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科目: 来源:牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 4 Life on Mars-单元检测 题型:单选题

—I want to know book it is.

—Oh, it’s Xiao Wang’s.

A. who B. whether C. whose D. which

C 【解析】句意:--我想知道它是谁的书。--哦,它是小王的。A. who谁;B. whether是否; C. whose谁的;D. which哪个。根据答语it’s Xiao Wang’s.所以上句问的是谁的,故选C。


科目: 来源:牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 4 Life on Mars-单元检测 题型:完型填空


Do you know Mars? We are always__________, “Is there life on Mars?” We all know that it is difficult for people on the Earth to live on Mars because we need water and oxygen to

_____________, but there is little oxygen on Mars.

Living on Mars seems like living on a very high mountain. There is very thin__________. It might be 20 degrees above zero at noon and 60 degrees below zero__________.

A lot of people think there may be plants on Mars. We know that Mars has carbon. This is a kind of material__________in all plants and animals on the Earth. Through a telescope (望远镜), Mars looks red. In some places, it seems grey. At times the grey colour turns grey-

green, then brown, and then grey again. The grey-green colour may be a kind of ___. Life changes colour _________the seasons. At first scientists thought the red planet was as ________ as the Moon with dust storms blowing over the large sandy deserts. But Mars seems not as

______________as we once believed it to be. According to an analysis (分析) on the recent Mars

pictures, NASA (美国航空航天局)announced in September 28, 2015 that there is__on Mars. If that’s true, there will be hope of finding life on Mars.

1.A. talking B. wondering C. knowing D. telling

2.A. drink B. eat C. live D. breathe

3.A. air B. earth C. oxygen D. gas

4.A. at night B. in the daytime C. in the morning D. in the afternoon

5.A. seen B. heard C. called D. found

6.A. animal B. plant C. earth D. people

7.A. for B. by C. along D. with

8.A. lifeless B. hopeless C. cool D. hard

9.A. cold B. hot C. dry D. wet

10.A. water B. ice C. plants D. life

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.A 【解析】本文叙述了人们一直想知道火星上到底有生命吗?因为火星上可能有植物,但是地球上的人们去火星上不能生存,因为火星上没有人需要的水和氧。火星上的昼夜温差大。 1.考查动词及语境的理解。A. talking交谈;B. wondering 纳闷; C. ...


科目: 来源:牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 4 Life on Mars-单元检测 题型:阅读单选

Have you ever seen a person in the Moon? If you look closely at the Moon on some nights, you can see the face of a man in the Moon. Some people say that they can see an old man carrying sticks. Others see a girl reading a book. These pictures are made by the mountains and plains of the Moon.

Long ago people in England used to tell their children that the Moon was made of green cheese. Everyone knows that this is not true. The Moon is a large round rock. There is nothing on it. There are no trees or plants on the Moon. There are no rivers or seas. There are no living things. There is no air. It never rains on the Moon and everything is covered with dry, white dust. Not even a sound can be heard on the Moon.

The Moon is very hot when the Sun shines on it. But in the shade (背阴处) it is as cold as ice.

The Moon is much smaller than the Earth. It does not weigh as much as the Earth. If you went to the Moon, you would weigh six times less than you do now. Even a fat man would be able to jump high off the ground.

1.On some nights the Moon looks like______ .

A. an old man reading a book B. a star

C. mountains and plains D. the face of a man

2.The Moon is made of______ .

A. rivers and seas B. rock

C. dirt D. trees and plants

3.You can’t hear anything on the Moon because______ .

A. there are no living things on the Moon B. it never rains on the Moon

C. the Moon is a large round rock D. there is no air on the Moon

4.The Moon is______ .

A. very hot

B. very cold

C. sometimes very hot and sometimes very cold

D. covered with ice

5.On the Moon you could jump high in the air because______.

