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科目: 来源:江苏省南京市2017-2018学年七年级下英语期末测试卷 题型:单词填空


Camp Zoo is a wonderful place. The animals here are very cute. They are nice and f1.to each other. But Giraffe is different. Why? He is always getting others’ food. He can do that because he has a long n2..

When other animals have nothing to eat, there is always p3.of food in Giraffe’s place. The other animals feel q4.bad, so they plan to do something. They put a s5.at Giraffe’s door. It s6., “The robber (强盗) giraffe.”

“W7.do you call Giraffe the robber, Mr Lion?” a child asks the k8.of the animal world. The lion answers, “Because he takes our food away every day. He is not kind.”

All the visitors l9.at Giraffe. And they stop visiting him. So Camp Zoo sends (送) Giraffe to another zoo. Giraffe knows he is w10.. In the new place, he never gets other animals’ food any more.

1.friendly 2.neck 3.plenty 4.quite 5.sign 6.says 7.Why 8.king 9.laugh 10.wrong 【解析】试题短文讲述的是是长颈鹿抢食物的故事。长颈鹿因为有长脖子,常常抢食物吃,导致动物园里的其他动物没有东西吃。动物们很烦恼,想了个办法,写了一个“强盗长颈鹿”的牌子,游客们看到后...


科目: 来源:江苏省南京市2017-2018学年七年级下英语期末测试卷 题型:材料作文


我校决定组织以“I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals”为题的英语演讲比赛。请你以Amy的名义写一篇英语演讲稿推荐自己,内容如下:















I Want to Be a Volunteer of Protecting Animals

Hello everyone. I'm Amy. I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals. I'm glad to make a speech here.

Thanks for listening!

I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals Hello everyone. I'm Amy. I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals. I'm glad to make a speech here. I am kind to others. I like looking after hom...


科目: 来源:江苏省南京市2017-2018学年八年级下英语期末测试卷 题型:单选题

Please keep quiet. If you make a lot of _______, you may bring people trouble.

A. voice B. noise C. sound D. singing

B 【解析】句意“请保持安静,如果你制造出太多的噪音,你可能会带给人们麻烦”。A.嗓音;B.噪音;C.声音;D.唱歌。根据you may bring people trouble以及make noise可知,为噪音,故选B。


科目: 来源:江苏省南京市2017-2018学年八年级下英语期末测试卷 题型:单选题

---- If I work hard at my lessons from now on, can I learn them well?

---- Sure. __________.

A. All rivers run into sea B. Every day is not Sunday

C. Better late than never D. Practice makes perfect

C 【解析】句意“-如果我从现在好好学习,我能学好吗?-当然,迟做总比不做强”。A.海纳百川;B.好景不常在;C.迟做总比不做好;D.熟能生巧。根据sure可知,持肯定态度,且根据from now on可知,故选C。


科目: 来源:江苏省南京市2017-2018学年八年级下英语期末测试卷 题型:单选题

(题文)The police ___________ for clues when it suddenly began to rain.

A. is searching B. are searching C. were searching D. was searching

D 【解析】句意“警察正在寻找线索,突然下雨了”。这是sb. was doing sth. when ... happened句型,即当一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在发生,前面用进行时态。且根据began可知,用过去进行时,且此处the police表示整体,故选D。


科目: 来源:江苏省南京市2017-2018学年八年级下英语期末测试卷 题型:单选题

Don’t dream every day. We have to be ________ now.

A. creative B. energetic C. organized D. practical

D 【解析】句意“不要每天都做梦,我们现在应该实际点”。A. 有创造力的;B.精力充沛的;C.有组织的;D.实际的。根据句意可知,空处与dream“做梦”为反义词,故选D。


科目: 来源:江苏省南京市2017-2018学年八年级下英语期末测试卷 题型:单选题

---Did you sleep well last night?

---Oh, no. _____ noise outside the hotel almost drove me crazy.

A. Too many B. So many C. Too much D. Much too

C 【解析】句意“-你昨晚睡得好吗?-不好,宾馆外面太吵了,这让我发狂”。A.too many+可数名词复数;B.so many+可数名词复数;too much+不可数名词;D.much too+形容词或副词。noise为不可数名词,故选C。


科目: 来源:江苏省南京市2017-2018学年八年级下英语期末测试卷 题型:单选题

Our teacher is____ patient that he can explain the rules without getting ________.

A. so; angry B. so; angrily C. very; angry D. too; angry

A 【解析】句意“我们的老师是如此的有耐心,以至于他不生气地为我们解释这个规则”。根据句意可知,意为“如此……以至于……”,用so...that...,排除C和D。且get变得,为系动词,系动词后接形容词,故选A。


科目: 来源:江苏省南京市2017-2018学年八年级下英语期末测试卷 题型:单选题

—______ do friends greet each other in your country, Andy?

— They usually shake hands.

A. What B. How C. When D. Where

B 【解析】句意“-安迪,在你们国家,朋友之间如何相互问候?-他们通常握手”。A.什么;B.如何(询问方式);C.什么时候,问时间;D.在哪里,问地点。根据句意可知,问的是方式,用how,故选B。


科目: 来源:江苏省南京市2017-2018学年八年级下英语期末测试卷 题型:单选题

That man was _______, but he could know what something was by feeling it.

A. blind B. deaf C. old D. disabled

A 【解析】句意“那个人是个瞎子,他可以通过感觉事物来知道它是什么”。A.盲的;B.聋的;C.老的;D.残疾的。根据but he could know what something was by feeling it可知,他是看不见,故选A。

