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科目: 来源:河南省2018届九年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

Which sentence is right?

A. My father has left his hometown for several years.

B. I think Lily will make greater progress in her painting as long as she studies hard enough.

C. The police are running after the thief who runs very fast!

D. The headmaster went back home so early. Because he had the flu.

B 【解析】句意:哪一句是正确的?考查句子判断题。A. My father has left his hometown for several years. for several years好几年了;本句结构是现在完成时,for后接一段时间,但leave是非延续性动词,不可和表示一段时间的介词for连用;本句错误。B. I think Lily will make greater prog...


科目: 来源:河南省2018届九年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

Joe was a farmer. His farmland was so poor that he hadn’t good harvest for years. “If God let me control the weather, ______ will get better,” he complained, “I know better than God does because I am a (an) ______farmer.”

God heard his words. “Well, I will give you one year,” God replied. “You will be in charge of the weather. Let’s see what your crops grow like.” Joe was so ______ that he couldn’t believe what he heard. But he still wanted to have a try. He shouted, “Sunny!” ______ the clouds went away. “Unbelievable!” He thought to himself and tried again, “rain!” The sky became cloudy right away and heavy rain poured down. ______, in the following year, he changed the weather between sunny and rainy. Watching his crops growing bigger and bigger, he felt happy.

When the harvest season came, he ______ his basket and sickle(镰刀)to the field, looking forward to a big harvest. But his heart sank to the ______when he found his strong crops had not grown any grain(谷粒)at all. Puzzled and disappointed, he started crying, which was heard by God again.

“How about your crops?” God asked. Joe ______ the crops, without a word. “Do not you have your wish to control the weather?” God asked again. “Yes, but I just can’t understand it. I have given them what they need. How could it be?” Joe ______. “That’s because you never asked for wind, rainstorm, snow or anything that could make the roots stronger. Without strong roots, of course they won’t grow any fruit.”

It turned out that only through ______, would we harvest the fruit of life. It takes both ups and downs to get satisfactory results.

1.A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

2.A. clever B. experienced C. polite D. patient

3.A. angry B. sorry C. surprised D. upset

4.A. Normally B. Generally C. Fortunately D. Suddenly

5.A. Still B. However C. Therefore D. Besides

6.A. brought B. carried C. packed D. pulled

7.A. bottom B. part C. side D. top

8.A. believed in B. looked up C. paid for D. pointed to

9.A. mentioned B. noted C. suggested D. wondered

10.A. rainstorms B. chances C. challenges D. Discoveries

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.C 【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇寓言故事。乔的土地贫瘠没有好收成,他抱怨不能掌管天气。上帝知道后,让他掌管天气。他改变了晴天和雨天之间的天气,庄稼越来越大,但到了收获季节,他发现自己强壮的庄稼根本没有长出任何谷粒,他感到困惑和失望,开始哭泣。上帝知道后告诉他,虽...


科目: 来源:河南省2018届九年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

It feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation, it turns into an argument. We talk about something as simple as dinner plans and suddenly, my mother will push the conversation into World War 3. She’ll talk about my not very bright future because I don't plan to be a doctor, and much to her disappointment, I don't want to do any job related to science, either. In fact when I was pushed to say that I planned to major(主修) in English and communications, she nearly had a heart attack.

“Why can’t you be like my co-worker’s(同事) son?” she bemoans all the time. Her co-worker's son received a four-year scholarship(奖学金) and is now making 70,000 dollars a year as an engineer. I don't know what to answer except that I just can’t be like Mr. Perfect as I’ve called the unnamed co-worker's son. I can't be like him. I am the type of the person who loves to help out in the community, write until the sun goes down, and most of all, wants to achieve a career because I love it, not because of honor or money.

I understand why my mother is worried about my future major. I’ve seen my mother struggle to raise me on her little money and work long hours. She leaves the house around 6:30 am. And usually comes home around 5 pm. or even 6 pm. However, I want her to know that if I become a doctor, it doesn't mean I’ll be successful. I’d rather follow my dreams and create my own future.

