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科目: 来源:牛津版初一新生入学考试及分班考试英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Children in the USA like K Day very much.. K is for kite. March 7 is the day. On that day, lots of children go out in the open air. They take their kites with them. Some kites are very big. Others are small. They are in different colours. Every kite has a long string(绳). To get the kites up, the children begin to run. They let out the string from the ball in their hands. Now the kites are flying in the air. How nice they look!

Now all of the kites are high up in the air. Some are higher than(比) others. The one like a bird is the highest(最高). But what’s wrong? It’s flying away! The string is broken.

Another kite gets away. And more kites fly. But the children are running after them. They want to get them back. People are watching them and laughing.

1.K is for_________

A. kind B. kilometer C. kites D. knife

2.K Day is on _______.

A. May 7 B. March 7 C. April 7 D. April 1

3.To get his kite up, a child must ______

A. run and run B. walk and let out the string from the ball in his hand

C. walk and walk D. run and let out the string from the ball in his hand

4.The kite like a bird is _______ of all.

A. high B. higher C. the highest D. tall

5.The string of the kite like a bird is______

A. long B. short C. broken D. very good

1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C 【解析】试题短文描述了(美国)风筝日里,孩子们放风筝的情形,充满了活力和欢乐。 1.题意:K代表 。考查细节理解题。根据开头K is for kite.,可知选C。 2.题意:风筝日在 。考查细节理解题。根据March 7 is the day.,可知选B。 3.题意:要让他的风筝飞起来,这个孩子必须 。考查细...


科目: 来源:中考专题之查缺补漏 补全对话练习七选五练习题 题型:补全短文7选5

A: Good afternoon. My name is Peter. I’m the general manager of the personnel department. I’ll be interviewing you. Please sit down.

B:1., Peter. My name’s Jon. Jon Smash.

A: Well, Jon, it’s a pleasure to meet you.2..

B: I’ve been a manager at Nike for over three years. I won manager of the year award two years ago, and I got promoted last August.

A: OK. Tell me about yourself…your personality.

B:3.. I think before I act, and if something goes wrong in our company I always remain calm. I never scream at my employees. And I’ve never lost my temper.


B: I think I’m good at solving problems.5.. I also love challenges. I work well under pressure. When my boss pushes me to finish a project early I always get it done and never complain.

A: Jon, you seem like a very good manager. I like your ambition. You’re very confident and motivated. We like that here at Microsoft. Well, our interview is over…

A. I’m glad it’s you who will offer me the opportunity to get the job.

B. I enjoy approaching problems directly.

C. Nice to meet you.

D. What are your strengths (长处)?

E. I owe my success to my employees.

F. Tell me about your work experience.

G. I think I’m very calm.

1.C 2.F 3.G 4.D 5.B 【解析】本文讲述了皮特对乔恩的面试,面试的主要内容和乔恩的工作、个性有关。 1.C 根据上文皮特介绍了自己是来面试乔恩的,根据皮特的自我介绍可知,乔恩不认识他,故判断两人首次见面的问候语,故选C。 2.F 根据下文乔恩主要介绍了自己的工作经历,故判断选F。意为:告诉我你的工作经历。 3.G 根...


科目: 来源:中考专题之查缺补漏 补全对话练习七选五练习题 题型:完型填空


Daniel Likes Beach

Every Saturday Daniel and his family go to the beach. They live far from the beach. But once a week the family gets into the _____ and Daniel’s father drives for hours until they arrive.

Daniel’s family love the beach. The family’s dog _____ loves the beach very much.

But it is a _____ to go to the beach every week. Daniel’s father gets tired from driving so many hours. The rest of the family gets tired from _____ in the car for so many hours. Daniel’s mother says, “It’s fun in the beach, _____ it takes too much time to get there and back!”

Daniel and his sister and brother are very _____. They want to go to the beach, but it is a problem. They try to go the swimming pool, but it is not the _____ thing.

One day Daniel’s parents come to _____ with the kids. They say, “We have a problem to go to the beach every week, but we love the beach. So we have a _____. We need to live near the beach!”

Daniel and his sister and brother are very ______! Now they live near the beach. They go to the beach every day!

