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科目: 来源:牛津译林版8A Unit2 单元检测 题型:单选题

-Many boy students think math is ______ English.

-I agree. I’m weak in English.

A. much difficult than  B. so difficult as

C. less difficult than  D. more difficult than


科目: 来源:牛津译林版8A Unit2 单元检测 题型:单选题

your school life ?

—It's busy and interesting. School is really full of fun.

A. What does;like B. What is;like

C. How does ; like D. How is;like


科目: 来源:牛津译林版8A Unit2 单元检测 题型:完型填空

Tom was sitting in his English class. It was a hot afternoon and he was feeling sleepy. It was a grammar lesson and Tom was so bored. He _______ grammar. He wanted to leave school and work. Tom looked out of the _______. He looked at the trees and flowers. Then he started day-dreaming.

After ten minutes the teacher stopped _______. He asked the students to do a grammar exercise in their books. The students took out _______ exercise books and pencils and they started writing. The teacher looked at Tom. He saw that he wasn't writing so he said, "_______ aren't you writing, Tom?"

"What,sir?" Tom said.

"_______, Tom! " the teacher said. "Why aren't you writing?"

Tom thought for a moment and replied, "I got no pencil. "

The teacher looked _______ Tom and said, "You got no pencil? You mean you don't have a pencil"

Tom didn't understand the English teacher _______ he said, "Sorry, sir?"

The teacher said in a ( n) _______ voice, "I don't have a pencil. He doesn't have a pencil. She doesn't have a pencil. We don't have pencils.They don't have pencils.Now, Tom, do you understand?"

Tom looked at the teacher for a moment and then he said, "My goodness! What happened to all the ________ sir? "

1.A. hated B. loved C. studied D. enjoyed

2.A. book B. blackboard C. window D. desk

3.A. thinking B. talking C. shouting D. listening

4.A. their B. his C. our D. your

5.A. When B. How C. What D. Why

6.A. Sit down B. Come in C. Wake up D. Get up

7.A. after B. at C. for D. through

8.A. because B. when C. while D. so

9.A. happy B. angry C. excited D. sad

10.A. books B. pens C. papers D. pencils


科目: 来源:牛津译林版8A Unit2 单元检测 题型:阅读单选

Sure,it's good to get along with your teacher because it makes the time you spend in the classroom more pleasant.

And yes,it's good to get along with your teacher because,in general,it's smart to learn how to understand the different types of people you'll meet throughout your life.

"But really,there's one super﹣important reason why you should get along with your teacher.When you do,learning bursts right open,"says Evelyn Vko,a longtime teacher who writes an education column called"Teacher Says"for the Washington Post newspaper.

In fact,kids who get along with their teachers not only learn more,but they're more comfortable asking questions and getting extra help.This makes it easier to understand new material and do your best on tests.When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher,he or she can be someone to turn to with problems,such as problems with learning or school life,such as bullying.

As a kid in a primary or middle school,you're at a wonderful stage in your life.You're like a sponge (海绵),able to absorb lots of new and exciting information.On top of that,you're able to think about all this information in new ways.Your teacher knows that,in most cases,is very excited to be the person who's giving you all that material and helping you make it.Remember,teachers are people,too,and they feel great if you're open to what they're teaching you.That's why they wanted to be teachers in the first place﹣to teach!

Some kids may be able to learn in any situation,whether they like the teacher or not.But most kids are sensitive to the way they get along with the teacher,and if things aren't going well,they won't learn as well and won't enjoy being in class.

1.In the passage,the author mainly talks about

A. how to get along well with others

B. how much the students are expected of to get along with teachers

C. the importance of a good relation with teachers

D. how to make the time in the classroom more pleasant

2."Learning bursts right open"in the third paragraph really means

A. there will be more problems with learning

B. you find an opening to learning

C. learning becomes easier for you at once

D. there will be no problems at all with learning

3.Which of the comments is FALSE on teachers and their work according to the passage?

