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科目: 来源:四川省2018-2019年度八年级英语Unit1-Unit3检测试卷 题型:完型填空


I’m Molly .My best friend is Annie .When I was a little girl at a summer camp , a girl came up to me and wanted to play _ _me .“Be my best friend ?She asked and gave me her_ _.So Annie and I knew each other and became_ _.A few weeks later , I went to find Annie _ _I wanted to shared my chocolate with her .Annie_ _chocolate ! When I went near the group ,I_ _Annie ask another girl ,“Be my best friend ?”And the girl answered .“Really? I thought you were Molly’s best friend !”Annie said ,“Yeah, but today I want a(n) _ _ friend .”I tried not to _ __.I ran to the river ,threw away the _ _ and cried loudly .Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder . It was Ann“Don’t cry ! I just wanted to help the _ _girl.Hearing that , I gave her my hand .

1.A. in B. with C. at D. on

2.A. arm B. leg C. hand D. foot

3.A. classmates B. brothers C. cousins D. friends

4.A. if B. so C. but D. because

5.A. loved B. made C. sold D. had

6.A. saw B. heard C. watched D. helped

7.A. new B. different C. active D. healthy

8.A. dream B. cry C. forget D. laugh

9.A. photo B. postcard C. letter D. chocolate

10.A. lazy B. smart C. shy D. clever


科目: 来源:四川省2018-2019年度八年级英语Unit1-Unit3检测试卷 题型:阅读单选

We talked to 300 people. One hundred were from 11 to 18 years old. One hundred were from 19 to 26. One hundred were 27 to 35 years old. We asked them what they like to do on weekends. Please look at the chart.Favorite things to do (by age)

1.People of 19-26 most enjoy .

A. taking a walk B. playing computer games

C. watching TV D. going to the movies

2.People aged 11-18 enjoy most.

A. talking a walk B. watching TV

C. going to the movies D. playing computer games

3.How many people enjoy playing computer games in the 19-26 group?

A. 75 B. 60 C. 25 D. 50

4.Which things do most people enjoy doing?

A. Watching TV and playing computer games. B. Playing computer games and taking a walk.

C. Going to the movies and watching TV. D. Taking a walk and watching TV.

5.Which of these sentences is true?

A. People aged 27-35 like playing computer games best.

B. People aged 11-18 like going to the movies best.

C. People aged 19-26 enjoy playing computer games more than watching TV.

D. Both A and C.


科目: 来源:四川省2018-2019年度八年级英语Unit1-Unit3检测试卷 题型:阅读单选

Eric London

I went to climb the mountains with my friends last weekend.The weather was warm.We took a walk in the mountains and saw quite a few animals.They were cute.There were lots of flowers.

Jane New York City

I went to the countryside with my family and stayed there for about two weeks.The air there was clean. Every day,we fed the chickens,milked the cows,played with the dogs and went fishing.We had a good time.

Linda Toronto

I went to a beautiful beach with my classmates last summer.We stayed in a hotel near the sea.It was clean and quiet.We stayed there for five days.Every day we went swimming in the sea.

Lu Jing Hangzhou

I found the summer vacation was not so interesting as I imagined(想象).It was very hot,so I had to spend most of the time staying at home,watching TV,listening to the radio and playing with my dog.Sometimes,I went to visit my relatives(亲属).

1.Eric went to climb the mountains with his ________.

A. family B. relatives C. classmates D. friends

2.Jane stayed in the countryside for ________ days.

A. nine B. fourteen C. two D. five

3.Where did Linda go last summer?

A. She went to the beach. B. She stayed at home.

C. She went to the countryside. D. She went to the mountains.

4.Lu Jing didn't ________ during the summer vacation.

A. watch TV B. listen to the radio

C. play with her dog D. feed the chickens

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Eric saw many animals and flowers. B. Jane comes from the United States.

C. Linda milked the cows every day. D. Lu Jing thought her vacation was boring.


科目: 来源:四川省2018-2019年度八年级英语Unit1-Unit3检测试卷 题型:阅读单选

We know health is important in everyone's life.Here are some ways to make them easy to get.

★Eat a balanced diet.Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables,some grains(谷物) and a little meat.

★Exercise twice or three times a week.

★Get enough sleep.It is best to get eight hours' sleep a day.

★Keep yourself busy.This is good because it stops you from having bad habits.To keep yourself busy,you can walk around the house,spend time with your pet,do sports,or have a hobby.

★Go out and make friends.Spend time and have fun with them.Talk with them,but try not to talk about anything bad.You should stay with the people who are healthy.

