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科目: 来源:人教版英语九年级 Unit4 同步练习题 题型:单项填空

-Why don't we take a little break?

一Didn't we just have______?

A. it B. that

C. one D. this


科目: 来源:人教版英语九年级 Unit4 同步练习题 题型:单选题

The teacher asked the boy many questions, but he only answered ______ of them.

A. some B. lots C. each D. few


科目: 来源:人教版英语九年级 Unit4 同步练习题 题型:单选题

About ________ the fans are waiting here. They want to see the great singer.

A. two thousand of B. two thousand C. thousand of D. two thousands of


科目: 来源:人教版英语九年级 Unit4 同步练习题 题型:完型填空

My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk, but would never run very well. The first three years of his life was _______ in hospital. By the time he was eight, you wouldn’t know he has a problem when you saw him _______.

Children in our neighborhood always ran around _______ their play, and Joey would jump and ran and play, _______. We never told him that he probably wouldn’t be _______ to run like the other children. So he didn’t know.

In _______ grade he decided to join the school running team. Every day he trained. He ran more than any of the others, _______ only the top seven runners would be chosen to run for the _______. We didn’t tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didn’t know. He ran four to five mile every day—even when he had a fever. I was _______, so I went to __________ him after school. I found him running __________. I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He has two more miles to go. Yet he looked straight ahead and kept __________.

Two weeks later, the names of the team __________ were out. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had __________ the team. He was in seventh grade — the other six team members were all eighth graders. We never told him he couldn’t do it … so he didn’t know. He just __________ it.

1.A. spent B. taken C. cost D. paid

2.A. talk B. sit C. study D. walk

3.A. after B. before C. during D. till

4.A. either B. too C. though D. yet

5.A. able B. sorry C. glad D. afraid

6.A. sixth B. seventh C. eighth D. ninth

7.A. so B. if C. then D. because

8.A. neighborhood B. family C. school D. grade

9.A. excited B. tired C. pleased D. worried

10.A. think about B. hear from C. agree with D. look for

11.A. alone B. away C. almost D. already

12.A. riding B. walking C. playing D. running

13.A. jumpers B. runners C. doctors D. teachers

14.A. got B. kept C. made D. found

15.A. got B. played C. had D. did


科目: 来源:人教版英语九年级 Unit4 同步练习题 题型:阅读单选

Jean is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has everything that money can buy, well, almost everything. The problem is that the people in Jean’s family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. In fact, Jean is quite lonely.

So Jean spends a lot of time on her QQ. She likes being anonymous(匿名), talking to people who do not know about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends who she keeps in touch with quite often.

Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had a common(共同的)interest in rock music and modern dance. So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ and sometimes they even forgot their time. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other. David sent a picture of himself. He was a tall, good-looking young man with a big happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.

When Jean’s father told her that he was going on a business trip to San Francisco, she asked him to let her go with him so that she could give David a surprise for his birthday. She would take him the latest DVD of their own rock singer. But when she knocked on David’s door in San Francisco, she found that her special friend was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim.

1.Jean spends a lot of time on QQ because she is ____________.

A. rich B. famous C. young D. lonely

2.Jean thought “David” was special because he __________.

A. made her quite happy on QQ

B. was from San Francisco

C. sent her a picture of himself

D. was tall and good-looking

3.When Jean and “David” met and introduces themselves to each other, who felt surprised?

A. “David”

B. Both “David” and Jean

C. Jean

D. Neither “David ”nor Jean

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Don’t believe those you get to know on QQ so easily.

B. People don’t use their real names on QQ so often.

C. Don’t go to meet those you get to know on QQ.

D. People should tell their real names to others on QQ.


科目: 来源:新目标八年级英语上册unit1单元测试 题型:单选题

— Did you visit your uncle before?

— _____.

A. Yes, I visited B. No, I did C. Yes, I did


科目: 来源:新目标八年级英语上册unit1单元测试 题型:单选题

_____ kind girl Jenny is!

A. What B. What a C. How


科目: 来源:新目标八年级英语上册unit1单元测试 题型:单选题

Did you study _____ your test?

A. on B. at C. for


科目: 来源:新目标八年级英语上册unit1单元测试 题型:单选题

She isn’t _____ to carry the box.

A. enough strong B. strong enough C. enough young


科目: 来源:2018年中考阅读模拟测试(一) 题型:完型填空

What will you do with an old calendar. Throw it away? A student band from Beijing No. 5 Middle School can use it as a paper music instrument.

On the evening of 12 August 15 students of the band gave a successful show in a theatre in Finland. All their instruments were made _______ materials (材料) like old calendars and_______ rackets(球拍). "We try to play beautiful music' and_______ on the eco-friendly concept (环保概念)," said Dai Yixin, the teacher of the band.

Chen Shanshan, 13, played her self-made Hawaiian guitar at the show. The guitar is made of a big wood pile(木桩). She_______ it in a building site.

"It's a good material to make a guitar," said Chen. "But the noise is a big_______ Chen tried to change its inner construction (内部结构) to make the noise as_______ as possible. After hundreds of _______ , the guitar finally tuned to a beautiful sound.

Tao gingxiao, 14, got his Chinese lute (琵琶) from an old tennis racket. When he joined the band, Tang didn't know_______ to play the lute at all. And it was only one month _______ the upcoming show in Finland.

Day and night, Tao practised playing________ he was free. After hard training, he finally could play the lute well.

"When people applauded (鼓掌) for us, I was amazed by my recycled-material instrument," Tang said.

1.A. up of B. into C. from D. out of

2.A. repaired B. broken C. fixed D. polluted

3.A. take B. make C. put D. pass

4.A. sold B. discovered C. made D. produced

5.A. idea B. music C. problem D. object

6.A. loud B. much C. low D. high

7.A. results B. inventions C. instructions D. tests

8.A. how B. what C. why D. where

9.A. after B. until C. since D. before

10.A. whenever B. because C. whatever D. unless

