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科目: 来源:2009年甘肃省兰州市中考英语试题(word版,有答案) 题型:030


A:  1   in the room?

B:There are some kinds of robots made by the students in our school.

A:Really?What are they   2   for?

B:The one with blue eyes is a guide robot.She can show you around our school.

A:  3   about the taller one?

B:He is a cook robot.He can cook something nice for you.

A:Oh, I think that’s a cleaning robot.

B:Maybe you’re right.When he finds waste things, he’ll pick them up.He can   4   our environment clean.

A:That’s wonderful!What good students!I’m proud of them.

B:So   5   I.


科目: 来源:2009年甘肃省兰州市中考英语试题(word版,有答案) 题型:030


A:Excuse me,   1  

B:Yes, and you are……?

A:.  2  .This is my membership card.Would you please show me your passport?

B:OK.  3  

A:Welcome to Beijing, Miss White.I am so glad that you are the first guest I have received.

B:Thank you, Miss Chen.  4  

A:Let me help you with your suitcase.Our car is waiting for us just at the entrance.  5  

B:Thank you very much for your good service.

A:It’s a pleasure.


科目: 来源:2009年福建省龙岩市中考英语试题 题型:030


A:Hello, may I speak to Bob, please?

B:Sorry, he isn’t in now.  1  

A:This is Tony, Bob’s classmate.  2  

B:Sure, go ahead.

A:Tomorrow is my birthday.I’d like to invite him to my home for my birthday party.

B:That’s very kind of you.  3  

A:It will be at 5∶00 in the afternoon.

B:I’ll tell him about that.  4  

A:Yes, he has been to my home before.And please ask him to come with Amy.

B:OK.  5  


科目: 来源:2009年福建省福州市高级中等学校招生考试英语试卷 题型:030


A:Hi, Cindy.Your handbag looks so nice.  1  

B:Online.It’s only 30 yuan.

A:30 yuan online?  2   Tell me how to do it, please.

B:All right.That’s easy.Just enter E-bay.

A:  3  

B:Well, first, you need to apply for(申请)a user’s passport.Next, go through the shopping list.

A:And then?

B:Choose one you like.  4   You’ll receive it in a few days.

A:Thank you!  5  


科目: 来源:2007年湖南省长沙市初中毕业学业考试英语试卷 题型:030


A:What can I do for you?

B:Yes, please   1  .But what kind of flower shall I buy, roses or carnations(康乃馨)?She likes red roses best while today is Mother's Day.

A:I think carnations are special and better today.They show happiness, sweetness and love.They are for mothers.

B:All right.Can I have a look at those carnations?

A:Sure   2  ?


A:What about these?

B:Great.  3  ?

A:30 yuan.

B:OK   4   Here is the money.

A:Thank you.Here's the change and a card from our shop to your mom.Best wishes to her!

B:  5  


科目: 来源:2007年浙江省温州市初中毕业生学业考试英语试卷(附答案) 题型:030


Mum:Eliza, I am going shopping.Would you like to go with me?

Eliza:I'd like to, but it's really   1  (热的)today.Shall we go to the supermarket   2  (在…附近)our home?

Mum:Oh, yes.It's   3  (七月)now.Let   4  (我)make a shopping list first.Beef, eggs,   5  (香蕉), oranges, apples and…

Eliza:Mum, let's buy some   6  (红色的)Fuji apples.Fuji apples are   7  (好)than green apples.

Mum:OK, Fuji apples.Anything else?

Eliza:I need a   8  (钢笔)and some   9  (音乐)CDs.

Mum:I am ready.Shall we go   10  (现在)?

Eliza:OK, Mum.Let's go.


科目: 来源:2007年天津市初中毕业生学业考试人教四年制英语试卷(附答案) 题型:030


Peter:Oh, David.Please don’t put anything on this desk!

David:  1  ?

Peter:Look! This leg is broken.

David:  2  .When did you find it?

Peter:I found if just now when I was sweeping the floor.

David:Let’s tell our teacher about it at once and then someone will repair it.

Peter:No.  3  

David:Yourself? Have you learnt to repair a desk?

Peter:Yes.My father is an expert in repairing things.  4  

David:Oh, your father taught you.That’s great.Do you think ourselves   5  ?

Peter:Certainly.Let’s begin.


科目: 来源:四川省乐山市2006年初中毕业会考暨高中阶段招生统一考试英语试卷 题型:030

根据下面的对话内容,在对话的空白处填上恰当的表达,使意思通顺、合理,结构完整。(A∶Tom  B∶Miss Zhang  C∶Doctor)

A∶Excuse me, Miss Zhang.I don’t feel well today.

B∶Oh dear.I’m sorry to ________(1)What’s your trouble?

A∶I don’t know.I feel sick and I’v got a headache.

B∶Let me see if you have a fever.(Miss Zhang feels Tom’s head)Yes, your head feels a little hot.Why don’t you ________(2)?

(Miss Zhang takes Tom to the doctor’s)

B∶Good morning, doctor.

C∶Morning.What’s wrong with you?

B∶It’s the boy.He’s got a headache and he feels sick.

C∶________(3)have you been like this?

A∶Ever since I got to school this morning.

C∶Have you taken any medicine?

A∶No, I don’t have a cough.I feel only alittle hot.What’s ________(4)with me, doctor?

C∶Let me see.Well, just a cold.

A∶Is it serious, doctor?

C∶No, I think you should lie down and have a good rest.Please have more water.Then you will be ________(5)

A∶That’s very kind of you.Goodbye!



科目: 来源:四川省乐山市2006年初中毕业会考暨高中阶段招生统一考试英语试卷 题型:030


A:Hi, Maggie!Did you go to the concert last night?

B:Yes.My father had two tickets and ________(1)


B:Fantastic.Many famous singers and movie stars gave performances at the concert.________(3)

A:What does it mean?

B:________(4)You know many children in poor areas of China don’t have chances to go to school.


B:I think people all over China should help them.

A:That’s right!


科目: 来源:四川省成都市2006年高中阶段教育学校统一招生考试英语试卷 题型:030


A:How are you feeling now?George and I was quite anxious about you when Ann called us yesterday.

B:Not too   1   yet.I still have a headache and my right   2   can   3   take a cup.

A:What about your legs?

B:Much better.I feel less   4   in my knees   5   I can’t walk.Just now the doctor and the nurses told me to stay in bed for two weeks.

A:That’s OK.But how did it   6  ?

B:Oh, yesterday morning I cleaned the windows.In order to   7   the work easier, I climbed over the window and stood   8   the windows.1 worked quickly, but suddenly I   9   down to the garden.When 1 woke up, I found myself lying in bed in the   10  

A:You’re lucky that you live on the second floor.