1.How often should you exercise if you want to get health?

A. Every day. B. Twice a day.

C. Three times a month. D. Twice or three times a week.

2.How many hours do you need to sleep every day?

A. Seven. B. Eight. C. Nine. D. Ten.

3.The underlined word “it” refers to(指的是) ________.

A. eating a balanced diet B. exercising more

C. keeping yourself busy D. making friends

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. We can eat a lot of meat to keep healthy. B. We need to exercise.

C. It's good to make some friends. D. We can spend our free time doing sports.

5.What's the best title for this passage?

A. Eating habit B. Playing sports C. Making friends D. How to get health


科目: 来源:四川省2018-2019年度八年级英语Unit1-Unit3检测试卷 题型:阅读单选

A lot of people like taking a trip with no plans. They think it is very exciting and has more fun.But in fact, it is not good.Making vacation plans is very important.

First, a vacation plan can make sure that everything goes well.If you visit a place but you don't book a hotel, you may have no place to stay at night.

Second,you have lots of things to take with you for a vacation.You need to plan what things you have to buy and what things you need to put in bags.For example, you want to visit one place,but when you arrive at the airport(机场),you forget to bring your plane ticket!You may be late for the plane.

Third, making a vacation plan can help you save a lot of money.No one wants to spend more money than they want to.If you surf the Internet before you go on a vacation, you may find some cheap plane tickets and hotel rooms.

Next time when you go on a vacation,try to write down some plans.They can help you have more fun in your vacation.

1.The writer thinks that taking a trip without plans is________.

A. interesting B. relaxing C. bad D. exciting

2.From this passage we can know it's very important ________.

A. to make a vacation plan B. to take a trip by plane

C. to surf the Internet D. to visit a place with more money

3.________ can make sure that everything goes well during the vacation.

A. Bringing your plane ticket B. Booking a cheap hotel room

C. Taking many things with you D. Making a vacation plan

4.The underlined word “book” in the passage means “________” in Chinese.

A. 装修 B. 预订 C. 扩建 D. 推荐

5.The passage mainly tells us ________.

A. why we must make a vacation plan B. it's important to have more fun

C. how we can make a vacation plan D. what we must take during the vacation


科目: 来源:四川省2018-2019年度八年级英语Unit1-Unit3检测试卷 题型:单词填空




I felt tired last week, so I decided to take a trip to Yuntaishan, Henan.Last Friday, I took the train to Xinxiang1.my classmate, Liu Fang.It was about 552.away from Yuntaishan.The train left Beijing at 9:35 pm.There were many people on the train.3.people on the train slept at night, but we talked happily. The train arrived in Xinxiang at 4:21 am the next day. At the train station,we4.about half an hour for the bus to Yuntaishan. When we got off the bus, we found a5.and had a good breakfast. Then we walked into Yuntaishan. We visited Tanpuxia in the morning.In the afternoon, we visited Hongshixia. Everything there was6.. But we took few photos7.of the rain.The next day, it was8.. We went to the Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟) and Shaolin Temple.They were9.. At Shaolin Temple, I bought something for10., and Liu Fang bought a gift for his brother.We really enjoyed this trip.


科目: 来源:四川省2018-2019年度八年级英语Unit1-Unit3检测试卷 题型:完成句子



Your teacher is ________ ________ you in the classroom.


We had to stay at home ________ ________ the bad weather.


I like playing sports,________ ________ swimming, running and basketball.


Mr. Green has lived in Beijing for ________ ________ three years.


I do the housework ________ ________ twice a week.


科目: 来源:四川省2018-2019年度八年级英语Unit1-Unit3检测试卷 题型:材料作文



How often

do homework

two hours a day

watch TV


surf the Internet

twice a day

read English books

every day


three or four times a week

go to the movies

once a month




科目: 来源:江苏省牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit4 单元测试卷 题型:完成句子


1.There are many English______________ (课程)for us to choose.

2.Is there a____________ (可能的)chance of success?

3.My mother is ill, so I have to stay at home______________ (代替) of going to school.

4.___________(曾经)we lived in London.

5.You must act carefully according to these_______________ (指示).

6.She asked me to a____________ the meeting with her.

7.I want to f___________ the empty bottle with some apple juice.

8.一What do the letters UN s__________ for?

一United Nations.

9.The computer is such a useful t_____________.

10.Can you help me p____________ the walls blue?


科目: 来源:江苏省牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit4 单元测试卷 题型:单选题

Don’t_______ the pictures on the blackboard!

A. put on B. put away C. put up D. put in

