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科目: 来源:新人教版九年级第六单元测试卷 题型:阅读单选

The Coca Cola Company has an invention—the “PlantBottle”. It is partly(部分) made from plants and can be recycled (循环). It shows how businesses can help to deal with the problem of climate (气候) change.

Now the UK has a new light bulb that can last 25 years or more. It is green and environment-friendly (环保的), and as bright as the old light bulbs, but it costs£30

Good news for swimmers. Do you want to talk to your friends under the water? Rich Stachowski invented this Water Talky at the age of 10.This invention can amplify (扩大) voices underwater for up to 15 feet.

If you sit in a chair for too long or in a bad position (姿势), your back may begin to hurt.Now there is a new chair that can help you avoid that. It was developed by German scientists. It makes noises(噪音)to tell users when they need to move.

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the “PlantBottle”?

A. The bottle is completely made of plants. B. It was a product of the Coca Cola Company.

C. It costs much money. D. People can’t recycle it.

2.The new light bulb _______.

A. is brighter than the old ones B. isn’t good for the environment

C. can last at least 25 years D. can last less than 25 years

3.The Water Talky was invented by _______.

A. German scientists B. a young child C. a UK company D. some swimmers

4.What will happen if you sit in the chair for too long?

A. Your head will hurt. B. You will be very nervous.

C. The chair will move. D. The chair will warn you to move.

1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 本文介绍了四种对人类有用的发明。 1.细节理解题。根据The Coca Cola Company has an invention—the “PlantBottle”可知,这项发明来自可口可乐公司。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据Now the UK has a new light bulb that can las...


科目: 来源:新人教版九年级第六单元测试卷 题型:阅读单选

Many people ask me what my favorite invention is.I find it very hard to answer them,because there are so many things in my life that I can choose.However,I have chosen a pen.Don't you think it's surprising?

I know that to most people a pen is very boring,but,to me,it stands for possibility(可能).There are so many things you can do with a pen.You can write a novel or a song,record information,or draw a picture.

A pen is like the beginning of something amazing to me.Every day,I write a new page with my pen,and I am slowly making a path(路)for my future.Maybe I will be a scientist and change the world with my discoveries.Maybe I'll become a musician and touch people's hearts with my music.Or perhaps I will be a writer and move people through words,or a teacher to help children grow into the kind of people that they want to be.

There are so many possibilities as to what I will do with my life,but I know that with the pen in my hand,I will write a good future for myself.Tell me what future you will write for yourself.

1.People may feel ________ after they know the writer's choice.

A. bored B. interested C. excited D. surprised

2.The writer thinks a ________ can move people through words.

A. scientist B. musician C. writer D. teacher

3.The underlined word “discoveries” means “ ________ ” in Chinese.

A. 力气 B. 汗水 C. 理智 D. 发现

4.The writer wants to tell us ________.

A. why a pen is the most important invention for him

B. what a pen can help him do

C. why he wants to have a good pen

D. what person he will become in the future

5.Where does the passage most probably come from?

A. A grammar book. B. A science website.

C. A dictionary. D. A sports magazine.

1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 【解析】 短文是谈论有关发明的话题。作者阐述了钢笔是自己最喜欢的发明,并提出可能会令许多人感到吃惊,作者用大量的篇幅解释了自己持有这种观点的原因。 1.D 细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“However,I have chosen a pen. Don't you think it's surprising?”可...


科目: 来源:新人教版九年级第六单元测试卷 题型:完成句子



Lily ________ ________ to cry in the classroom just now.


But I think you ________ ________ ________.


All the stars ________ ________ ________ ________ by the young.


I must ________ the students ________ ________ too much TV.


His newest invention was sold ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

1. was heard 2. have a point 3. are looked up to 4. stop from watching 5. at a very low price 【解析】 1.英语句子的主语为Lily。Lily做主语,应该是被听到哭的;再由just now可知,本题用一般过去时的被动句,其结构为was/were+动词的过去分词;“听到”...


科目: 来源:新人教版九年级第六单元测试卷 题型:补全对话7选5




I am Professor Smith. I have just invented a(n) 1. that allows people to travel into the past or the future for five hours.

I thought I would have a great 2. of seeing what my father was like when he was young.

I made a 3. of what I should take and put these things into a bag. I wrote the words,“1964,11 Niven Road,Singapore” and then touched the button(按钮)…In a moment,I was in 4. of the house where my father used to live in.

I saw four children looking for a lost dog. They were my father,my uncle Kelvin,my aunt Peek and my aunt Janet. I 5. them look for their lost dog,Blackie.

We climbed a hill and tried to find Blackie. 6. we heard a dog barking(吠叫).“Blackie!”my father shouted. We saw a dog chained(用锁链拴住)to a tree beside a house. The door of the house was 7..

A man opened the door. We asked him to 8. Blackie to us. My father called out Blackie's name and the dog was happy to hear his voice. Without 9. it was Blackie.

My five hours were 10. used up. What an interesting experience!

1.instrument 2.pleasure 3.list 4.front 5.helped 6.Suddenly 7.locked 8.return 9.doubt 10.nearly 【解析】 本文介绍了史米斯教授刚刚发明了一种允许人们在过去或未来的五小时内旅行的仪器。作者想用这部仪器看看父亲年轻时的样子,因此他借助该仪器来到...


科目: 来源:人教八年级上英语unit 3-4单元检测题 题型:其他题

--- What are you doing ____________ vacation? --- I’m going camping.

A. for B. on C. with D. about

A 【解析】 句意:你假期打算干什么?我要去野营。A. for (表利益或目的) 为,为了;B. on在……上;C. with与……一起;D. about关于。根据四个备选答案,只有A答案符合题意。


科目: 来源:人教八年级上英语unit 3-4单元检测题 题型:单选题

--- Is she going to Hawaii _______________Monday? --- Yes, she is.

A. at B. in C. on D. until

C 【解析】 句意:——她星期一打算去夏威夷吗?——是的,她打算去。作为时间介词,A. at放在某一时刻的前面;B. in放在某年,某月或季节的前面;C. on放在某一天的前面;D. until直到……为止。在星期几的前面要用介词on,故答案为C。


科目: 来源:人教八年级上英语unit 3-4单元检测题 题型:单选题

--- How __________ are you going to stay in Hong Kong? --- Just for a week.

A. often B. long C. about D. far

B 【解析】 句意:——你打算在香港呆多久?——仅仅一个星期。How often多久一次,询问频率;How long多长时间,询问时间长短;How about……怎么样?征求意见;How far多远,询问距离。Just for a week.指的是时间段,就时间长短提问要用How long,故答案为B。


科目: 来源:人教八年级上英语unit 3-4单元检测题 题型:单选题

She says she doesn’t like _____________ away for too long.

A. goes B. go C. going D. to going

C 【解析】 句意:她说她不喜欢离开太久。like doing/to do sth.喜欢做某事,故答案为C。


科目: 来源:人教八年级上英语unit 3-4单元检测题 题型:单选题

--- Your scarf is beautiful. Can you show ____________? --- Yes, of course.

A. me it B. it me C. me to it D. it to me

D 【解析】 句意:——你的围巾很漂亮。你能给我看看吗?——当然可以。show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb. 把某物展示给某人看。如果sth.为代词,只能用show sth. to sb.这种结构,故答案为D。


科目: 来源:人教八年级上英语unit 3-4单元检测题 题型:单选题

He thinks about ____________ the Great Wall next vacation.

A. to visit B. visits C. visiting D. visit

C 【解析】 句意:他考虑到下个假期去参观长城。about为介词,后面只能跟动名词,think about doing sth.考虑做某事,故答案为C。

