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科目: 来源:黑龙江省龙东地区2018年中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

Which of the following signs means DANGEROUS?

A. B. C.

B 【解析】 句意:下面那个标志意味着危险?A.的意思是“禁止停车”;B.的意思是“危险”;C的意思是“重复使用,循环使用”.。根据句意,故选B。


科目: 来源:黑龙江省龙东地区2018年中考英语试卷 题型:完型填空

We can see the mobile phone freaks(手机控)everywhere nowadays. Can you ________when we started to take our mobiles to a dinner table? This happens a lot, especially when we eat out. When a dish comes, we_________our mobiles and take photos of the food first instead of eating.

After that, we post the photos on Weibo or WeChat,________to be "liked,". Then we may check our mobiles from time to time during the meal, to see__________we get "liked" or not. We just can't leave our mobiles for only a meal.

Does that sound familiar to you? Do you do that often? If not, how do you feel when _____people do that?

A recent__________shows that spending time on photos of food__________the food less pleasant. To test this, some researchers did an experiment. Some people were asked to take photos _______they could enjoy food. As a result, it showed that the more photos they took, the______the food seemed to them. So, please don't take photos and just enjoy the food in front of you.

____________ the result, there are also some other bad___________of taking photos and posting the photos on the Internet before meals.________, they will check their mobiles many times."Does everyone like my________? I hope a lot of people like them! "It seems that your mobile secretly calls your name all the time, even when you are with real people.

So next time when you go out for dinner with your family or friends, how about________photos of food? Let the food be delicious as it is and share your life________people around you.

1.A. remember B. forget C. believe

2.A. take in B. take up C. take out

3.A. wait B. waited C. waiting

4.A. if B. whether C. which

5.A. other B. others C. the other

6.A. news B. study C. information

7.A. make B. made C. makes

8.A. but B. before C. after

9.A. less delicious B. delicious C. more delicious

10.A. Except B. Beside C. Besides

11.A. disadvantages B. expressions C. influences

12.A. Such as B. For example C. Like

13.A. photos B. mobiles C. food

14.A. take B. taking C. not taking

15.A. to B. with C. at

1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 【解析】 本文讲述了现在常见的社会现象——在吃饭前拿手机拍照“菜品”,拍完照放在网络上,而且不时地看手机,想着别人会不会喜欢自己的美食照片,会有多少人点赞。专家认为这种行为...


科目: 来源:黑龙江省龙东地区2018年中考英语试卷 题型:补全对话6选5

Choose the best choice from A to F to finish the dialogue. You have one more answer. Each choice should be used only once.

A: Hello, this is Li Wei.1.

B: Hello, it's Zhu Hui here.

A: Hi, what are you doing?

B: I'm looking at the photos that we took on Father's Day.

A: 2.especially your father.

B: Yes, my mother cooked a big dinner and3.

A: Really? What did you buy?

B: I bought a cup and printed my family photo on it.

A: Oh, that's meaningful! You are great!

B: Thank you. 4.That isn’t easy.

A: You're right and our fathers work very hard for our families. By the way,5.

B: Sure, I'll take it to school tomorrow. See you then.

A: See you.

A. could you please lend me your ping-pong bat?

B. You know we all love our parents

C. We know our parents look after us every day.

D. May I speak to Zhu Hui?

E I bought a present for him.

F. You must have a good time on that day.

1.D 2.F 3.E 4.C 5.A 【解析】 本文是一则谈论父亲节所拍照片的对话。 1.本句是打电话用语,根据Hello, this is Li Wei.及下句Hello, it's Zhu Hui here.知填D May I speak to Zhu Hui?请找朱慧接电话好吗? 2.根据上句I'm looking at the photos...


科目: 来源:黑龙江省龙东地区2018年中考英语试卷 题型:信息匹配

Earthquakes often happen and you may hear about the earthquake in Songyuan of Jilin Province these days. So we must know some advice about protecting ourselves。

56.You should do earthquake practice and teach your children about earthquake safety. Everyone in the family should do some earthquake practice often. It's very important.

57.It's necessary to prepare yourself and your family. All family members should know how to turn off gas, water and electricity and know useful telephone numbers(120, 110, 119, etc)

58. If you are indoors, quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a strong desk or a strong table. The purpose is to protect yourself from falling objects. Stay away from windows, large mirrors and so on. If you are cooking, turn off the gas.

