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科目: 来源:2013年山东省聊城市高级中等学校招生考试英语 题型:051


在父亲节(6月16日)来临之际,请你根据下表提供的信息写一篇以“My father”为题的英语作文,介绍其大体情况,并谈谈你对父亲的评价。




My father



科目: 来源:湖北省十堰市2013年中考英语试题 题型:051


  Andy was still traveling in Spain when he realized he had to confirm(确认)his   ①   home with the airline company.He was visiting Spain in order to improve his Spanish.When he was speaking to people face to face, he had no difficulty understanding what they said.However, when he was speaking on the phone, he still had a problem.Andy called the airline.And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine o’clock three days from that day.She also told Andy to be at the airport a little earlier in order to check in his luggage and get a seat.

  Since he was leaving in three days, Andy didn't lose any time.He visited as many places as he could.He thought that it would probably be a while before he had enough money again.He wished he could come back and spend a year in Spain.

  Too quickly, the final day arrived.Andy left early for the airport before take-off.He hated to rush.When he went to the clerk to show his ticket, the clerk looked at the ticket in surprise, “Why, sir, but your flight was at nine o’clock in the morning, and now it is eight in the evening.” “But I confirmed my flight, ”insisted Andy.“Will I have to pay for another ticket? ”

  “No, Sir.However, the next flight out will be three days from now.”

  Andy's   ②   of shock turned to smile as he realized that now he could go on with his vacation.


1.①________ ②________


2.(A)He visited as many places as ________.

(B)From the passage we know Andy could ________ his holiday.




4.Why did the clerk tell Andy to be at the airport a little earlier?


5.How long was Andy late for the plane that day?



科目: 来源:江苏省泰兴市济川中学2011-2012学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:051


Every year people celebrate Chinese New Year in China.(1)Usually it is in January or February.It is the most important festival in China.So before it comes, everyone buys things, and they often make a special kind of food called dumplings.The dumpling means “coming together”.(2)Parents always ________ new clothes ________ their children and children also buy presents for their parents.On Chinese New Year's Eve, all the family members come back home.They sing, dance and play cards.When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming year.They all have a good time.


2.回答问题Is Chinese New Year the most important festival in China?



4.从文中找出下列句子的同义句 All of them have fun.





科目: 来源:吉林省长春外国语学校2011-2012学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:051


  My name is Sally.I'm 18 years old and I live in New York.My favorite subject is music.I don't like science because it's boring.I usually do my homework at 5 o’clock and I go to bed at 9 o’clock.My favorite teacher is Mr.Green.

  Hi, my name is Paul.I'm 17 and my birthday is November 13th.Ms.Martin is my favorite teacher.She teaches math.I like math and music.I can play the piano but I can't sing very well.I don't like science.It's so boring.

  My name is Jackie.I'm from England.I get up at 6 o’clock and I have breakfast at 7 o’clock.I like swimming and painting.I want to join the art club.I don't like science.I think it's boring.I speak English and a little Chinese.

  My name is Sue.I'm from Yokohama in Japan.I speak Japanese and English.I usually go to school at 7 o’clock in the morning.I think science is boring, but I like history.I want to visit China and America because I think they are very interesting countries(国家).


1.When does Jackie get up?

2.What does Sally do at five o’clock?

3.Why does Sue want to visit China and America?

4.Who is Paul's favorite teacher?

5.Why don't they like science?


科目: 来源:山东省德州市2012届九年级第一次练兵考试英语试题 题型:051


  In the past twenty years, riding bicycles has become more and more popular among people of all ages.(3)Bicycles have long played an important part in the lives of American young people. But today an even greater number of adults cycle along roadsides and bicycle paths.These new riders are often trying to become fit or lose weight.They have found that bicycling is a pleasant way to stay healthy.

  This is certainly good for health.But it has also brought some problems.With all these added people on the road, bicycle safety has become a matter of real importance.

  Bicycle safety is mostly a matter of common sense.People should ride only on bicycle paths where they will not be badly hurt.There are also a number of rules that riders should follow, especially when riding on streets or highways.Bicyclists should never ride against the traffic, nor should they carry other people on their bicycles.They are also supposed to ride in single line on busy streets and to walk bicycles across the busy intersections(交叉路口).(4)By following these rules, bicycle riders will not only stay healthy but also be safe.

  In one recent year, the National Safety Council reported that 34 thousand bicycle riders were hurt in highway accidents.In that same year, another six hundred riders were killed.Since the introduction of crash helmets(头盔)in 1980, the number of injuries(伤者)and deaths from bicycling accidents had gone down.Today, more and more riders realize the dangers of bicycling.They are wearing helmets and paying closer attention to cycling rules.


1.How many rules should the riders follow? Give one example.


2.According to the National Safety Council's report, what's the total number of injuries and deaths in one recent year?








科目: 来源:江苏省泰州市姜堰四中2012届九年级下学期第一次阶段测试英语试题 题型:051


  The holiday's upon us.After months of study, you have some time to yourself.So, why not read a book? Well, some people will say, “Why trouble with books? We have the Internet and other media(媒体)that offer a lot more colorful programs.Books are history!”

  But don't be fooled.There's still a lot to be said for reading-and reading as widely as possible.