A. Teachers sometimes have the same feelings as students do.

B. Teachers are excited even if you wouldn't like to accept their teaching.

C. Though few,there are still some students who can learn even if they don't like the teacher.

D. Having a bad relationship with your teachers does more or less harm to your studies.


科目: 来源:牛津译林版8A Unit2 单元检测 题型:阅读单选

Shanghai No.8 Middle School began to use the new bell this term. It helps teachers remember it is break time. The new bell has three parts.The first part lasts 15 seconds.It is made up of lovely folk music. Next, there are 20 seconds of silence.The final 25-second bell is a fast-paced march(快节奏进行曲)that seems to tell each teacher,"You have to end class now. "

All the students welcome the new bell. Chen Yong, a student, said, "We tried many ways to stop teachers before, but nothing worked. It's better now. When the folk music is on, teachers know that class is going to be over in one minute. "

Shen Huimin, a teacher at No.8, agrees that the new bell is creative(创造性的). " In the past , we usually wanted to add a few words after class. But we often forgot the time, "Shen said, "The new bell reminds us twice. It's a small change, but it's really solving a big problem"

1.According to the passage, the new bell is now used at .

A. middle schools all over China

B. middle schools in Shanghai

C. No.8 Middle School of Shanghai

D. No.8 Middle School of Beijing

2.At the school, welcome the new bell.

A. all the teachers B. all the students

C. only the boys D. only the girls

3.What does Shen Huimin think of the new bell?

A. Bad. B. Creative. C. Noisy. D. Strange.

4.The underlined word "reminds" in the last paragraph probably means " " in Chinese.

A. 提醒 B. 停止 C. 鼓励 D. 取悦


科目: 来源:牛津译林版8A Unit2 单元检测 题型:阅读单选

American schools are quite different from those in China.In America,at the beginning of the term,students must select their subjects and teachers first.

Selecting is very important for your marks in America.So at the first term,don’t select too many subjects,or you’ll feel very nervous and tired.Then you have to ask for some teaching plans.There is some information about subjects,time arranging,marks and textbooks.At the same time,you must choose the teachers.Different teachers have different teaching methods.If the teacher is called “killer” by the last grade,many students will give up choosing him,because this kind of teacher will leave too much homework,too many exams and give too low grades.There is another thing after you select the subjects and the teachers.How to buy textbooks makes each student feel hard.The textbooks in America are very expensive.Each one is about $30-$50.In order to save money,many students buy some used textbooks,and some students usually borrow textbooks from the school library.

In class,discussing is very important.The teacher encourages you to ask questions or show your own opinions.They don’t usually ask you to sit well.Instead they allow you to sit or stand everywhere you like.

1.What does the underlined word “select” mean?

A. Choose. B. Like.

C. Treat. D. Take.

2.According to the text,American students .

A. don’t have to ask for teaching plans

B. don’t have o choose teachers

C. would like to choose strict teachers

D. usually buy some used textbooks in order to save money

3.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Students won’t choose the teacher who leaves too much homework.

B. Students won’t choose the teacher who leaves too many exams.

C. Students will choose the teacher who is called “killer”.

D. Students won’t choose the teacher who gives too low marks.

4.What is important in American class?

A. Reading. B. Writing.

C. Discussing. D. Listening.

5.The passage is mainly about .

A. the differences between American and Chinese schools

B. American schools

C. the differences between American and Chinese students

D. American school subjects


科目: 来源:牛津译林版8A Unit2 单元检测 题型:汉译英:整句













科目: 来源:牛津译林版8A Unit2 单元检测 题型:回答问题


根据下面提示,完成短文。题目“My Ideal School”。词数80左右。







科目: 来源:测试卷06 八年级上期末测试卷-《八上英语测试卷》 题型:单选题

There are ________ people in the supermarket. It’s so crowded.

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of


科目: 来源:测试卷06 八年级上期末测试卷-《八上英语测试卷》 题型:单选题

May I have a talk with you? I have _______ important to tell you.

A. nothing B. anything C. something