1.A. car B. bus C. train D. subway

2.A. so B. as C. too D. also

3.A. chance B. luck C. problem D. difference

4.A. waiting B. sitting C. doing D. writing

5.A. and B. but C. so D. because

6.A. cute B. smart C. sad D. friendly

7.A. best B. same C. little D. easy

8.A. talk B. stay C. sing D. play

9.A. survey B. solution C. hobby D. habit

10.A. happy B. sorry C. late D. early

1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.A 【解析】本文讲述了丹尼尔一家喜欢到沙滩去玩,但是他们家离海边太远,他们每周去一次沙滩,往返于海边让他们很劳累,于是丹尼尔的父母找到了一个解决问题的办法,他们搬到了海边去住。 1.A 考查及语境的理解。A. car 汽车; B. bus 公交车; ...


科目: 来源:仁爱版初三英语上册Unit 3 English Around the World被动语态巩固练习 题型:句型转换


1.Do you sweep the floor every day?


2.Did people in the old days grow tea?


3.We have learned Lesson 60.


4.We can’t see many of the stars.


5.China has sent up man-made satellites into space.


6.They will plant the trees tomorrow.


7.I see him go to school every day.


8.Our teacher made us close our eyes in the game.


1. Is the floor swept(by you)every day? 2. Was tea grown by people in the old days? 3. Lesson 60 has been learned by us. 4. Many of the stars can’t be seen by us. 5. Man-made satellites ha...


科目: 来源:仁爱版初三英语上册Unit 3 English Around the World被动语态巩固练习 题型:汉译英:整句
















1.English isn’t used as our first language. 2.The TV sets were made in Japan in 1990. 3.Is English or French spoken by Frenchmen? 4.Where is salt produced in China? 5.These trees can be pl...


科目: 来源:仁爱版初三英语上册Unit 3 English Around the World被动语态巩固练习 题型:单选题

Look! A big modern building _________ in our city.

A. is built B. is being built

C. has been built D. is building

B 【解析】句意:看!我们城市正在建造一座巨大的现代化建筑。考查动词时态和语态。主语building是动词build的受动者,需用被动语态,即be+过去分词结构,可排除D项。look表提醒,后面的句子多用现在进行时,可排除AC两项;A big modern building是单数第三人称,系词需用is;根据句意结构和语境,可知选B。


科目: 来源:仁爱版初三英语上册Unit 3 English Around the World被动语态巩固练习 题型:单选题

Your bike can’t ______ there.

A. be put B. is put C. be putted D. putted

A 【解析】句意:你的自行车不能放在那里。考查被动语态。主语bike是动词put的受动者,需用被动语态,即be+过去分词结构,可排除D项。情态动词后接原形动词,put过去分词是不规则变化用原形动词,根据句意结构,可知选A。


科目: 来源:仁爱版初三英语上册Unit 3 English Around the World被动语态巩固练习 题型:单选题

Mary _______ the song at a party.

A. heard sing B. was heard sing

C. heard to sing D. was heard to sing

D 【解析】句意:有人听到玛丽在晚会上唱这首歌。考查被动语态。主语Mary是动词hear的受动者,需用被动语态,即be+过去分词结构,可排除AC选项。hear sb. do sth.听见某人做某事,在被动结构中需将省略的不定式符号to恢复,根据句意结构,可知选D。


科目: 来源:仁爱版初三英语上册Unit 3 English Around the World被动语态巩固练习 题型:单选题

______ trees usually _______ in April?

A. Have, planted B. Are, planted

C. have, been planted D. Do, planted

B 【解析】句意:树木通常在四月种植吗?考查动词时态和语态。usually通常,用于一般现在时,可排除AC两项。主语trees是动词plant的受动者,需用被动语态,即be+过去分词结构,可排除D项。根据句意语境,可知选B。


科目: 来源:仁爱版初三英语上册Unit 3 English Around the World被动语态巩固练习 题型:单选题

My room _______ tomorrow.

A. is cleaned B. be cleaned C. will be cleaned D. is cleaning

C 【解析】句意:我的房间明天要打扫。考查动词时态和语态。主语room是动词clean的受动者,需用被动语态,即be+过去分词结构,可排除D项;tomorrow明天,用于一般将来时,可排除AB两项。根据句意结构,可知选C。

