot of work __________ today.

A. needs to finish B. need finishing C. needs to be finished D. need to finish


科目: 来源:江苏省灌云县西片2017届九年级下学期第二次月考(5月)英语试卷 题型:单项填空

In Chinese classes, if you know the answer to the teacher’s question, usually, you will _______ your hand and ________ to speak.

A. rise; raise B. raise; rise C. rise; rise D. raise; raise


科目: 来源:江苏省灌云县西片2017届九年级下学期第二次月考(5月)英语试卷 题型:单项填空

_____ of my dresses _____ made of silk. They are comfortable for me to wear in hot summer.

A. Two-thirds; is B. Two-thirds; are C. Two-third; is D. Two-third; is