59.If you are outdoors, move to an open area like a playground. Move away from buildings, bridges and trees. If you are driving, stop the car as soon as possible, stay away from bridges and tall buildings. Stay in your car.

60. Once the shaking has stopped, DO NOT run out of the buildings at once. It's better to wait and leave when it is safe. If your building is badly broken, you should leave it.

Choose the best topic from a to F according to the meaning of the passage.

A. The advice about when you are indoors during an earthquake

B. You shouldn't leave at once until it is safe after an earthquake

C. Know useful telephone numbers

D. Practice for an earthquake

E. The advice about when you are outdoors during an earthquake

F. Be always ready before an earthquake






1.D 2.F 3.A 4.E 5.B 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述在地震发生时,如何保护自己。 1.本段主要讲述了应该进行地震练习教会孩子,家人在地震中应该怎样保持安全。故该段最好的标题是D Practice for an earthquake。 2.本段主要内容是为自己和家人准备有用的电话号码,知道怎样关电,关水,天然气等,时刻准备着。故...


科目: 来源:黑龙江省龙东地区2018年中考英语试卷 题型:阅读判断

There was once a rich man who loved his little boy very much. He wanted to try his best to please him. So, he gave him a horse to ride, beautiful rooms to live in, pictures, books, toys and everything that money could buy. But for all days, the little boy was still unhappy. He wore a frown(皱眉) wherever he went, he always wished for something he did not have. The man didn’t know how to make his son happy.

One day, a magician came to the man and said to him, "I can make your son happy and turn his frowns into smiles, but you must pay me a great price for telling him the secret."

“All right.” said the man, “No matter what you ask for, I'll give you.” The magician took the boy into a secret room. He wrote something on a piece of paper, and then gave it to the boy. There on the paper came the words, “Do one kind thing for someone every day.” The boy followed the advice and became one of the happiest boys.

Only those who stop thinking about their own happiness can be truly happy.

Judge the following sentences true (T)or false(F)according to the passage.

1.The father wore a frown wherever he went.

2.The boy became happy after he got some presents from his father.

3.The magician helped the boy without any pay.

4.To do one kind thing for his father every day made the boy happy.

5.The passage mainly tells us how to be a truly happy man.

1.F 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 【解析】 本文主要讲述了一个怎样成为一个真正快乐的人的故事。 1.根据文中句子But for all days, the little boy was still unhappy. He wore a frown(皱眉) wherever he went, he always wished for something...


科目: 来源:黑龙江省龙东地区2018年中考英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to what you read.


The show invites different people to read aloud on the stage. It also tells the moving stories behind those people.

Channel: CCTV 1

Producer& Hostess: Dong Qing

Time: 8: 00 p. m. -9: 00 p. m. on Friday Sunday

The Chinese Character Dictation Competition

Many people can't even remember the 10,000 characters they used in daily life without electronic help. The show can improve people's skills of writing Chinese characters.

Channel: CCTV 3

Director& Designer: Guan Zhengwen

Time: 9: 00 a.m.--10: 30 a.m. on Saturday Wednesday

Running Man

It's a game show. Many popular stars go to some places to complete different missions(任务). In the game, they can learn the importance of team spirit. Nothing can be done alone.

Channel: Zhejiang TV

Time: 9: 30 p. m.-11: 30 p. m. on Friday

1.What does Dong Qing do?

A. A director and designer.

B. A producer and hostess.

C. A director and producer

2.When is Running Man on every week?

A. 9: 30 a.m.-11: 30 a. m on Friday.

B. 9: 00 a. m. -10: 30 a.m. on Saturday and Wednesday.

C. 9: 30 p. m.-11: 30 p. m. on Friday.

3.If you want to learn about Chinese characters, which TV show can help you?

A. Running Man.

B. The Chinese Character Dictation Competition.

C. Readers.

4.Can you watch Readers at 8: 45 a. m on Friday?

A. Yes, we can.

B. No, we can’t.

C. No, we don't.

5.Which of the following is true?

