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科目: 来源:浙江省桐乡市实验中学等五校2013-2014学年第一学期期中联考七年级英语试卷 题型:030


A:Betty, please look at the photo.  1  

B:No, she is my friend.

A:  2  

B:Susan Brown.She likes music.  3  

A:Who's the man? Is he her father?

B:Yes.  4   He can speak English.

A:Is the woman her mother?

B:Yes, she is.

A:  5  

B:She is a hotel manager.


科目: 来源:四川省成都七中2013-2014学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:030


A:Excuse me, Jim.Where is my dictionary?

B:Sorry, I don't know.Is it on your   1  ?

A:No, it isn't.Here are some books on the desk.Oh,   2   are my keys? I can't find them.

B:  3   they in your school bag?

A:No, they aren't.Oh, I   4   my dictionary and keys.

B:Let's go to our School Lost and Found.We can find them there.

A:Who can I ask?

B:Mr.Li is at the School Lost and Found.He can help us to find them.

(They are at the School Lost and Found.)

A:Hello, Mr.Li.I want(想要)to find my dictionary and keys.

C:Hello, boys.Are the keys yours?

A:Yes, they’re   5  

C:  6   you are.Here is   7   English-Chinese dictionary.Is it yours?

A:No, it isn't.Look! Here is a name   8   the dictionary.It's Gina.It's her dictionary.

C:Really?(真的吗?)Please ask Gina to   9   here and get it.

B:All right.  10   for your help, Mr.Li.

C:You're welcome.


科目: 来源:四川省成都七中2013-2014学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:030


A:Good afternoon, Mr.Black.

B:  1  

A:I found a notebook on the desk.Is it yours?

B:Oh, let me see.  2  .There's a name on it.

A:Oh!   3  

B:You can ask him.


B:  4  


科目: 来源:浙江省瑞安四校2011-2012学年七年级下学期期中联考英语试题 题型:030


A:Excuse me.  1   ?

B:Yes, I do.I have a pen pal.

A:  2   ?

B:She is from Sydney.

A:Where is Sydney?

B:It's a city in Australia.

A:  3   ?

B:Yes.Koalas are from Australia.They sleep in the day and get up to eat leaves at night.

A:That sounds interesting.

And   4   ?

B:It's warm in winter and cool in summer.

A:  5  

B:You’re welcome.


科目: 来源:辽宁省盘锦市第一完全中学2012届九年级第一次中考模拟英语试题 题型:030


Mother:You looked tired and pale(苍白), dear.  1  ?

Daughter:I didn't sleep well last night and I’ve been studying for hours this morning.

Mother:Well, would you like to go out?

Daughter:I'd love to.  2  ?

Mother:We’re going to the park.After that we'll do some shopping.

Daughter:  3  .Well, what are you going to buy, Mum?

Mother:I'm going to buy a massager(按摩器)for your grandmother.  4  ?

Daughter:Yes, it is.It's very helpful for her.Oh! MOM, you are a good daughter, too.

Mother:  5  .Well, tomorrow is Mother's Day, so I will give it to her.

Daughter:Good.Let's go.


科目: 来源:辽宁省盘锦市第一完全中学2012届九年级第一次中考模拟英语试题 题型:030


A:Hi, Katy speaking.

B:Hi, Katy, it's Betty.  1  

A:Yes, I'd love to.  2  

B:It's about animals in danger and what the government is doing to protect them.

A:  3   Do we need to buy tickets in advance(提前)?

B:I'm not sure.

A:Well,   4  

B:At five o’clock.So let's meet half an hour earlier to see if there are still tickets left.

A:Ok.  5  

B:See you.


科目: 来源:辽宁省盘锦市第一完全中学2012届九年级第二次中考模拟英语试题 题型:030


  Mary is student in a nursing school.She is going to graduate next month.She has two job offers.One is in a city hospital, the other is in a country hospital.

  The hospital in the city is large, it's a 600-bed hospital.It's a cancer hospital.It gives excellent care to its patients.It's in a big city, near museums, theatres, and restaurants.The salary is high, ﹩17000 a year.But apartment rents(租房)are high, too.

  The hospital in the country is small, it's a 50-bed hospital.It's a general hospital.It takes care of all kinds of patients.It's in a beautiful area, near lakes, rivers, and mountains.The salary is average, ﹩14000 a year.But apartment rents are low.

  Mary likes the city and the country.She doesn't know which hospital to choose.


科目: 来源:辽宁省盘锦市第一完全中学2012届九年级第二次中考模拟英语试题 题型:030


A:Hello, Dave! Come in and sit down.  1  ?

B:Orange juice will be fine.Thank you.  2  ?

A:Oh, not so bad.And you?

B:I'm fine.  3  .And I have no time to relax.

A:And what do you want to do after leaving school?

B:  4  

A:Sounds good.Going to college is a good choice.

B:  5  ?

A:I want to work.Actually I’ve got a pare-time job as a waiter in a restaurant.

B:That's great!


科目: 来源:辽宁省盘锦市第一完全中学2012届九年级第二次中考模拟英语试题 题型:030


A:What are you going to do after the graduation exams?

B:  1   I'm too tired and just want to relax myself.

A:What about a journey? I’ve just been to Hainan Island.

B:  2  

A:Yes, of course.We saw many different kinds of flowers there.  3  

B:Did you meet any foreign visitors there?

A:Yes, a lot.And I talked with some of them.

B:That sounds great.I can relax myself and practice my English as well.  4  

A:The price of a one way ticket from Chengdu to Haikou is 1, 530 yuan.  5   They can give you a 50% discount.

B:Good.I'd like to go there with my classmates next week.


科目: 来源:河南省师大附中2011-2012学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:030


A:  1  ?

B:Much better.After I get well, I plan to visit Luoyang.You are from there.

  2  ?

A:Sure.What do you want to know?

A:April or May.There isa beautiful peony show during the time.

B:Great! But I know little about Luoyang.Can you go there with me during the May Day holiday?

A:I'd love to, but I'll be busy.

B:  3  .Maybe I can ask Kangkang if he can go with me.

A:By the way,   4  ?

B:I'll stay there from April lst to April 3rd, three days.

