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科目: 来源:2008年福建省漳州市初中毕业升学统一考试、英语试卷 题型:049


AHe walked towards the restaurant and saw the notice.“American people are really strangeThey even eat dinners on the house!But how can I get up to the top of the house?he said to himself

B.“Doesn't your notice say ' Meals on the House for Three Days'?Is it just a joke?the foreign student answered

CWhen they heard this, both MrSmith and the policeman laughed.“Don't you know what ON THE HOUSE means?Look it up in the dictionary,the policeman said

DA foreign student who didn't know much English happened to pass by the restaurant on the second dayIt was lunch time and he felt very hungry.“Well, here is a restaurantI am going to have something to eat.”

EHe looked around and found a ladder(梯子)against a tree nearbyHe was very gladBut as he reached the top he heard someone shouting at him.“Hey, what are you doing up there?MrSmith was looking at him angrily and beside him was a policeman

FMrand MrsSmith have just opened a small restaurantIn order to attract customers, they put a notice in front of the restaurant, which saidMeals on the House for Three Days.”


科目: 来源:牛津初二英语期末复习八年级下册期末模拟检测 牛津版 题型:049

Here are some topics for a composition.Which is the right order to organize them into paragraphs?

a.The uses of computers today.

b.The history of computers

c.What will computers be like in the future.

[  ]






科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 初三英语 人教社(新课标2002/3年通过) 人教版 题型:049


Looking for dinosaurs

  The study of dinosaurs first began when someone uncovered a dinosaur jaw bone in Holland in 1770.Soon other dinosaur bones were discovered in England and scientists began to put the bones together to make models of dinosaurs.In 1855, Edward Drinker cope and Othniel Charles marsh discovered dinosaur teeth and bones in the United States and began to construct their own dinosaur models.Although they made some mistakes(such as putting the head on the wrong end of one of their dinosaur models), their work added greatly to our knowledge of dinosaurs.By the 1890s, these two men had discovered 130 new types of dinosaurs using the bones they found in Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming.

  Today there are thousands of places where dinosaur bones may be found.However, there are not enough scientists to go to all these places.The Denver Museum of Natural History is helping solve this problem by training dinosaur hunters.They offer eight courses on how to find and take care of dinosaur bones.They have already graduated over 100 “dinosaur hunters”

Number these events in the correct order

□ Dinosaur bones were first discovered in the Unite States.

□ The Denver Museum of Natural History began training dinosaur hunters.

□ Dinosaur bones were discovered in Holland.

□ 130 new types of dinosaurs were discovered by Cope and Marsh.


科目: 来源:新教材新学案 英语(新目标) 七年级 下册 题型:049

  Each summer, a child from the city goes to stay with the Cruz family for a few weeks.The Cruz family lives in the country near a lake.There is space to play and clean air.

  This summer, Anna went for a visit.Going to the country was a special treat for Anna.Two of the Cruz children, Carmen and Rey, were about the same age as Anna.Anna wanted to do things that she couldn't do in the city.The children went swimming in the lake.They put up a tent in the backyard and sleep there.They went fishing.They went hiking in the woods.Anna learned to ride a bike.Everyone had a good time.




Read the article and write“T”for true or“F”for false.


Every summer, a child from the city goes to stay with the Cruz family for a few months.

(  )


There is space to play and clean air in the country where the Cruz family live.

(  )


Two of the Cruz children, Carmen and Rey, were older than Anna.

(  )


Anna liked to live in the country because she wanted to do things that she couldn't do in the city.

(  )


They couldn't put up a tent and slept in the backyard but they could go fishing and swimming.

(  )


科目: 来源:英语学习手册 七年级(下) 题型:049


Oh,that's too bad I can go out,but I have to be at home by ten o'clock.(  )

Can you go to the concert with me tonight,Judy?         (  )

You are lucky.I have so many rules.            (  )

No,I can't.I can't go out on school nights.          (  )


科目: 来源:新目标英语八年级2006-2007上册期末模拟测试题 题型:049

  Most people have ambitions.An ambition is something we want to do, want to be or want to have.A student’s ambition, for example, might be to pass his or her exams and then get a good job.An athlete’s ambition could be to win an important competition.A businessman’s ambition is usually to make a lot of money.

