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科目: 来源:2018年江苏省无锡市毕业升学考试英语试卷(七) 题型:单选题

— Do you have any plans for the winter holiday?

— Since you are crazy about music, why not go to some ________ concerts?

A. lively B. live C. alive D. living

B 【解析】试题分析:句意:你有暑假有什么计划吗?既然你你对音乐很着迷,为什么不去参加一些现场音乐会?lively充满活力的, 活泼的;live生动的,现场直播的;alive活着的; 活泼的;living活的,现存的。故选B。


科目: 来源:2018年江苏省无锡市毕业升学考试英语试卷(七) 题型:单选题

The cost of living in Chengdu is among the lowest in China, ________ the quality of life is probably one of the highest.

A. while

B. when

C. as

D. since

A 【解析】句意:成都的生活费用是中国最低的,而生活质量可能是最高的。考查连词辨析题。while与…同时,强调主句和从句相反;when当时候,用于主句和从句动作有先后顺序时;as当……的时候,强调主句动作随从句动作而变化;since自从,后接时间段或从句,表示一段时间,用于现在完成时态。根据句意语境,可知两句意思相反,故选A。


科目: 来源:2018年江苏省无锡市毕业升学考试英语试卷(七) 题型:单选题

— What do you think of the young lady?

— She is hard-working. She ________ all her effort into her work before she got ill.

A. has put B. put C. had put D. would put

C 【解析】试题分析:句意:你认为这位小姐怎样?她很勤奋。她生病前把她所有的精力都投入到她的工作中。根据时间状语从句before she got ill.可知主句该用过去完成时态,所以选C。


科目: 来源:2018年江苏省无锡市毕业升学考试英语试卷(七) 题型:单选题

________ Mary ________ Jack is listening to the report carefully, because they are both interested in it very much.

A. Neither; nor B. Either; or C. Both; and D. Not only; but also

D 【解析】试题分析:句意:不仅玛丽而且杰克认真听取了报告,因为他们都对它非常感兴趣。Neither; nor既不,也不,连接并列主语时,遵循就近原则;Either; or 或者,或者,连接并列主语时,遵循就近原则;Both; and两者都,连接并列主语时,谓语动词使用复数形式;Not only; but also不但,而且,连接并列主语时,遵循就近原则。根据because they are...


科目: 来源:2018年江苏省无锡市毕业升学考试英语试卷(七) 题型:单选题

—I’m new here in Wuxi.

—Take a map of Wuxi with you. You’ll find it of great _________ in helping you to get round Wuxi.

A. price B. cost C. interest D. Importance

D 【解析】试题分析:句意:-我新来无锡。-带一张无锡地图。你们发现它对帮助你的周游无锡很A. price价格;B. cost花费;C. interest兴趣;D. Importance重要。带张地图对于旅游重要。故选D。


科目: 来源:2018年江苏省无锡市毕业升学考试英语试卷(七) 题型:单选题

Boris has brain. In fact, I don’t think that anyone in the class has ________ IQ.

A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest

B 【解析】试题分析:句意:鲍里斯很有头脑。事实上,我认为班级没有人比他智商高。也就是说班级里没有人有更高的智商,所以选B。


科目: 来源:2018年江苏省无锡市毕业升学考试英语试卷(七) 题型:单选题

Having ________ exercise every day will do great good to your health.

A. a lot B. a number of C. too much D. plenty of

D 【解析】试题分析:句意:每天都做足够的运动会对你的健康非常好。a lot很多,要修饰名词还需要加介词of;a number of 许多,修饰可数名词复数;too much太多,修饰不可数名词;plenty of 大量的,在通常情况下,plenty (of) 用于肯定句中,而不用于否定句中。在疑问句中通常用 enough 代替,否定句中通常用 much, many 代替。所以选D。


科目: 来源:2018年江苏省无锡市毕业升学考试英语试卷(七) 题型:单选题

Look at the sign! It says “No Smoking!” You ________ smoke here. It’s dangerous.

A. mustn’t B. ought not to C. needn’t D. don’t have to

A 【解析】试题分析:句意:看这个标志!上面写道“禁止吸烟!“你不能抽烟。这是危险的。mustn’t 禁止,不允许;ought not to不应该,不应当;needn’t不必;don’t have to不必。根据“No Smoking!”可知此处禁止吸烟,所以选A。


科目: 来源:2018年江苏省无锡市毕业升学考试英语试卷(七) 题型:单选题

He made a mistake, but then he took action to change the situation ________ it got worse.

A. until B. when C. before D. because

C 【解析】试题分析:句意:他犯了一个错误,但他在它变得更糟前采取了行动改变现状。Until直到;when当···时;before在···之前;because因为。根据句意可知选C。


科目: 来源:2018年江苏省无锡市毕业升学考试英语试卷(七) 题型:单选题

The radio says that a terrible traffic accident happened sometime _______ 9 ______ 10 this morning.

A. between; and

B. from to

C. between to

D. from; and

A 【解析】句意:广播说今天早上9点到10点之间发生了一起严重的交通事故。考查连词短语辨析题。from…to从……到……,介词短语,表时间或地点;between…and…在……和……二者之间,连词短语,表并列。句中的9和10是两个钟点时间,并列关系,需用between…and。根据句意语境,可知选A。

