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科目: 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语人教(下)Unit 9单元检测 题型:单选题

--Do you know where he ? --Sorry,I’m new here.

A. live B. living C. lives D. to live

C 【解析】句意:——你知道他住哪儿吗?——抱歉,我是新来的。由题干可知本题是宾语从句的结构形式,主句是一般现在时,宾语从句根据句意选择时态,本句中应用一般现在时;宾语从句谓语动词live和其主语he在数上应保持一致,要用第三人称单数形式lives;故答案选C。


科目: 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语人教(下)Unit 9单元检测 题型:单选题

The girl ________ glasses is ________ red.

A. with;with B. in;in C. with;in D. in; with

C 【解析】with glasses是介词短语作定语,修饰名词girl;in与表示颜色的名词连用时,表示“穿着某种颜色的衣服”。


科目: 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语人教(下)Unit 9单元检测 题型:单选题

Jack is too short. I need a ___________ boy to help me do the work.

A. new B. funny C. young D. tall

D 【解析】句意:Jack太矮了。我需要一个高大的男孩来帮助我这项工作。A. new新的;B. funny有趣的;C. young年轻的;D. tall高大的。根据句意可以判断出只有D选项符合题意,故答案选D。


科目: 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语人教(下)Unit 9单元检测 题型:完型填空

My name is Han Shuang. I’m a middle school student. I ____a new friend at school this term._______name is David Smith. He is a(n) _____ boy. He comes from New York. He is of medium build. He is tall ________ small blue eyes and short curly hair. He usually wears _____ in class, because he is nearsighted(近视的).

David and I live on the same street. ______ we often go home together(一起) after school. On the way home,we talk about a lot of things. He tells me he has a ______. Her name is Becky. She is also a student. She likes reading books. When she is ________, she often goes to the library.

David loves music very much and he _______ staging every day. Do you know what his _______ is? Right! He wants to be a musician.

1.A. fight B. make C. help D. keep

2.A. Her B. Your C. My D. His

3.A. American B. English C. Russian D. Chinese

4.A. from B. at C. with D. for

5.A. glasses B. shirts C. hats D. shoes

6.A. so B. but C. because D. or

7.A. mother B. brother C. sister D. daughter

8.A. busy B. free C. lazy D. young

9.A. studies B. listens C. takes D. practices

10.A. job B. dream C. subject D. habit

1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.B 【解析】文章大意:在新学期开始,作者交到了一个新朋友。然后从名字、国籍、外貌、身材、爱好、梦想等方面对这个新朋友进行了介绍。 1.A. fight打架;B. make制作;C. help帮助;D. keep保持。根据句意“这学期我在学校交了一个新朋友”...


科目: 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语人教(下)Unit 9单元检测 题型:阅读单选

I need your help, please. I can’t find my daughter. She is 9 years old. Her name is Mary. She has a round face with two big brown eyes and a small nose. She has short and yellow hair. She is of medium height and she is thin. She is wearing a white T-shirt and a red skirt. She likes to play with little dogs. There is an apple in her hands.

Please help me. If you see her, please call Betty at 568-9898. Thank you very much.

1.What’s the name of the girl?

A. Mary. B. Betty. C. Jenny. D. Joan.

2.How old is the girl?

A. Three years old. B. Nine years old. C. Six years old. D. We don’t know.

3.What does the girl look like?

A. She has a round face. B. She has two big black eyes.

C. She has a small nose. D. A and C.

4.What color are the girl’s clothes?

A. Her T shirt is white and her skirt is blue. B. Her T shirt is red and her skirt is brown.

C. Her T-shirt is yellow and her skirt is black. D. Her T-shirt is white and her skirt is red.

5.If you find the girl, you can ___________.

A. tell the police B. take her to your home C. call 110 D. call Betty

1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.D 【解析】本文是一则寻人启事。说的是一位女士的女儿找不到了,她在寻人启事上说了她女儿的年龄、穿着、长相等信息。 1.细节理解题。文中提到HernameisMary.可知女孩叫Mary。故选A。 2.细节理解题。文中提到Sheis9yearsold.可知女孩今年9岁。故选B。 3.细节理解题。文中提...


科目: 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语人教(下)Unit 9单元检测 题型:阅读判断

I’m a student in a middle school. I’ll tell you something about my English teacher, Mrs. Wang. She is a middle-aged(中年) woman. She is not tall or short, and she is also not heavy or thin. She has long, black hair. She likes wearing a red dress. She is very beautiful. She speaks English very well. She has three classes a week, but they aren’t on Tuesday or Friday. All the students in her class love her very much.

Mrs. Wang lives near the school. She walks to school early every morning. Her two children are twins. They’re in Grade Four in a primary school(小学). But they are not in the same class. They often wear the same clothes.


1.Mrs. Wang is of medium and of height medium build.

2.Mrs. Wang likes wearing a white and black dress.

3.Mrs. Wang is my English teacher.

4.Mrs. Wang’s children often wear the same clothes.

5.Mrs. Wang’s hair is long and black.

1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 【解析】文章大意:本文主要介绍作者的英语老师——王老师,介绍了其外貌、上课时间和她的双胞胎孩子。 1.细节理解题。由第一段中“She is not tall or short, and she is also not heavy or thin.”可知,王老师中等的身高,中等的体型。故答案为T。 2.细节理解题。由第...


科目: 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语人教(下)Unit 9单元检测 题型:完成句子



Li Xin is ________ ________ ________ ________ his pet now.


________ ________ ________ ,he found that book.


Can you tell me ________ your sister________ ________


Many people don’t always see things________ ________ ________ .


He has ________ ________ ________ hair.

1.drawing apicture of 2.Intheend 3.whatlooks like 4.thesame way 5.short straight brown 【解析】 1.根据题意,“画…的画像”用draw a picture of表示,由句意可知,本句时态是现在进行时,其结构为be(am/is/are)+动词现在分词。主语Li Xin是第三人称...


科目: 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语人教(下)Unit 9单元检测 题型:句型转换


1.What does the girl look like? (改为同义句)

______ the girl ________?

2.Peter is fat. (用thin改为选择疑问句)

_______ Peter fat ______ thin?

3.Paul has curly hair. (对画线部分提问)

______ ______ Paul _______hair?

4.My sister isn’t tall or short. (改为同义句)

My sister is __________ _______ ______.

5.I usually wear sunglasses in summer. (对画线部分提问)

______ _____ you ______ in summer?

1.What’s like 2.Isor 3.Whatdoeshave 4.of mediumheight 5.What dowear 【解析】 1.句意:这个女孩长什么样?本题要求改为同义句。在做句型转换的时候What do/does sb.look like?的同义句可转换成What be sb. like?本句的主语是the girl,所以系动词be用is...


科目: 来源:2017-2018学年七年级英语人教(下)Unit 9单元检测 题型:材料作文





I have a pen pal. Her name is Lucy and she is 13. She comes from Australia. She is very beautiful. She is tall and thin. She has long straight hair and big eyes. Her mouth is small. She is really frie...


科目: 来源:牛津英语7B Unit1单项选择题练习 题型:单选题

There are two________ people in that small city.

A. millions B. millions of C. million D. million of

C 【解析】句意:在这个小城市里有200万人。million前有数量词时,不用复数,后面有of时,要用复数;故选C