  Not all ambitions are about success at work, however.Some people just want to be good people, have a family or help others.

  Ben’s ambition is to be a sports writer.He writes the sports reports for his class newspaper.He likes most sports, and swimming and football are his favorites.Trudy’s ambition is to be a concert pianist.She is very serious about it and practices every day with her best friend Lily.It is very important to her.

  Harry’s ambition changes every day!One day he wants to be an astronaut.The next day he wants to be a pop singer.The next day he wants to drive a racing car.His mother would be happy if his ambition was to get up in time for school every day!

1.What’s an ambition?

2.What’s a student’s ambition?

3.Does Ben want to be a music writer?

4.Are all the ambitions about success at work?

5.Does Harry get up in time for school every day?


科目: 来源:浙江省杭州市萧山区瓜沥片2012届九年级第一次中考模拟考试英语试题 题型:034


A.A study of the people in China's largest cities shows that saving money for children's education has become an important reason for saving.It is the second most important purpose of people's saving habit.The result shows that people in China care much about education.The education market is very big in China.

B.Lots of people miss their pets while they are on holidays.Our hotel can solve(解决)this problem.We lend cats or dogs to you.We are sure that you will be happy to stay with them.

C.We have all kinds of video films, TV plays, and music videos.You can enjoy yourself and take time to watch your favourite videos at our shop.You can also borrow some videos home, each video for a week for one dollar.

D.Living in another country can help you to learn a language, and about another culture.Many companies today need employees(雇员)who can speak a foreign language, or have the experience of living or working in another country.

E.Our city will have a cloudy day tomorrow.It will be rainy at times.There will be a strong wind.The day after tomorrow will be sunny.It will be a fine day to go hiking or to have a picnic.

F.We sell eggs, apples, tomatoes and pork at very low prices, Our business hours are from 6∶00 am to 10∶30 pm.


科目: 来源:吉林省长春外国语学校2011-2012学年八年级下学期第二次月考英语试题 题型:034


(  )1.purpose

A.ask sb.in a friendly way to go somewhere or do sth.

(  )2.chopstick

B.take(sth.offered)willingly or say yes to(an offer, invitation, etc.)

(  )3.refuse

C.of a particular or certain type; not common, usual or general.

(  )4.accept

D.a set of instructions for cooking a particular type of food.

(  )5.boil

E.pair of thin sticks made of wood, ivory, etc, used in China, Japan, etc, for lifting food to the mouth.

(  )6.special

F.say or show that one is unwilling to give, accept, grant or do sth.

(  )7.firework

G.a small container filled with an explosive power that is burnt to produce a show of light, noise, and smoke.

(  )8.situation

H.to cause a liquid to reach the temperature at which liquid changes into.

(  )9.recipe

I.set of circumstances or state of affairs, esp.at a certain time.

(  )10.invite

J.your reason for doing something.



科目: 来源:浙江省杭州市春蕾、风帆、大成三校2012届九年级第一次模拟测试英语试题 题型:034




科目: 来源:浙江省杭州市启正中学2012届九年级中考模拟英语试题 题型:034


1.Ms Robson's students are studying French and German.She would like them to speak both of the languages at some point while they're away.

2.Hilary's students are fourteen years old.Some of them learn French, so she wants to find a holiday course which can offer individual(个人的)language lessons for those who would like to improve their French.

3.Rose has a small group of students.They all want to sail but unfortunately some of them are unable to swim, although they're eager to learn.

4.Mr.Pearson's class have just started to learn German and he wants a holiday which mixes studying the language with plenty of free time to explore the foreign country.

5.John has a class of eleven-year-olds who are crazy about sports.He'd like a course which organizes a complete program, including all kinds of sports, meals and entertainments.







