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科目: 来源:外研版英语八年级上册Module 9 Population模块检测 题型:单选题

You needn't bring any food with you. They will ______ everything for us.

A. forget B. ask C. provide D. taste


科目: 来源:外研版英语八年级上册Module 9 Population模块检测 题型:单选题

—Umm, the river is very dirty and smells bad.


A. Sounds great! B. I hope so. C. It's really awful! D. Have a try.


科目: 来源:外研版英语八年级上册Module 9 Population模块检测 题型:完型填空

We sometimes call the lion “the king of the forest” , because it is stronger and more dangerous than other animals. It can ______ faster than many animals and hunt the best. It is the highest animal in the ______ food chain.

In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the top of the food chain. It can swim faster than ______ other sea animals, and it can use its big teeth to eat them.

What is at the top of the world's food chain?People are!We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the ______.We could not run faster than cheetahs (猎豹), so we ______ cars and now we can move the fastest. We could not fight better than lions, so we invented guns. Now we can hunt the best.

People's inventions are clever, but they can be ______,too. For example, people built ______,and now they make the air and rivers dirty. This can make terrible changes. Dirty rivers kill fish.______ bears cannot eat the fish. If we kill one part of the food chain, other parts will also die. Remember that we are a part of the food chain, ______ we are in danger, too!If we protect animals, we are protecting ______!We could and we should do something for the world!

1.A. walk B. swim C. run D. jump

2.A. sea B. land C. mountain D. desert

3.A. most B. another C. any D. more

4.A. strongest B. cleverest C. most special D. most important

5.A. used B. had C. invented D. made

6.A. interesting B. dangerous C. careful D. helpful

7.A. factories B. hotels C. schools D. hospitals

8.A. If B. When C. While D. Then

9.A. and B. so C. but D. or

10.A. ourselves B. oneself C. yourselves D. themselves


科目: 来源:外研版英语八年级上册Module 9 Population模块检测 题型:阅读单选

Dolphins (海豚) are not fish but mammals (哺乳动物).They live in groups, and speak to each other in their own language. In this way they are like many other animals, like bees. But dolphins are very different from almost all land animals. Their brain (脑) is nearly the same size as humans', so they are the cleverest animals. And they live for 20 to 30 years.

But what does the dolphin look like?The dolphin has teeth, and eats fish. It can grow up to three and a half metres long. Its nose is very long. Like some other animals, the dolphin uses sound to find its way. They make sound to talk to each other and to help find food. We now know they don't use their ears to listen to the sound, but the jaws (颚).

Dolphins are friendly to people. They often save people in the sea. So many people like them.

1.What kind of animals are dolphins?

A. Fish. B. Mammals. C. Birds. D. We don't know.

2.The biggest difference between dolphins and other land animals is that ______.

A. their brain is nearly the same size as humans' B. they live in groups

C. they speak to each other in their own language D. they are mammals

3.The dolphin can grow up to ______ metres long.

A. 3.5 B. 2.5 C. 3 D. 2

4.Dolphins listen to the sound through their ______.

A. ears B. mouths C. jaws D. heads

5.Which of the following sentences is WRONG?

A. Dolphins can live for 20 to 30 years.

B. Dolphins often use sound to find their way.

C. Dolphins aren't friendly and they like to attack (袭击) people.

D. Dolphins can help people who are in trouble in the sea.


科目: 来源:外研版英语八年级上册Module 9 Population模块检测 题型:阅读单选

Not only adults but also teenagers have problems in their life. Here is a survey showing the main problems of teenagers.

They feel stressed because they have too much homework to do both at school and at home. They have lots of exams to take. And parents usually send them to different classes at weekends. They don’t have their own time to do what they are interested in.

Now more and more teenagers are getting short-sighted. They often read in bed or keep reading for a long time without having a rest. Some of them are crazy about playing computer games. Some spend too much time watching TV.

Another serious problem among teenagers is that many of them are becoming fat. They eat too much junk food, but they take little exercise.