  (1)One clear reason is that a well-chosen ________ is a wonderful collection of ________ and expressions, so long as you have a good dictionary, of course.Believe me, it's far easier to get new English words and expressions from a book or article than it is from the TV or the Internet.

  (2)But an even more important point is that books give you something that modern media simply can not.The webpage(网页)is always full of pictures and the text is often designed to make it as easy to read as possible.

  Though “easy” may be welcome, unluckily it's of little use for any long-time development of reading skills and the general language level.For that, there's still no substitute(替代品)for a book.

  But perhaps the best single reason is that simply choosing what you read and doing it by yourself means that it's something you do by and for yourself.You can choose what you want to read.It's hard work, but while you are reading, you'll find that what once seemed like a duty is now a pleasure.Reading can bring us pleasure.

1.在(1)句空白处填入适当的词:________ ________


3.回答问题:How many reasons for reading books does the text mention?


4.在文中找出与下面句子意思相近的句子:It's nearly useless.





科目: 来源:湖北省鄂州市梁子湖区宅俊中学2012届九年级下学期第一次月考英语试题 题型:051


  Years ago, I lived in a house in a large city.The house next door was only a few meters away from mine.Through the window, ①I could often see a woman who I had never met doing some reading in the house every afternoon.

  Several months went by; I began to notice that her window was dirty.Everything was not very clear through the dirty window.I wondered why the woman didn't wash her window.It really looked terrible.

  One bright morning, I decided to clean my house, including washing the window inside.Late in the afternoon when I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest.②How surprising! I found that the woman's window was actually so clean that she could be seen clearly sitting by the window.

  That was quite an important lesson for me.How often had I looked at others through my own shortcoming(缺点)!

  Since then, I have been used to asking myself whether I am looking through my own dirty window.Before I want to judge(判断)someone, I always think more than before and try to clean the dirty window so that I may see the world around me more clearly.




I was ________ ________ find that the woman's window was actually so clean that she could be seen clearly sitting by the window.


Before we judge someone, we should ask whether we have ________ ________ our own shortcoming.


科目: 来源:江苏省泰州中学附属初中2012届九年级下学期单元检测英语试题 题型:051


  It is said that more than four million people die each year from smoking.That number is frightening.

  Yet people around the world continue to smoke.In the United States, about forty-seven-million adults smoke.This year, more than 430,000 Americans died of diseases which have something to do with smoking.The American Cancer Society(美国癌症协会)says smoking harms the body greatly.It warns that smoking even a number of cigarettes is dangerous.

  It's not easy to give up smoking.However, doctors say you probably will live longer if you do stop smoking.You will feel better and look better.You will also protect the health of family members who breathe your smoke.

  There is not one right way to stop smoking, doctors say.Any way can help.You can take long walks or spend time in places where smoking is not allowed.Also, you can eat a small piece of fruit or vegetable   (1)   having a cigarette.(4)The sooner you stop smoking, the more you'll reduce(减少)your chances of getting cancer and other diseases.

  Stop smoking before smoking stops you!



2.回答问题:How many people die from smoking each year?


3.在文中找出与It's hard to stop smoking.意思相近的句子.







科目: 来源:江苏省泰兴市实验初中2012届九年级第四次阶段(3月)考试英语试题 题型:051


  It is said that about half of the people in China smoke.Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students.

  More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is.But they are never bored with it.①Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can relax themselves.

  Smoking causes many illnesses.A lot of people always cough(咳嗽)②________ smoking.The most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer.At the same time smoking is a waste of money.Beside, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

  It's known that smoking does harm to our health.We should get rid of(摆脱)the bad habit of smoking.



3.回答问题:What's the most serious illness caused by smoking?


4.在文中找出与下列句子意思相近的句子:We all know that smoking is bad for our health.





科目: 来源:湖北省恩施州2012年中考英语试题 题型:051


  When I was a child, my parents always told me that I should never talk to strangers.This was part of a whole list of things I should never do:Never accept food or candy from strangers, never get in a car with strangers, and so on.

  But if we didn't start a conversation with strangers, we, d never make new friends.We, dnever get a job.①We may miss the joy that comes from talking with strangers.And the more people you know, the more chances you can find.

  The following passage offers you some advice on how to ②break the ice

  Don, t just stare at your shoes.Go and say “Hi” to that new guy.It will be easier to break the ice if you know more about different cultures.

  British:Beautiful day, isn't it?

  The weather in Britain is changeable.So, it's one of the topics the British care most about.And there's a simple rule:Say “Yes” whether you agree with the person's idea on the weather or not.③That's because the British start a conversation using the weather so that they can continue their talk.

  French:Where did you go on holiday?

  To talk with a French person, the safest way is to ask about his or her last holiday.French students enjoy a 10-to-15-day holiday every two months.French employees(雇员)get more than six weeks of holidays per year.

  American:So, where are you from?

  The US is so big and people move so often that location is always a source(来源)of talk.You can try to find a connection with the place they're from.For example, if someone's from Los Angeles, you could say:“Oh, I have a friend who studied there.”






That's because the British start a conversation using the weather ________ ________ their talk.

4.What do you usually talk about to start a conversation with a French person?


5.What is the main idea of the passage?


