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科目: 来源:英语竞赛教程 初二年级 题型:050

  Most American families like to have a holiday in summer. Summer is a good season for holiday. It is often very hot during the months of July and August. Students do not go to school during these two months. Some people like to stay at home during their holiday. They work in the garden, visit their friends, read books, or watch television. Many families take their lunch to the park or somewhere far from the city. They like to eat where there are many trees or a nice lake. If they live near the ocean(海), they often go to the beach(海滩). There they can fish, swim or enjoy the sun.

  Many Americans like to meet people from other countries like Meaxico or Canada. Some people have enough time and money to travel to other countries like France, Japan or Argentina. They usually fly to these countries on planes.

  The United States is a very large country. Lots of families travel by car or by train to see interesting places in their own country. Some favourite cities to visit are New York, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles. These big cities have many famous buildings, theatres(戏院), shops and other places of interest for tourists(游客). They also travel to places such as Florida and Hawaii to enjoy themselves.

  Certainly not everyone likes to go to busy cities. Some families travel to the mountains or to beautiful valleys or canyons(峡谷). They usually take a camera(照相机) and return with a lot of nice coloured pictures and slides of the places they visit. Then they would share(分享) them with their friends.

1.Those who stay at home during their holiday ________.

[  ]

A.do nothing but have a good rest

B.do some cooking

C.go to the cinema

D.visit their friends

2.How can Americans travel to the foreign countries?

[  ]

A.By air.
B.By train.
C.By car.
D.By ship.

3.Most American families like to have a holiday in summer because ________.

[  ]

A.the weather in summer is very good

B.it is not hot in summer

C.students do not go to school during the months of July and August

D.people needn't go to work in summer

4.Some families travel to the mountains or to beautiful valleys because ________.

[  ]

A.it is cool there in summer

B.they can have a picnic

C.they can take pictures of these beautiful scenes(风景)

D.it is time for them to go hunting

5.Which of the following statements(陈述) is correct?

[  ]

A.Some Americans like to visit other countries by train.

B.Miami is a beautiful city, which has a lot of wonderful valleys and canyons.

C.In summer holiday all the people like to have lunch at restaurants(饭馆).

D.Not all the people like to visit busy cities.


科目: 来源:英语竞赛教程 初二年级 题型:050

  Linda enjoys listening to the gossip(闲话) at the water fountain(饮水处), and then passes it to others. Sometimes people get a little hurt. Patty decided that Linda should be taught a lesson.

  After the second class, Patty was at the water fountain. As she took a drink, Abel passed by.“What's up?”he asked her. Patty said,“Nothing much, the usual. Today is sure an interesting day. But it's not good for Linda.”

  “What do you mean? What happened?”Abel asked. Patty said sadly,“I heard that Linda got below an A on her history exam. You know her parents want her to get straight As. I think they'll keep her at home for a whole week to study.”Before he could ask anything else, Patty walked on.

  Abel caught up with Emily.“Did you hear,”he asked, not waiting for her to answer,“Linda failed on a history exam and her parents will keep her at home for a whole month?”Emily looked at him in surprise, “But Linda is a straight-A. student. This is terrible. Don't tell anybody, and I won't either.”

  At lunch, the gossip was flying fast. Tim asked Bob,“Did you hear about poor Linda? She failed in history, and her parents are going to get her a tutor(家庭教师).”

  By three o'clock, everybody knew it. All day, Linda had had a strange feeling. People were looking at her. She asked Dana what was going on. He said,“I don't know who found out, but we're really sorry.”

  “Sorry about what?”Linda asked. Dana said,“Everybody knows you failed in all your subjects, and your parents are taking you out of school.”Linda stared(盯着) at him, mouth opened.“How did this gossip start? It's not true!”Linda began to shout. In a moment, most of her friends were around her. They asked if there was anything they could do.“Look,”she said.“I got an A on my history exam. Who would start a gossip like this?”Nobody seemed to know, but they did know that it began at the water fountain.

1.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Nobody liked Linda.

B.Linda failed in all her subjects.

C.Linda failed on her history exam.

D.Almost all the students were sorry for her.

2.What's the result of the gossip?

[  ]

A.Linda got a little hurt.

B.Everybody came to help Linda.

C.Linda's parents took her out of school.

D.Linda got an A on her history exam.

3.What's the main idea of the story?

[  ]

A.Linda enjoyed listening to and passing gossip.

B.Patty started a gossip about Linda.

C.Linda was taught a lesson about gossip.

D.The gossip began at the water fountain.

4.________ started the gossip that hurt Linda.

[  ]


5.From the story we know ________.