A. you would feel very happy

B. the Moon is very hot

C. the Moon is as cold as ice

D. you weigh six times less than on the Earth

1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.D 【解析】本文叙述了月球上没有空气、植物和动物,昼夜温差很大,月球是一个很大的岩石。月球上从不下雨,到处覆盖着白灰。 1.细节理解题。根据If you look closely at the Moon on some nights, you can see the face of a man in the Moon.可知,在...


科目: 来源:牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 4 Life on Mars-单元检测 题型:阅读单选

Now satellites are helping to forecast (预报) the weather. They are in space, and they can reach any part of the world. The satellites take pictures of the atmosphere (大气), because this is where the weather forms. They send these pictures to the weather stations. So meteorologists (气象学家) can see the weather of any part of the world. From the pictures, the scientists can often say how the weather will change.

Today, nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satellite pictures. When they receive new pictures, the meteorologists compare them with earlier ones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed during the last few hours. This may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change, too. In their next weather forecast, the meteorologists can say this.

So the weather satellites are a great help to the meteorologists. Before satellites were invented, the scientists could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours. Now they can make good forecasts for three or five days. Soon, perhaps, they may be able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahead (提前).

1.Satellites travel .

A. in space B. above space

C. above the ground D. in the atmosphere

2.Why do we use the weather satellites to take pictures of the atmosphere? Because


A. clouds form there B. the weather forms there

C. the weather satellites can do it easily D. people like to collect these pictures

3.Meteorologists forecast the weather .

A. without studying satellite pictures

B. before they receive satellite pictures

C. when they have received satellite pictures

D. after they have compared the new satellite pictures with the earlier ones

4.Maybe we’ll soon be able to forecast the weather for .

A. one day B. two days

C. five days D. seven days or even longer

5.The main idea of this passage is that satellites are used in .

A. taking pictures of the Earth B. receiving pictures of the atmosphere

C. weather forecasting D. doing other work in many ways

1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C 【解析】本文主要讲述了现在利用气象卫星进行天气预报的方法,以及利用气象卫星进行天气预报的意义及应用前景。 1.细节理解题。根据They are in space,可知,卫星在太空,故选A。 2.细节理解题。根据The satellites take pictures of the atmosphere (大气), b...


科目: 来源:牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 4 Life on Mars-单元检测 题型:阅读单选

Let’s suppose it is a common day of 2060. Of course, things have changed and life is very different.

Trips to the Moon are being made every day. Taking a holiday on the Moon today is as easy as taking a holiday in Europe in 2016. At a number of scenic spots (风景胜地) on the Moon, many hotels have been built. In order that everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the Moon, every room has at least one picture window. Everything imaginable is provided for entertainment of the young and old.

What are people eating now? People are still eating food. But many foods now come in pill form, and the food that goes into the pill comes mainly from green plants. Farming, of course, is very highly developed. Very few people have to work on the farm. It is possible to run the farm by just using a few computers.

People are now largely vegetarians (素食者), and they eat only bread, vegetables, fruit and

so on and they don’t eat meat or fish. You see, as the number of people increases, the number of animals decreases. So people have to be vegetarians. We are healthier both in our bodies and in our minds, and we know how to deal with all kinds of illnesses. No one has to be ill any more.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. What our lives would be like in 2060. B. Trips to the Moon in 2060.

C. What people would eat in the future. D. Developed farming in 2060.

2.What is true according to the passage?

A. Many farms on the Moon have beautiful views.

B. Entertainment is provided only on the Moon.

C. It’s easy to take a holiday in Europe at present.

D. It takes the whole day to travel to the Moon.

3.The food we eat in 2060 .

A. is green in the colour B. is mainly made out of green plants

C. has a lot of pills in it D. is the same as today

4.What does the underlined word “decrease” mean in Paragraph 5?

A. To become larger. B. To become unknown.

C. To become less. D. To become exact.

5.We are healthier because of the following EXCEPT that .

