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科目: 来源:牛津译林版七年级上学期第七单元检测英语试卷 题型:补全对话7选5


Tom: Good morning! 1. 1..

Ben: Yes, please. I want a T-shirt.

Tom: 2. 2..

Ben: Red.

Tom: This red T-shirt is nice. Do you like it?

Ben: 3. 3..

Tom: How about that red one? It’s small.

Ben: 4. 4..

Tom: It’s six dollars.

Ben: I’ll take it. 5. 5..

Tom: Not at all.

A.Thank you.

B.Can I help you?

C.How much is it?

D.What a fashion show!

E.What colour do you want?

F.E.How do you get to the shop?

G.Yes, but it’s big for me

1.B 2.E 3.G 4.C 5.A 【解析】这是一篇有关购物话题的对话。A问B是否要买东西,B说要买件红色T恤,A给了他一件合适的,并告诉他T恤是6美元。B很满意,表示感谢A,A说不客气。 1.句意:你要买点什么吗?根据答语“Yes, please. I want a T-shirt.”可知,问句是一般疑问句,应该是售货员询问顾客想买点什么,故答案为B。 ...


科目: 来源:牛津译林版七年级上学期第七单元检测英语试卷 题型:完成句子



I like this _____ ______ shoes. Can I ______ __________ __________?


There is a supermarket _________ __________ ____________ my school.


Tom’s parents ______ have ______ money ______ ________ a piano for him.


American English ___________ a little _________ _________ British English.


How _________ your cousin plan ______ ________ her _______ ______?

1.pair oftrythem on 2.not farfrom 3.don’tenoughto buy 4.is different from 5.does to use pocket money 【解析】 1.a pair of一双,一对;try on试穿,代词要放在中间,shoes要用them替代,故答案为(1). pair (2). of (3). t...


科目: 来源:牛津译林版七年级上学期第七单元检测英语试卷 题型:填空


We want some help!

Sandy: Please help me. I am a girl from America. Ican’t learn Chinese well. My Chinese teacher always speaks too fast. Many ofmy friends think Chinese is easy. But I don’t! I can’t get high points. Sometimes, I can’t understand what the teacher says in class. How I hope I can have a Chinese pen friend.

Jim: I am too short. I am only 1.4 meters tall. I like playing basketball, but they all say I can’t be a good basketball player. How can I be as tall as CBA players? Can short boys play basketball? I hope someone can teach me how to play basketball well.

Joan: I want to be a slim girl. Some of my friends say I am too fat. Is it because my parents are fat, too ? Am I a pretty girl? When I see those slim girls , my eyes are green. I hope to know some ways to be slimmer .

Danny: I need friends. I am sad because I don’t have many good friends to chat with. I am not good at talking. And my face turns red when I am with many people. But I really want to have many friends. Can you tell me how to make friends with other children?

Children 1. 1. help!





●Not being 2.2. at learning Chinese

●Thinking Chinese is hard

To have a Chinese penfriend


Not being tall 3. 3. to play basketball

●To be taller

●To be a good basketball player


Being too fat

To be slimmer


Having 4. 4. friends to talk with

To know the 5. 5. to make friends with others

1.want 2.good 3.enough 4.few 5.way 【解析】这篇短文主要介绍了几个学生在成长中遇到的问题,向大家征求解决的建议。Sandy想学好汉语;Jim:想长高些;Joan想变成一个苗条的女孩;Danny希望有更多的朋友。 1.根据标题“We want some help!”可知,孩子们需要帮助.故答案填want。 2.根据桑迪所说的...


科目: 来源:牛津译林版七年级上学期第七单元检测英语试卷 题型:材料作文



提示:1. 在我家附近有个新的购物中心,离公共汽车站很近;

2. 购物中心有五层商铺,每层都很大;

3. 有很多家服装店,我们可以在那儿买到不同种类的衣服;

4. 顶楼有很多饭店,我们品尝来自不同地区的美食

5. 我认为......

The new shopping mall


The new shopping mall There is a new shopping mall near my home.It is next to the bus station and it’s easy to find.The mall has five floors and each floor is large.There are many clothes shops in ...


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水市2018届九年级上学期期末模四考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

Have you had ______breadfast ?----No. not yet.

A. a B. an C. / D. the

C 【解析】句意:- 你吃过早餐了吗?-还没有。固定短语have breakfast, 意为“吃早餐”,中间不加任何冠词。故选:C。


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水市2018届九年级上学期期末模四考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

Here are my shoes. ____ are under his bed.

A. Their B. Her C. Your D. His

D 【解析】句意:这是我的鞋子。他的在床底下。A. Their形容词性物主代词,他们的;B. Her形容词性物主代词, 她的;C. Your形容词性物主代词, 你的;D. His既作形容词性物主代词,又作名词性物主代词,他的。名词性物主代词可以单独使用,而形容词性物主代词+名词。故选:D。


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水市2018届九年级上学期期末模四考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

He was ____ tired ____ he could not go on walking

A. too ,to B. such ,that C. so ,that D. too , that

C 【解析】句意:他太累了,不能继续走了。too+形容词/副词+to do sth., 意为“太...不能...”;so ...that...如此...以致于...., 引导结果状语从句。such修饰名词,tired 形容词,劳累的。故选:C。


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水市2018届九年级上学期期末模四考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

The room was very dark, so I couldn’t see anything ______

A. enough clearly B. enough clear

C. clearly enough D. clear enough

C 【解析】 试题分析: 句意:房间非常暗,所以我没办法看清东西。clear清楚,enough足够的;副词修饰动词see,enough修饰形容词和副词后置,故选C


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水市2018届九年级上学期期末模四考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

The old man has ____ friends, so he often feels lonely.

A. a few B. a little C. few D. little

C 【解析】句意:这位老人没有几个朋友,所以他经常感到孤独。A. a few几个,修饰可数名词复数,肯定含义;B. a little 一点,修饰不可数名词,肯定含义;C. few没有几个,修饰可数名词复数,否定含义;D. little没有一点,修饰不可数名词,否定含义。friends可数名词复数,朋友,“孤独”说明没有朋友,所以本句需要否定含义的词。故选:C。


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水市2018届九年级上学期期末模四考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

Whose book is this ?Lucy?

—It _______ be Tom’s . His name is on the book .

A. can B. may C. should D. must

D 【解析】句意:-露西,这是谁的书? -一定是汤姆的。他的名字在书上呢。A. can情态动词,可能; B. may情态动词,可能;C. should情态动词,应该;D. must情态动词,一定,表示有把握的猜测。名字在书本上,所以书是“汤姆的”这个猜测十分有把握。故选:D。