1.Which of the following topics do the writer and his mother often talk about?

A. the writer's studies B. wars around the world

C. dinner plans D. the writer’s further job

2.We can infer from Paragraph 1 that the writer’s mother .

A. doesn’t think the writer should be a doctor

B. doesn’t want the writer to major in English

C. gets along very well with the writer

D. doesn't think working in the scientific field is a good idea

3.The underlined word “bemoans”, in Paragraph 2 most probably means“ ”.

A. 称赞 B. 大喊 C. 安慰 D. 抱怨

4.Which of the following statements is probably TRUE about the writer?

A. He wants to be like his mother’s co-worker’s son.

B. He wants to find a job in his community in the future.

C. He wants to do something he really likes in the future.

D. He doesn’t think his mother’s co-worker’s son is perfect.

5.We can know from the last paragraph that______.

A. the writer's mother works very hard for the family

B. the writer doesn’t know what his future will be like

C. the writer doesn’t think being a doctor is a good job

D. the writer sometimes thinks his mother's advice is very good

1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 【解析】试题分析:短文通过母亲和“我”对待未来工作的不同意见,表现了母亲对“我”的关心和“我”宁愿追随梦想,创造美好未来的决心。 1.题意:作者和他的母亲经常谈论下列话题中的哪一个?考查细节理解题。A. the writer's studies作者的研究;B. wars around the world世界各地的战争;C....


科目: 来源:河南省2018届九年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 题型:单选题

Hanukkah(光明节), the Festival of Lights, is celebrated by the Jewish(犹太人的) people around the world. They celebrate the holiday with the lighting of the menorah(连灯烛台), traditional foods, games and gifts. Hanukkah is a Jewish festival. It is on the 25th day of the Jewish month, which is usually sometime in December. The festival celebrates the time, over 2000 years ago, when the Jewish people fought against a king who would not let them follow their own traditions and religion(宗教). When the Jewish people won back their temple in the city, they found there was only enough holy(神圣的) oil to keep the sacred light(神圣之灯) burning for one day. However, to their surprise, the little oil kept the light burning for eight days and nights, until the people had time to make some oil.

At the center of the festival celebrations is a candlestick (called a Menorah) that holds nine candles. On the first night of the festival, the first candle is lit, and each day this candle is used to light another candle, until on the eighth day, the last day, all the candles are lit. During the festival, people go to the temple to pray(祈祷) and to remember the miracle(奇迹) of the holy oil. The festival is a time for family and friends to come together. People exchange gifts and greeting cards, and children go to parties. Parents often give their children money at Hanukkah. Potato cakes, called latkes, are a traditional Hanukkah food. Hanukkah is a small and not very important holiday in the Jewish year. However, the Hanukkah story tells us a Jewish culture living through in a non-Jewish world.

1.For how many days does Hanukkah last? __________.

A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10

2.Jewish people fought against the king because ______.

A. the king didn’t let them eat traditional food or wear traditional clothes.

B. the king didn’t allow them to practice their own traditional and religions.

C. the king didn’t let them celebrate their own festivals.

D. the king didn’t allow them to keep the sacred light burning.

3.What do the candles on the Menorah make Jewish people think of?

A. The war that they fought 2000 years ago.

B. The God that they honored best.

C. The miracle of the holy oil that happened 2000 years ago.

D. The church they built 2000 years ago.

4.During Hanukkah, families and friends usually _________.

A. get together B. go to parties together

C. light candles together D. send each other postcards

5.The passage mainly tells us about ________.

A. why Jewish people protect their traditions.

B. why Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah

C. the history of Hanukkah and how it is celebrated

D. the miracle of the holy oil in the Jewish temple.

1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 【解析】试题分析:这篇短文介绍了介绍的是光明节的来历和庆祝方式,表现了人们的良好祝愿。 1.题意:光明节持续多少天?考查细节理解题。根据the little oil kept the light burning for eight days and nights,,可知是八天,故选B。 2.题意:犹太人反对国王是因为...