A. what we eat is green food B. we are largely vegetarians

C. we can treat any illness D. we run the farm by using computers

1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 【解析】本文叙述了2060年我们的生活情况,我们吃的都是绿色食物,去月球旅行很方便,我们大多是素食主义者,并且我们知道如何治疗自己的疾病。 1.主旨大意题。根据主题句Let’s suppose it is a common day of 2060.可知,这里叙述的是关于2060年的生活情况。 故选A。 2.细节理解题...


科目: 来源:牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 4 Life on Mars-单元检测 题型:完成句子

We have always been interested in the Moon. 2000 years ago people already knew it

m1.around the Earth and where it would be in the sky at different times of the year. At that time, everything about the Moon was learned by watching it c2.in the sky.

When scientists could use telescopes to study the Moon more closely, their ideas began to change. They could see the Moon was made of r3.. Most scientists thought Moon rocks would be different from those on the Earth. This was because they believed the Moon had once been a planet that had been caught in the Earth’s g4.millions of years earlier.

In 1969 Moon rocks were finally brought to the Earth and s5.. Much to their surprise, scientists found that, except for water, the Moon and the Earth were made of the s6.things. Once again new ideas were needed for this new information.

After years of study, most scientists now think t7.the Moon was once part of the Earth. They believe very early in its history, maybe 4 billion (十亿) years ago, something about the size of Mars h8.the Earth. This sent billions of rocks into space around our p9.. These rocks slowly joined together and after many years became the Moon.

In the future, even though our ideas about the Moon may change again, we will still be i10.in it.

1.moves 2.carefully 3.rock 4.gravity 5.studied 6.same 7.that 8.hit 9.planet 10.interested 【解析】本文叙述了我们都对月球感兴趣,在1969年月球的岩石最后被带回到地球,研究发现,除了水之外,月球和地球都是有同样的东西组成的。大多数科学家现在认为月球是...


科目: 来源:牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 4 Life on Mars-单元检测 题型:单词填空

同学们,中考过后,你们即将告别亲爱的母校。回首三年的母校生活,学校里的很多规则 有助于你的健康成长。你能谈一谈你们学校的校规吗?你对这些校规有何看法?你对母校有 哪些合理化建议?请你以My school rules为题写一篇短文。

要求:1. 语言表达准确,语意通顺、连贯;

2. 书写工整、规范;

3. 根据所给内容,请做适当发挥;

4. 词数80左右。文章的题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。

My school rules

We have many rules in our school.

My school rules We have many rules in our school. I think most of them are good for us, but some are not so good. Here are some good rules. We can’t be late for school. We must listen carefully ...


科目: 来源:人教版九年级下册英语 unit7 第1课时 练习 题型:单选题

—I think teenagers should be allowed to have part-time jobs.

—________ . They can learn a lot from working.

A. I think B. I agree C. I don’ t think so D. I disagree

B 【解析】句意:---我认为青少年应该被允许做兼职工作。----我同意。他们可以从工作中学到很多东西。A. I think我认为;B. I agree我同意;C. I don’ t think so我认为不是这样;D. I disagree我不同意。根据下文“他们可以从工作中学到很多东西。”可知同意上文的观点。故选B。


科目: 来源:人教版九年级下册英语 unit7 第1课时 练习 题型:单选题

Should I be allowed _________ my own decision?

A. make B. making C. to make D. made

C 【解析】句意:应该允许我自己做决定吗?should be allowed to do sth.应该允许被做某事。结合句意可知,答案为C。


科目: 来源:人教版九年级下册英语 unit7 第1课时 练习 题型:单选题

The dictionary mustn’t ________ from the library.

A. take away

B. taken away

C. are taken away

D. be taken away

D 【解析】试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是这本字典不能从图书馆带出去。主语是the dictionary是都动作的承受者,故用被动语态,且题干中有mustn’t表示坚决不允许,故填be taken away,选择D。