A. Readers is a TV show about the story of Dong Qing.

B. The Chinese Character Dictation Competition can make people's handwriting more beautiful.

C. The members of Running Man can't complete missions alone.

1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 【解析】 本文列出了三个节目的主要内容,频道,播出时间,主持人等。 1.细节理解题。根据表格1中句子:Producer& Hostess: Dong Qing知答案选B。 2.细节理解题。根据表格3中的句子Time: 9: 30 p. m.-11: 30 p. m. on Friday知答案选C。 3.细...


科目: 来源:黑龙江省龙东地区2018年中考英语试卷 题型:填空

It was too late at night when an old man came to a small town. He found a small hotel and wanted to stay there for the night. After he went into his room, the owner said to his wife, “Look at his bag, there must be much money in it. Let's take it away when he is asleep, shall we?”

“No, no.” said the woman, “He must look for his bag tomorrow morning. If he can' t find it, he'll telephone the police. "They thought for a few minutes. Then the woman had an idea, “We have forgetful grass. Why not put some into his food? If he has the food, he will forget to take his bag away. “The old man had the food with the forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning, when the owner got up, he found the door open, and the man had left with the bag. He was angry and woke his wife up, "What a fool! Your forgetful grass isn't useful at all.”

“No, I don't think so He must forget something.” she said. “Oh! I remember now!”cried out the man suddenly, “He forgot to pay for the night.”

Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Only one word for each blank.

From the story we know the owner of the hotel wanted to1.the old man's bag when he slept. But his wife2.with him, and she3.up with a good idea that they put some forgetful grass into the food4.that the old man would forget his bag. The forgetful grass worked. The old man really forgot something-he didn’t 5.to pay for the night.

1.steal 2.disagreed 3.came 4.so 5.remember 【解析】 店主看到来住店的客人的包,认为里面有很多钱,于是便想占为己有。他们夫妻二人想出一个办法,把健忘草拌在客人的饭里,想让他第二天起来时忘记去寻找自己的包。可是客人却在第二天一早就离开了,连住宿费都忘了付。店主夫妻害人不成反害了自己。 1.根据文中句子:Look at...


科目: 来源:黑龙江省龙东地区2018年中考英语试卷 题型:回答问题

The Chongyang Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. It is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar(阴历) month. It's also called the Double Ninth Festival.

The festival started as early as the Warring States Period (475-221BC). It has a history of more than 1, 700 years. Among the numbers from zero to nine, nine is the highest odd number(奇数). People believe that two "ninths" meeting together stand for a long life. So it is a special holiday for Chinese people to show love and respect for their elders. They hold many kinds of activities in honor of old people to wish them good health and a long life.

The festival comes during the golden time of fall. On the day, people traditionally drink Chrysanthemum(菊花)wine, eat Double-Ninth Cakes and climb mountains. They also carry a kind of plant, its name is dogwood, People in ancient times believed that the plant could drive away evil(邪恶的) spirits and prevent them from catching an illness in winter.

Answer the questions according to the passage.

1.When is the Double ninth Festival?

2.Does the Double Ninth Festival have a history of 1, 700 years?

3.What do two "ninths" meeting together stand for?

4.Who do people celebrate the Double Ninth Festival for?

5.What do people traditionally drink and eat on the festival?

1.It's on the ninth day of the lunar month. On the ninth day of the lunar month 2.No, it doesn’t. 3.Two "ninths" meeting together stand for a long life. /A long life. /They stand for a long life...


科目: 来源:黑龙江省龙东地区2018年中考英语试卷 题型:通知



All the students,

Students' Union

Notice All the students, In order to make our city more beautiful, we are going to plant trees in Beishan Park, We'll meet at the school gate at 8: 00 tomorrow morning and take the school bus th...


科目: 来源:黑龙江省龙东地区2018年中考英语试卷 题型:材料作文

话题作文:为了促进中小学生身心健康发展,我省自2018年3月1日起延迟中小学生到校时间,请你联系生活实际,谈谈对这一举措的看法。请以“My Opinions about the New Policy”为题,写一篇英语文章。




提示词:policy(政策), the time of arriving at school

My Opinions about the New Policy As we know, there is a new policy about putting off the time of arriving at school in the morning in our province. I remember I had to get up early on school day...