科目: 来源:河南省2018届九年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Name: Off the Beaten Path (险远之路)

Cover price (定价): $30.00

Our price: $19.80

The best-selling Reader’s travel book has 40% new content(内容) including over 200 new places, over 200 new full-color photographs, and all-new, up-to-date maps. It introduces more than 1, 000 of the United States’ must-see destinations(目的地).

Name: Container Gardens by Number

Cover price: $ 15.95

Our price: $9.49

A unique book contains(包含) 50 easy-to-follow container designs. Each design provides a simple planting plan that shows exactly how to create each artwork, with an instruction and in-depth(深入的) plant information. The plans are easy to follow and for any type of living space or garden.

Name: Best Weekend Projects

Cover price: $ 17.95

Our price: $13.96

Choose from 80 unique ideas to create an unusual and surprising living space. The projects are practical, as well as attractive, and will improve your home and yard and can be made in a weekend. These 80 well-designed projects are shown in a clear, easy-to-follow style that speaks to readers in an easy-understanding, user-friendly voice.

Name: l80l Home Remedies (治疗方案)

Cover price: $ 40.00

Our price: $ 29.96

Plenty of health problems can be dealt with at home. Each and every remedy will be tested by a doctor to make sure it is safe and sound. Dozens of conditions are covered, from headaches, sunburn, bad breath, and blisters (起泡) to allergies(过敏), and hiccups (打嗝).

1.You can most probably read the passage in a ____.

A. travel guide B. newspaper C. textbook D. medicine booklet

2.How much money could you save if you want to buy a travel book?

A. $10. 20. B. $6.46. C. $13.96. D. $19.80.

3.Which of the following could help you to deal with common health problems

without a doctor?

A. Off the Beaten Path. B. Container Gardens by Number.

C. Best Weekend Projects. D. 1801 Home Remedies.

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Container Gardens by Number can help you improve your gardening skills.

B. Best Weekend Projects may be useful for you to decorate your living room.

C. Off the Beaten Path covers about 1000 famous traveling destinations all over the world.

D. 1801 Home Remedies is designed for home use.

5.The author writes the passage in order to ___________.

A. introduce the books to readers

B. advise readers to buy the books

C. encourage readers to read more about medicine

D. share his opinion about the books with readers.

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 【解析】试题分析:短文是四则新书简介,是关于健康和出行的实用建议,作者的真正目的是通过建议读者多购买书籍进行推销。 1.题意:你最有可能在____阅读这则短文。考查文意理解题。根据四则短文的内容,都是些广告之类,可知最容易出现在报刊上,故选B。 2.题意:如果你想买一本旅游书,你能省下多少钱?考查数字理解题。根据第一...


科目: 来源:河南省2018届九年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Kid’s health: Four steps for fighting stress(压力).

Everybody gets stressed from time to time. 1. Some ways —like shouting or hitting someone—don’t solve much. But other ways, like talking to someone you trust, can lead you to solve your problem or at least feel better.

Try taking these four steps the next time you are stressed:

※ Get support. When you need help, reach out to the people who care about you. Talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent or other relatives. 2. They might have had similar problems, such as dealing with a test, or the death of a beloved pet.

※ Don't take it out on yourself. Sometimes when kids are stressed and upset they take it out on themselves. Oh, dear, that's not a good idea. Remember that there are always people to help. Don’t take it out on yourself. 3.

※ Try to solve the problem. After you’re calm and you have support from adults and friends, it’s time to get down to business. 4. Even if you can't solve it all, you can solve a piece of it.

※ Be positive. Most stress is temporary(暂时的). Remember stress does go away when you find out the problem and start working on solving it.

These steps aren’t magic, but they do work. And if you can stay positive as you make your way through a difficult time, you’ll help yourself feel better even faster. 5.

