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科目: 来源:牛津译林版八年级下unit2试卷 题型:单选题

His mother _______ since his father ___________.

A. has been away; has been dead B. has left; was dead

C. has left; died D. has been away; died

D 【解析】试题分析:句意:自从他的爸爸去世以来他的妈妈就离开了。据语境与since his father ___________.故His mother _______用现在完成时态且其中要用延续的状态has been away,不能用短暂性动词has left;since his father ___________.要用一般过去时。据题意,故选D。


科目: 来源:牛津译林版八年级下unit2试卷 题型:单选题

--- A lady called you twice while you were away. ________?

--- Oh, I am just back from the library.

A. Where are you B. Where have you gone

C. Where have you been D. Where will you go

C 【解析】句意:-你不在的时候有位女士给你打过两次电话。你到哪里去了?-哦,我刚从图书馆回来。根据语境可知,本句表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响与结果,所以使用现在完成时态,has/have+动词的过去分词。have been to意为“去过某地”,人已不在那里(某地);have gone to意为“去了某地”,人不在说话地点。故选:C。


科目: 来源:牛津译林版八年级下unit2试卷 题型:单选题

--- Jack, do you feel _____ nervous when you speak in class?

--- No, but I used to be.

A. a bit B. a bit of C. a few D. a few of

A 【解析】句意:—杰克,你在课堂上讲话时感到有点紧张吗?-不,但我曾经是。A. a bit一点,修饰形容词、副词或动词;B. a bit of一点,修饰不可数名词; C. a few几个,修饰可数名词;D. a few of...中的几个。nervous形容词,所以由a bit修饰。故选:A。


科目: 来源:牛津译林版八年级下unit2试卷 题型:单选题

There are many fruits in the supermarket, ____apples, bananas, oranges, etc.

A. so that B. for example C. such as D. because of

C 【解析】句意:超市里有许多水果,如苹果、香蕉、桔子等。A. so that连词词组,为了,引导目的状语从句;B. for example例如;后跟逗号,通常列举一例;C. such as例如,后直接跟例举的多个例子;D. because of因为,后跟名词(组)。故选:C。


科目: 来源:牛津译林版八年级下unit2试卷 题型:单选题

--- We are going on holiday in Hong Kong tomorrow.

--- ________. And I will miss you.

A. Good luck B. You are welcome C. That’s all right D. Enjoy your holiday

D 【解析】句意:-我们明天要去香港度假。-享受你的假期。我会想念你的。A. Good luck 祝你好运气!对别人“参赛” “考试”之类活动的祝福语;B. You are welcome. 不用客气;对“感谢”用语的答语;C. That’s all right ①作为感谢用语的答语。当你为别人做了好事,别人对你表示感谢时,你常用它来做答语。意思是“不用谢,不客气。” ②作为道歉用语的答语。...


科目: 来源:牛津译林版八年级下unit2试卷 题型:单选题

─He has never been to Hong Kong before. has he?

. It's the third time he has been there.

A. Yes, he has B. No, he has C. No, he hasn't D. Yes, he hasn't

A 【解析】句意:─他以前从未去过香港,是吗?─不,他去过。这是他第三次到那儿去了。上文是“前否后肯”结构的反义疑问句,其答语应依据“事实”回答,“去过香港”,就作肯定回答。BD两项答语本身自相矛盾。故选:A。


科目: 来源:牛津译林版八年级下unit2试卷 题型:单选题

We had no time , but we had a great time the model plane together.

A. to chat; making B. to chat; to make C. chatting; making D. chatting; to make

A 【解析】试题分析:句意为:-我们没有时间闲聊,但是我们一起制作飞机模型很开心。have no time to do sth表示没有时间做某事,have a great time doing sth表示做某事很开心。根据语境并结合选项可知应选A。


科目: 来源:牛津译林版八年级下unit2试卷 题型:单选题

The new supermarket in our town for two weeks, but I there yet.

A. has opened; haven't gone B. has been open; haven't been

C. has been open; haven't gone D. has opened; haven't been

B 【解析】句意:在我们城镇的新超市已经开业2周了,但是我还没有去过。根据for two weeks可知,谓语动词必须是持续性动词或表示状态的词; has opened这里强调的是动词,open是非持续性动词,不能与时间段连用,故排除AD; has been open这里open是形容词,可以与时间段连用;这里第二空表示没有去过应该用haven’t been。have been表示去过某地;...


科目: 来源:牛津译林版八年级下unit2试卷 题型:单选题

All the people went home Miss Wang, for she had to finish her report.

A. with B. besides C. except D. within

C 【解析】句意:除了王小姐,所有的人都回家了,因为她必须完成报告。A. with介词,与...一起; B. besides介词,除...之外(还有);C. except介词,除...之外,不包括所述对象;D. within介词,在…的范围内。Miss Wang不包括在“回家”的人这个范围之内。故选:C。


科目: 来源:牛津译林版八年级下unit2试卷 题型:单选题

is it from Yangzhou to Nanjing? ─Two hours' drive.

A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How many hours

C 【解析】句意:─从扬州到南京有多远?─两小时车程。A. How long多长时间,询问一段时间或事物的长度;B. How soon多久,询问将来的时间;C. How far多远,询问距离;D. How many hours多少个小时,询问小时数。根据答语 “路程” 可知,问句询问“距离”。故选:C。

