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科目: 来源:Unit 12 单元同步测试卷 题型:单选题

-- ?

--He went swimming.

A. How was his vacation

B. What did he do on vacation

C. Why did he go on vacation

D. Where did he go on vacation

B 【解析】句意:-----他假期干什么了?------他去游泳了。A. How was his vacation他的假期过得怎么样?B. What did he do on vacation他假期干什么了?C. Why did he go on vacation他为什么去度假?D. Where did he go on vacation 他去哪儿度假了?答语是回答他去游泳了,故问句是询问假...


科目: 来源:Unit 12 单元同步测试卷 题型:完型填空

Yesterday was my grandmother’s 60th birthday. My parents and I got up early in the morning, and then we took the subway to______ home. After we arrived, my mother________lunch in the kitchen. My father played_______ with my grandfather in the living room. They like to play chess and they are in a chess club. I ______ with my grandmother about my school life. She was very interested in it. At lunchtime we gave our ______ to my grandmother. My parents_______ a beautiful dress for her. I drew ______ picture as her birthday gift. We sang the birthday song (歌) together (一起), _______she made a wish before blowing out the candles. We had a very delicious lunch. ______ lunch, we went to the park and took many photos. How_______ we were!

1.A. her B. his C. my D. your

2.A. ordered B. had C. cooked D. sold

3.A. ping-pong B. chess C. games D. cards

4.A. spoke B. said C. talked D. told

5.A. gifts B. luck C. help D. messages

6.A. paid B. found C. washed D. bought

7.A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

8.A. or B. but C. and D. so

9.A. At B. After C. For D. Before

10.A. tidy B. friendly C. smart D. happy

1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 【解析】昨天是作者的奶奶的60岁生日,他和父母去了奶奶家为他庆祝。他们送给了奶奶礼物,一起吃了美味的午饭, 然后去了公园。这一天他们都非常的开心。 1.句意:早上我和我的父母起得很早,然后我们乘坐地铁去了她的家。her 她的;his 他的;my我的;y...


科目: 来源:Unit 12 单元同步测试卷 题型:阅读判断

What did you do last Saturday?

I read books in the library. It isn’t near my house. I had to go there by bus.

I had a Chinese class. The school isn’t far from my home. I walked there.

I played in the park. The park is very far. So I rode a bike there.

I met some friends at the train station. It is very far and I took a taxi there.

I went on a trip to New York. It is 400 kilometers away from my city, so I went there by train.


1.Jim borrowed (借) some books from the library.

2.Mike walked to the school to have a Chinese class.

3.Anna and John did different things.

4.Mary took a taxi to the bus station.

5.The children talked about what they did last Sunday.

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 【解析】这篇短文中Jim, Mike, Anna, Mary 和John五个孩子分别介绍了他们上周六所做的事情。 1.根据短文里Jim的这一栏I read books in the library.可知,Jim去图书馆读书,不是去借书,故这句话是错误的。 2.根据短文中Mike一栏I had a Chinese cl...


科目: 来源:Unit 12 单元同步测试卷 题型:阅读单选

Charlie works on a farm. He works hard from Monday to Friday, and on weekends, he likes riding a bike with his friend David.

Last Sunday, it was sunny and warm. Charlie and David rode on the road. They talked and felt very happy. Then they saw an overturned (翻倒的) car. A driver and a penguin (企鹅) were in the car. Charlie and David helped the driver and the penguin get out of the car. The driver’s leg was hurt, but the penguin was OK. The driver asked Charlie and David to take the penguin to the zoo.

“Take the penguin to the zoo, Charlie, and I will take the driver to the hospital,” said David. “OK!” said Charlie.

A few hours later, David saw Charlie walking down the road with the penguin in his arms. “Charlie, I told you to take the penguin to the zoo,” said David. “I did. Now we are going to the movies,” said Charlie.


1.From the passage, we can know Charlie _______.

A. has a big farm B. likes riding a bike

C. doesn’t work hard D. works six days a week

2.How was the weather last Sunday?

A. It was cloudy. B. It was cold.

C. It was rainy. D. It was fine.


A. 冰凉的 B. 受伤的

C. 酸软的 D. 有力的

4.The driver asked Charlie and David to take the penguin to the zoo, because _______.

A. they could find the way to the zoo

B. the penguin liked to stay with them

C. the driver wanted them to have fun in the zoo

D. the driver wanted the penguin to stay in the zoo


A. Charlie was not smart.

B. Charlie is David’s cousin.

C. The penguin liked seeing movies.

D. It took Charlie a long time to get to the zoo.

1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 【解析】Charlie和David在骑自行车的时候,看到一辆车翻了,司机受了伤,还有一只企鹅,司机让他们把企鹅送到动物园去。Charlie并没有明白司机的意思,他带着企鹅去动物园玩,还想带它去看电影。 1.细节理解题。根据短文的第一段Charlie works on a farm. He works hard from M...