A. Ask for a helping hand to get you out of the difficult situation,

B. And don’t forget about your friends.

C. Different people deal with stress differently.

D. Ah, it feels so good when the stress is gone.

E. You need to find out what the problem is.

1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.E 【解析】试题分析:本文针对儿童健康问题,提出了对抗压力的四个行之有效的步骤,同时强调首先需要找出问题所在。 1.根据下文的Some ways…But other ways,,可知列举了不同的方法,备选句子中,Different people deal with stress differently.符合句意,故选C。 ...


科目: 来源:河南省2018届九年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选


wide, then, with, use, without, appear,

direct, talent, so, honor, sad, much

Hedy Lamarr was born in 1914. When she was still a teenager, she fell in love with acting. Soon she was discovered by an American 1.. At the age of 18, she 2. in her first film and began to get a lot of attention. Years later, she became a famous Hollywood actress. She was so popular that her hairstyle was even 3. followed by the fans. At that time she was 4. as “the most beautiful woman in the world”. Many people pay 5. attention to her beauty than her acting skills. This brought her 6. and pain, 7.she gave up acting and started a new life. Then she decided to invent something 8.. You must be very surprised. What could an actress invent? But we’d like to say anybody who has used a mobile phone should thank her. Because 9. her technology of FHSS(跳频扩频), today we will not have GPS, Bluetooth, mobile phones or Wi-Fi networks. So she was called “Wireless Goddess”. Now, Hedy is remembered not only as one of the most 10. actresses but also a great inventor.

1.director 2.appeared 3.widely 4.honored 5.more 6.sadness 7.so 8.useful 9.without 10.talented 【解析】试题分析:这是一篇人物小传,讲述了演技高超被誉为“世界上最美丽的女人”的海迪·拉马尔,放弃演艺开始新的生活后,发明了无线技术FHSS而被称为“无...


科目: 来源:河南省2018届九年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

二、(2018 • 四川成都九年级下期中考试) 填写适当的句子补全对话

A: Hi, Mike. How is everything going these days?

B: Pretty well. I’m planning to take a holiday next week.1.?

A: Sure. You may go to Yunnan. The weather is quite pleasant there.

B: I went there last winter. I want to go somewhere different this year.

A: 2.? Chongqing is a beautiful city with many places of interest. And the people there are very


B: It seems that you know it well. How many times have you visited it?

A: 3.. The more I know about it, the more I love it.

B: Oh, great. 4.?

A: Really delicious, but a little hot, especially hot-pot.

B: Sounds great to me. That’s the place I want to go to. I’ll go there next week.

A: 5..

B: Thank you.

1.Could you give some advice/suggestions? / Do you have any ideas/advice? 2.Why don’t you go to Chongqing/ Why not go to Chongqing? 3.I have been there once/twice/three times. 4.What do you t...


科目: 来源:河南省2018届九年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 题型:补全短文5选5

感恩是一个永恒的话题,我们应该对帮助过自己的人心存感恩。感恩之际,我们也应该心存善念,去帮助需要帮助的人。请你以“Learn to Be Thankful”为题,根据以下提示和要求写一篇80词左右的英语短文。

提示:1. 描述某人(如父母、老师、同学、朋友甚至陌生人等)在学习、生活上帮助过你的某件事;

2. 你帮助过某人的事;

3. 你对这些事的感想。

要求:1. 文章必须包括所给提示中1-3项的内容,可展开思路,适当发挥;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名和其他真实信息。

Learn to Be Thankful


Learn to Be Thankful I still remember a rainy day when I was in Grade 7. On that day, I overslept and hurried to school by bike. At a street corner, I fell down and hurt my legs so badly that I cou...


科目: 来源:福州屏东中学2016-2017年第二学期八年级英语试卷 题型:单选题

Dear kids, take it easy! It’s just_____usual exam. To me, you are ____best.

A. a, the B. an, the C. a;/ D. the, a

A 【解析】试题分析:句意:亲爱的孩子们,放松一点!这只是一场普通的考试。对于我来说,你们是最棒的。不定冠词可表示“一”的概念,usual以辅音音素开头,“一场普通的考试”用a usual exam;形容词的最高级前用定冠词the。故选A。

