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科目: 来源: 题型:030


  A:Etartline  1   ndline  me.Can you find the way to the Great Wall Cinema?

  B:Yes,walk atartline  2   ndline  this street until you reach the second traffic ltartline  3   .Turn right.The cinema is nearly l00 metres atartline  4   ndline  on the right.

  A:Thanks very much.

  B:It's a ptartline  5   ndline


科目: 来源: 题型:030


A.well,she always enjoys spots games,doesn't she?

  B.I didn't know Eva was interested in photography.

  C.There are a lot of photographers out there.

  D.You mean she's coming to the game,too?

  E.I just have to close up the shop.

  F.It's time to go.

  G.Eva's closing the door.

  Charley:Come on,Steve.1 ndline

  Steve:Wait a moment.2 ndline


  Steve:By the way,can we give my sister a ride home tonight?

  Charley:Sure.3 ndline

  Steve:Yes.She wants to take some pictures.

  Charley:4 ndline

  Steve:Yeah.She wants to work for a newspaper someday.

  Charley:But I think it might be hard for her to succeed.5 ndline


科目: 来源: 题型:030


  A:It's ftartline  1 ndline  today,isn't it?

  B:Yes,but it's btartline  2 ndline  warmer,Are you going s tartline  3 ndline?

  A:Yes,I am.Look at that notice!What does it say?

  B:It says the ice on the lake is thin.

  A:It's dangerous to skate otartline  4 ndline  the lake.I'm afraid we'd better tartline  5 ndline  skate today.


科目: 来源: 题型:030


  M:Hi,Tina.Where did you go this summer?

  W:Hi,John.1 ndline

  M:2 ndline

  W:The weather was very good.It wasn't hot or humid.

  M:Did you go to the beaches?

  W:Yes,of course.The beaches in Hawaii are famous and many people go surfing there every year.And I went to movies at night.The movies were so fun that 3 ndline

  M:Hawaii is also famous for its fruits.4 ndline

  W:I like Hawaii bananas and mangoes (芒果) best.

  M:That sounds so great! 5 ndline

  W:The vacation cost me 3 000 dollars.But I had a great time there.


科目: 来源: 题型:030


  A.That's right.

  B.His name is Martin Bock.

  C.What's he like?

  D.he is very tall.

  E.what does he look like?

  F.Can I help you?

  A:Good afternoon.1ndline

  B:Yes.I'm looking for someone.2  I'm afraid I missed him.


  B:Let me see.He's about 35,with red hair and 4ndline

  A:Oh,are you Jean Taylor?


  A:He asked for you a few minutes ago.I think he is in the restaurant.

  B:Thanks.I'Il go and look for him.


科目: 来源: 题型:030




Tom:Let's play baseball.

Mike:No,I 1  have a baseball.

Tom:2ndline   play tennis.

Mike:I don't 3ndline   a tennis racket.

Tom:Well,Let's 4  soccer.

Mike:That 5ndline   good.


科目: 来源: 题型:030


  A: 1 ndline  2   is it today?

  B:It's Thursday.What are your lessons today?

  A:Today we have Chinese at eight o'clock.We have science at nine o'clock and we have maths at ten o'clock.I 3   4   maths.

  B:But I like maths very much.

  A:We 5   art and history this afternoon.I love art.What 6   you?

  B:Me,too.Art is my 7   lesson.

  A:8   is your art lesson.

  B:It's 9   Friday afternoon.

  1.______  2.______  3.______

  4.______  5.______  6.______

  7.______  8.______  9.______


科目: 来源: 题型:030


  A:Would you like to watch a football   with me?

  B:   a good idea! I want to    it.Which teams play?

  A:No.1 Middle School and No.2 Middle School.

  B:Football is my    sport (运动).I play football    the afternoon.

  A:My friends play football,

  B:When is it?

  A:It's   Sunday.

  B:8   is  it?

  A:It's    Guangming Stadium 10    Beijing


科目: 来源: 题型:030



  1.Are they healthy food?

  2.Do you like fruit?

  3.What's your favourite food?

  4.Have you got any beef?

  5.Is coke not healthy drink?


  A.Yes, I do.

  B.Yes,they are.

  C.No,I haven't

  D.My favourite food is pork.

  E.Yes,it is.


科目: 来源: 题型:030


  A:Look! 1 ndline  under the desk?

  B:It's 2 ndline  pencil.

  A:What 3 ndline  is it?

  B:It's black 4 ndline  red.

  A:Whose pen is it?Do you 5 ndline  ?

  B:6 ndline  it Mr Li's?

  A:7 ndline ,it's Mr Li's.

  B:8 ndline  his office?

  A:It's in 9 ndline  10 ndline  the classroom.