科目: 来源:Unit 12 单元同步测试卷 题型:看图识词


1.Linda doesn’t like ______, because they are scary.

2.The water in the ______ is very clean.

3.We like to walk along the ______.

4.I can see two ______ in the picture.

5.There are three ______ in the kitchen.

1.snakes 2.lake 3.beach 4.kites 5.mice 【解析】 1.句意:Linda不喜欢蛇,因为他们很吓人。snake蛇,是一个名词。根据下句话中because they are scary可知,they代指的是这里的名词, 是复数的,故这里填复数形式snakes。 2.句意:湖里的水是非常干净的。lake湖,是一个名词。根据句意...


科目: 来源:Unit 12 单元同步测试卷 题型:完成句子



My brother often ________________ to watch movies.


The story is ________________ I want to listen to it again.


Joe, can you ________________ a tent?


It’s important ________________.


Be quiet! Don’t ________________.

1.stays up late 2.so interesting that 3.put up 4.not to be / arrive late 5.wake your sister up 【解析】 1.stay up熬夜,是一个固定短语;late晚,是一个副词。根据句中的often可知,这句话应用一般现在时态,该句的主语是My brother,是第三人称单数形...


科目: 来源:Unit 12 单元同步测试卷 题型:句型转换

根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词 (含缩略形式)。

1.Linda visited the museum two days ago. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ Linda _________ the museum two days ago?

2.My father bought a new T-shirt yesterday. (改为否定句)

My father ________ ________ a new T-shirt yesterday.

3.Jim cleaned his room last weekend. (对划线部分提问)

________ did Jim ________ last weekend?

4.I climbed the mountain with Lily last Saturday. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ you climb the mountain with Lily?

5.Miss Green taught us English last year. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ you English last year?

1.Didvisit 2.didn’tbuy 3.Whatdo 4.When did 5.Who taught 【解析】 1.句意:Linda在两天前参观了这个博物馆。本题要求改为一般疑问句,句中visit是实义动词,过去式形式,因此一般疑问句应用助动词did构成,原来的过去式应变为原形,故填Did,visit。 2.句意:我的爸爸昨天买了一件新的T恤衫。...


科目: 来源:Unit 12 单元同步测试卷 题型:材料作文











I’m Wang Juan.

I’m Wang Juan. I had a busy but happy weekend. On Saturday morning, I went to a bookstore. I bought some books about history there. In the afternoon, I played volleyball with my friends at the park. T...


科目: 来源:牛津译林版九年级英语中考一模专题练习-完成句子 题型:完成句子


WangYuan ,one of the TF Boys is _______________________________ at the UN Forum(论坛).


Chinese Dream is a great way to bring people together and _________________________our own country.


Chinese people often say, “You can ______________________________________.”


Since last April, ___________________ shared bikes to schools, workplaces or to go sightseeing.


The hot TV series called In The Name of the People is so wonderful ________________________________________ by the audience.


Please make _________________________________ in order not to wake the kids up.

7.The price of house is so high that many young people ___________ (买不起自己的房子).

8.The man in white was so nervous that the policeman ____________(把他错当成了嫌疑犯).

9.Do you know how long __________________________________ (那对老夫妻结婚多久)?

10.Welcome to Lianyungang. There are ___________________(许多景点) for you to visit.

1.the first Chinese teenager to give a speech/to make a speech / to give a talk / to speak 2.push for the fast development of 3.never /not be too polite/never be polite enough 4.more and more...


科目: 来源:牛津译林版九年级英语中考一模专题练习-完成句子 题型:完成句子

1.Everyone should _______________________________________(学会照顾自己).


We ____________________the airport early in the morning to ________________________.


I ________________ during the summer holiday and I can’t _____________ for sightseeing.


Though they _______________________ for a long time, they _____________________ on the Internet over the years.

5.那个钢铁厂去年被改成了一个中间有个小湖的公园。The steel factory ________________ a park with a small lake __________________last year.


Huai’an _____________________________of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal which is ________________________ of the world.

7.当阳光照射到地球上时, 它就被转换成热量和能量。

When the sunshine falls on the earth, it ___________________________________ and energy.


Please remember happiness never ________________________________________.


It is possible _______________________________________________ at home.


Do you know how long ______________________________________________?

1.learn to look after/take care of himself/themselves 2.left foravoid the rush hour 3.will have two months offwait to go abroad 4.haven’t seen (each other)have kept in touch (with each other)...