I think teenagers should think of ways to deal with problems. They should make a plan for study and hobbies. In this way, they can relax themselves.

1.How many main problems are mentioned in the survey?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

2.Teengaers feel stressed because they have .

A. too much homework B. lots of exams

C. different classes to take at weekends D. A,B and C

3.The underline word“short-sighted”means in Chinese.

A. 目关短浅的 B. 近视的 C. 无先见的 D. 小眼的

4. make(s) teenagers become fat.

A. Eating too much junk food B. Taking too little exercise

C. A and B D. Reading for a long time without rest

5.Teenagers can relax themselves by .

A. making a plan for study and hobbies B. watching TV too much

C. reading in bed D. playing computer games


科目: 来源:外研版英语八年级上册Module 9 Population模块检测 题型:信息归纳


We know that many animals do not stay in one place. Birds, fish and other animals move from one place to another place at a certain time. They move for different reasons: most of them move to find food more easily, but others move to get away from places that are too crowded.

When cold weather comes, many birds move to warmer places to find food. Some fishes give birth in warm water and move to cold water to feed. The most famous migration is probably the migration of the fish which is called “salmon” (鲑鱼).This fish is born in fresh water but it travels many miles to salt water. There it spends its life. When it is old, it returns to its birthplace in fresh water. Then it gives birth and dies. In northern Europe, there is a kind of mouse. They leave their mountain homes when they become too crowded. They move down to the low land. Sometimes they move all the way to the seaside, and many of them are killed when they fall into the sea.

Recently, scientists have studied the migration of a kind of lobster (龙虾).Every year, when the season of the bad weather arrives, the lobsters get into a long line and start to walk across the floor of the ocean. Nobody knows why they do this, and nobody knows where they go. So, sometimes we know why humans and animals move from one place to another place, but at other times we don't. Maybe living things just like to travel.

1.The reason for most of the animals to move is ____________.

2.Find the word in the passage which means “the movement from one place to another of a large group of animals” and write it down here: ______.

3.The underlined word “There” in the second paragraph refers to (指的是) ____________.

4.The salmon comes back to its birthplace in order to ____________.

5.The lobsters begin to move to another place when ____________.


科目: 来源:外研版英语八年级上册Module 9 Population模块检测 题型:补全对话5选5


A.Yes, there are many.

B.Yes, they are.

C.I really enjoyed myself.

D.Does it eat meat?

E.I am riding the elephant.

A.Yes, there are many.

B.Yes, they are.

C.I really enjoyed myself.

D.Does it eat meat?

E.I am riding the elephant.

Peter: Hi, Sally. Come and have a look at my photos.

Sally: Are these the photos you took in Africa, Peter?

Peter: 51.1. Look, this is a wildebeest. It's an animal in Africa.

Sally: 52.2.

Peter: No, it doesn't. It only eats grass.

Sally: Are there a lot of animals in Africa?

Peter: 53.3.

Sally: Oh, this photo looks interesting. What are you doing there?

Peter: 54.4.

Sally: Did you have a good time there?

Peter: Of course.55.5.


科目: 来源:外研版英语八年级上册Module 9 Population模块检测 题型:材料作文



初二年级 (1) 班的学生去郊外远足,在回家的路上,李明在树下发现了一只小鸟,它的翅膀 (wing) 有点问题,不能飞了。李明把它带回家,细心照顾它。现在小鸟好多了,李明打算让它飞回蓝天,因为蓝天才是它真正的家。

The students of Class 1, Grade 2 went hiking for a field trip.





科目: 来源:牛津译林版7A Unit 2 Let 题型:单选题

--Bill, what’s your sister’s favorite .

--She likes volleyball best.

A. food B. color C. sport D. movie


科目: 来源:牛津译林版7A Unit 2 Let 题型:单选题

Which of the following is NOT right?

A. Let's play games! B. Let me help you! C. Let us go home! D. Let's you go walking!

