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科目: 来源:2018春鲁教版七年级英语下册课时练习题:Unit 6 Section B 3a-Self Check 题型:单选题

–Are you going to the Summer Palace this weekend?

-Yes, I am. But if it , I stay at home.

A. will rain, will stay B. will rain, stay

C. rains, stays D. rains, will stay

D 【解析】句意:——你这个周末要去颐和园吗?——是的,我打算去。如果下雨,我就呆在家里。if引导的条件状语从句遵循“主将从现”的原则,只有D符合题意。


科目: 来源:2018春鲁教版七年级英语下册课时练习题:Unit 6 Section B 3a-Self Check 题型:句型转换


1.Get up early, or you will be late for school.(改为同义句)

________you ______get up early, you ______ ________late for school.

You will be late for school _________ you get up early.

2.I will be free next Sunday. I will go shopping. (用if连接为一个句子)

______I _______ ______next Sunday, I________go shopping.

3.I think they had a good time at the party yesterday. (改为否定句)

I _______ ________they ________a good time at the party yesterday.

4.Tony will travel all over the world. (改为否定句)

Tony _______ ________all over the world.

5.If you bring food to the library, the teachers will take them away.(对


______ ________ ________if you bring food to the library.

1.If don’t will be unless 2.Ifamfreewill 3.don’t think had 4.won’t travel 5.What will happen 【解析】 1.句意:早点起床,否则你上学要迟到了。题干的另外表达方式为:如果你不早起,上学就会迟到。或者:除非你起得早,否则你上学会迟到。if not=unless引导的条件状语...


科目: 来源:2018春鲁教版七年级英语下册课时练习题:Unit 6 Section B 3a-Self Check 题型:材料作文


以后你可能会很富有,想一想如果你富有了,你会用你的钱干什么?请展开联想,以 “If I’m rich”为题写一篇短文。(60-80词)


1. buy a big house, family, a happy and comfortable life;

2. travel all over the world;

3.help the poor children, get an education.

If I have a lot of money, I’ll buy a big house for my parents. I hope they can live a more comfortable life. If I have a lot of money, I will plant more trees and flowers in my city. On the one han...


科目: 来源:2017秋人教英语八上Unit4(Section A)同步训练 题型:汉译英:单词/短语


1.The s________ of the television is very big.

2.My school is very c ________ to my home, so I walk to school.

3.The light music made me feel c ________ (舒服的).

4.Would you like to go to the ________ (剧场) this evening?

5.Can you buy me a t ________ (票) from Wuhan to Shenzhen?

6.He calls himself a TV r________(记者).

7.Tom is a bad driver, but Jim is still w ________than him.

8.My home is c ________to our school, so I usually go to school on foot.

9.Get up early, go out for some f _______air and enjoy a healthy life.

10.-How about going to the c ________to see an interesting film? -Good idea.

1.screen 2.close 3.comfortable 4.theater 5.ticket 6.reporter 7.worse 8.close 9.fresh 10.cinema 【解析】 1.句意:这个电视的屏幕很大。screen屏幕,是一个名词,the screen of the television这个名词短语在句中...


科目: 来源:2017秋人教英语八上Unit4(Section A)同步训练 题型:单选题

Hainan is a very large island. It is the second ______island in China.

A.large B.larger C.largest D.most large

C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:海南是一个非常大的岛屿。它是中国第二大岛屿。据比较范围in China在中国,故要用形容词最高级,故选C。


科目: 来源:2017秋人教英语八上Unit4(Section A)同步训练 题型:单选题

(2016•南充)Molly is________girl of the three.

A. most outgoing B. more outgoing

C. the most outgoing D. outgoing

C 【解析】句意:莫利是三个中最外向的女孩。三者或三者以上比较用最高级形式,形容词的最高级之前要用定冠词the,结合句意,故答案为C。


科目: 来源:2017秋人教英语八上Unit4(Section A)同步训练 题型:单选题


As the ___________ girl in our class,Mary was chosen to take part in the running race.

A. kindest B. fastest C. strictest D. cleverest

B 【解析】句意:作为班里最快的女生,玛丽被选中参加跑步比赛。A. kindest 最仁慈的;B. fastest最快的;C. strictest 最严厉的;D. cleverest最聪明的。结合句意可知,答案为B。


科目: 来源:2017秋人教英语八上Unit4(Section A)同步训练 题型:单选题

—Who do you ____ is the best student in our class?

—Liu Ming, of course.

A. think B. think of C. think about D. to think

A 【解析】句意:-你认为谁是我们班最好的学生?-当然是刘明。think 认为;think of想起,考虑;think about与think of同义;to think是动词不定式。do you think是一个插入语,“你认为...”,放在疑问词的后面。故选A。


科目: 来源:2017秋人教英语八上Unit4(Section A)同步训练 题型:单选题

Shen Hui ____ us his talent in the talent ________.

A. show;show B. showed;show

C. shows;shows D. showed;showed

B 【解析】句意:沈辉在才艺表演上向我们展示了他的才艺。show可以作动词或者名词,动词意为“展示,表明”,名词意为:“展览,秀”。根据句意可知,第一个空是该句的谓语动词,这里表示的是过去的事情,动词应变为过去式,故填showed;第二个空talent show是名词短语,意思是才艺表演。故应选B。


科目: 来源:2017秋人教英语八上Unit4(Section A)同步训练 题型:单选题

Linda is________her mother in many ways. For example, they are both tall and thin.

A. similar to B. kind to

C. friendly to D. different from

A 【解析】试题分析:similar to 与……相似;kind to对……友好;friendly to对……友好;different from与……不同。句意:琳达与她的母亲在很多方面相似。比如,他们都是又高又瘦。

