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科目: 来源: 题型:

I________ sing ,  but I  ______dance

A. can; can’t   B. can; can   C. can’t; can’t   D. can ;  may



科目: 来源: 题型:

 Miss Read is good ____music .She can be good ___children in the music club.   

 A. at ;  at     B. with; with     C. at;  with      D. with ;at



科目: 来源: 题型:

 My brother can’t sing __________play the guitar.

A.  and    B.  or     C. but     D.  so



科目: 来源: 题型:

Bob can play ________tennis but he can’  play ______violin  .

A. the ; the    B.不填;不填    C. the ;不填   D. 不填, the



科目: 来源: 题型:

------______________do you want to join ?

-----I want to join the music club .

A. What club   B. How  C. What sport  D. Where



科目: 来源: 题型:

-----Can you ____________English ?  

-----Yes, I can . 

A. speak   B. talk   C. say   D. tell



科目: 来源: 题型:

假设在你校开展的“孝敬教育活动”期间,你将代表你班参加英语演讲比赛,题目是“Respect and Care for Our Parents”。请根据以下要点,写一篇英语演讲稿。


    参考词汇:care for 关心;a traditional virtue传统美德; argue with与……争吵


    Good morning, everyone! Today my topic is “Respect and Care for Our Parents”.            














  That’s all for my speech. Thank you!


科目: 来源: 题型:

假如你就读于一所双语学校。在母亲节来临之际,你们班组织了一次“How to Show Love for Your Mother on Mother’s Day”的主题班会。其中的三位同学发言如下:

Tom: I have made it a rule to send an e-card to my mother on Mother’s Day. I will continue to do so this year.

Susan: I think I will buy my mother a silk scarf with the pocket money I have saved. Gifts don’t need to be expensive, but always from the heart.

Jennifer: I will help out around the house, such as cleaning the rooms and washing the dishes.


Boys and girls,

I’m very happy that many of you have shared your thoughts with the class. Tom will send his mother    1   . Susan will buy    2    as a Mother’s Day gift for her mother. Jennifer will help her mother do some    3   . Mother’s Day is a special day to mothers. Though it’s hard to show our mum just how much we love her in only one day, we should try to     4                 .

Thank you.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Matuya Restaurant

A typical Japanese restaurant. It offers various kinds of seafood.

About ¥35 for each person.

Open from 10 am to 10 pm every day.



Ganges Indian Restaurant

Noted as the best Indian restaurant in Beijing.

The best food and best service, but at a lower price.

About ¥50 per person.

Open from 5 pm to 11 pm each day.




—Peking Roast Duck

Its roast duck is famous all over the world.

Perfect for a family dinner.

About ¥100 per person.

Open from 10 am to 10 pm each day.


A. 根据上述内容,完成信息表。






Japanese    76  

Indian food

Roast duck

Price (per person)




Opening hours

10 am to 10 pm

5 pm to 11 pm


B. 请你从A、B、C中选出最适合你们的饭店,并给出一条理由。

We will choose   79    because               80              .


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


All of us want to be heard, but are we listening when other people are speaking? Doing it well takes lots of practice. Here are some   66   (有用的) tips.

First, give them your full attention. Put down your pen. Turn off your cell phone. Show them you are   67   (感兴趣) in listening to them.

Second, use   68   (身体) language. Meet their eyes. Nod, smile and say “Mm hum.”, “Yeah!”, “I see.”, or “Really?” to show that you are listening.

       69   (第三), let them talk. Say things like “That’s really interesting.” or “I’d like to hear more.” Don’t finish their sentences for them. Don’t   70   (改变) the subject to talk about yourself, either. A good listener listens about 80% of the time   71   (在……期间) the conversation and spends only 20% of the time talking. Remember that we have two ears and one mouth for a reason

——listen   72  (多), speak less.

Fourth, be   73   (慢的) to share your ideas. It’s possible that the speakers just want to feel heard and understood. So share your own ideas only when they are   74  (需要).

Last but not least, put yourself in their shoes. You may not have a lot in common with them. But you can   75   (尝试) to see their problems through their eyes. In doing so, you are better able to understand them and their problems.

