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科目: 来源:新教材新学案 英语(新目标) 七年级 下册 题型:022

Form sentences

a, for, without, he, there, anything, sat, doing, time, long



科目: 来源:新教材新学案 英语(新目标) 七年级 下册 题型:022

Form sentences

she, did, what, weekend, over, do, the



科目: 来源:新教材新学案 英语(新目标) 七年级 下册 题型:022

Form sentences

shopping, kids, went, five



科目: 来源:新教材新学案 英语(新目标) 七年级 下册 题型:022

Match the past tense.


科目: 来源:新教材新学案 英语(新目标) 七年级 下册 题型:022

Pair Work

Show some of your photos to your partner and talk about them.

Practice using the information below with your partner.You may begin like this:

A:Here are some photos of my family.In this photo, I'm swimming in the pool.

B:Oh, is this your brother?

A:Yes, it is.In the photo, he is playing basketball with his friends.

B:And who's that girl?



科目: 来源:新教材新学案 英语(新目标) 七年级 下册 题型:022

Look at the pictures and use the right verb forms to complete the sentences

Steve ________ Japanese.He ________ in Tokyo.He likes ________ the violin.He ________ the violin after school every day.Now he ________ the violin for us.He ________ to be a violinist.


科目: 来源:新教材新学案 英语(新目标) 七年级 下册 题型:022

Look at the pictures and use the right verb forms to complete the sentences

Jim ________ twelve years old.He ________ basketball very much.He ________ basketball every day.Look!He ________ basketball now.


科目: 来源:新教材新学案 英语(新目标) 七年级 下册 题型:022

Fill in the blanks with these words

1.Look!That's Dick.He ________ the bus.

2.My sister ________ cartoons on TV every day.

3.I usually ________ at six o'clock in the morning.

4.My grandpa ________ newspaper over there.

5.The Browns usually ________ with friends on weekends.

6.Do you want to ________ computer games with me?

7.I like ________ music.It's relaxing.

8.Lily can ________ English and a little French.

9.My pen pal is Korean.She ________ in Seoul.

10.I want to ________ the art club.


科目: 来源:新教材新学案 英语(新目标) 七年级 下册 题型:022

Number the sentences to make a conversation

(  )She's my mother.

(1)Who is she?

(  )Yes, he is.He's sleeping in his favorite chair.

(  )Oh, look!She's playing the piano.

(  )My pleasure.

(  )And is he your father?

(  )Thanks for showing me your photos.

(  )Yes.She's playing the piano in our living room.


科目: 来源:新教材新学案 英语(新目标) 七年级 下册 题型:022

Form sentences

go to the movies, does, Bill, to, want


