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科目: 来源:人教新目标九上Unit 1测试卷 题型:单选题

You don't have to ______ every new word in the dictionary while reading.

A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look up


科目: 来源:人教新目标九上Unit 1测试卷 题型:单选题

(题文)—Hi, Mike. I need your help. —_______

A. I don't know B. You are welcome.

C. It doesn’t matter. D. What's the matter?


科目: 来源:人教新目标九上Unit 1测试卷 题型:单选题

(题文)—What do you usually do in the morning?—I often practice____badminton.

A. play B. to play C. playing D. to playing


科目: 来源:人教新目标九上Unit 1测试卷 题型:单选题

How often do you write emails to your pen pal?

A. Twice a month B. Three years ago C. For two weeks D. In five days


科目: 来源:人教新目标九上Unit 1测试卷 题型:单选题

She was afraid____out at night, because she was afraid____ the dark.

A. of going, to B. to go, of C. to go, to D. going, of


科目: 来源:人教新目标九上Unit 1测试卷 题型:单选题

There are many ways____learn a language well. I think using it is the_____way.

A. to, best B. of, good C. to, good D. of , best


科目: 来源:人教新目标九上Unit 1测试卷 题型:单选题

Please remember ______ your notebook here tomorrow.

A. brings B. brought C. bringing D. to bring


科目: 来源:人教新目标九上Unit 1测试卷 题型:单选题

______conversations with friends in English______my speaking skills.

A. to have, improve B. To have, improved

C. Having, improves D. Having, improve


科目: 来源:人教新目标九上Unit 1测试卷 题型:单选题

_____ you ’ve tasted them, you can’t imagine how delicious the dishes are.

A. Because B. Although. C. When D. Unless


科目: 来源:人教新目标九上Unit 1测试卷 题型:完型填空

完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,填入题前的括号内。

Many Chinese students find it difficult to learn English, but not Chinese, because Chinese is their mother language.In fact Chinese is much more difficult to_____than English.

Still some students in other countries can speak Chinese very_____. If you don’t see them, you may think they are Chinese. What _____them successful?

“For me, conversation is the most helpful.I try to speak in ____.If you only listen to what others speak, you will be good at_____, but if you talk as_____as you can, you will find you can speak good Chinese,”says Jenny Brown, an English girl. Now she is_____Chinese at Beijing University. She is interested in China and_____history. She thinks that to learn a language, one must try to know _____about the country.

Chinese is different from English,______we can use the same way in learning it. It is conversation.

1.A. talk B. say C. learn D. know

2.A. well B. good C. bad D. badly

3.A. makes B. make C. let D. lets

4.A. English B. Japanese C. French D. Chinese

5.A. listen B. talk C. listening D. talking

6.A. little B. much C. less D. more

7.A. telling B. writing C. studying D. teaching

8.A. it B. its C. he D. she

9.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

10.A. so B. and C. also D. but.