[  ]

A.Linda's parents took her out of the school

B.Linda's parents were very strict with her

C.The gossip began in the afternoon

D.Linda know the gossip earliest of all


科目: 来源:英语竞赛教程 初二年级 题型:050

  A friend's grandfather came to America from Eastern Europe(东欧). After being processed(移民入境检查) at Ellis Island, he went into cafeteria(自助餐厅) in lower Manhattan to get something to eat. He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order(点菜). Of course nobody did. At last, a woman with a plate full of food sat down opposite him and told him how a cafeteria worked.

  “Start out at that end,”she said.“Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end they'll tell you how much you have to pay.”

  “I soon learned that's how everything works in America,”the grandfather told a friend.“Life is like a cafeteria here. You can get anything you want only if you are willing(愿意) to pay the money. You can even get success(成功), but you'll never get it if you wait for someone to bring to you. You have to get up and get it yourself.”

1.Which is the best title(标题) for the text?

[  ]

A.From Eastern Europe to America.

B.Life is Like a Cafeteria in America.

C.How to Eat in a Cafeteria.

D.Eating in an America.

2.Maybe the old man came from ________.

[  ]


3.From the text, we know if you want to get success in America, you should ________.

[  ]

A.get help from your friends

B.know how a cafeteria works

C.get up again if you fail

D.try to get it by yourself


科目: 来源:英语竞赛教程 初二年级 题型:050


Robert is nine years old and Joanna is seven. They live at Mount Ebenezer. Their father has a big property. In Australia they call a farm a property. Robert and Joanna like school very much. At school they can talk to their friends, but Robert and Joanna can't see their friends. They live 100, perhaps 300, kilometers away, and like Robert and Joanna, they all go to school by radio. Mount Ebenezer is in the center of Australia. Not many people live in“The Center”. There are no schools with desks and blackboards and no teachers in“The Center”. School is a room at home with a two-way radio. The teacher also has a two-way radio. Every morning she calls each student on the radio. When all the students answer, lessons begin-Think of your teacher 300 kilometers away!

1.A“property”in Australia is a ________.

[  ]


2.The children in“The Center”do not go to school because ________.

[  ]

A.they live too far away from one another

B.they do not like school

C.they are not old enough to go to school

D.their families are too poor

3.To send their children to school, parents in“The Center”of Australia must have ________.

[  ]

A.a property

B.a car

C.a school room at home

D.an unusual radio

4.Teachers in“The Center”of Australia teach ________.

[  ]

A.not in a classroom but by radio

B.by speaking only and not showing anything in writing

C.without using any textbooks or pictures

D.without knowing whether the students are listening

5.When children are having a lesson, they can hear their teacher ________.

[  ]

A.but their teacher cannot hear them

B.but cannot hear their friends

C.and their teacher can hear them too

D.and see him or her at the same time

6.The best title of this passage(文章的标题)is ________.

[  ]

A.Robert and Joanna

B.Go to School by Radio

C.A Big Property

D.A Two-Way Radio


科目: 来源:英语竞赛教程 初二年级 题型:050


  A young man could not sleep well every night. He was very worried. One day he went to see the doctor. The doctor looked over him carefully. But there was nothing wrong with him. The doctor told him to count from one to ten again and again.“Keep doing it till you fall asleep,”the doctor said.

  After a few days, the young man came to see the doctor again. But to his surprise, the doctor found the young man even worse than before.

  “Didn't you count as I told you?”the doctor asked.

  “Yes, I did,”the young man said.“But every time when I reached eight, I could not help jumping up (情不自禁地跳起来) from my bed.”

  “But why?”the doctor wanted to know. The young man answered,“I'm a boxer (拳击运动员).”

1.The young man was worried because he could not ________.

[  ]

A.work welt
B.sleep well
C.say anything
D.hear anything

2.From the passage we know that ________.

[  ]

A.the young man caught a cold

B.there was something wrong with eyes

C.nothing was wrong with the young man

D.the doctor was the young man's friend

3.When the young man came to see the doctor again, he ________.

[  ]

A.was fine
B.was better than before
C.looked well
D.was worse than before

4.The young man could not help jumping up from his bed when he reached eight because ________.

[  ]

A.he was a boxer
B.he was a teacher
C.he liked jumping
D.he didn't want to sleep


科目: 来源:英语竞赛教程 初二年级 题型:050



  Penguins (企鹅) live together, but each pair has a little piece of ground of their own. When a penguin wants to walk through its neighbour's ground, it must ask permission (允许). If it does not, it will have to fight. Penguins come and go all day. They fight fish and look after their children.

  All penguins are good parents-the male (雄性的) penguins are perhaps the best parents in the world. They walk in from the sea in the middle of the dark Antarctic water. They choose their wives in the dark. They can only hear them-not see them. Then the female (雌性的) penguins lay their eggs and go away for about two months. The males look after the eggs. If the eggs get cold, there will be no chicks (幼鸟). There is no food. The snow falls and the wind blows-sometimes at 150 kilometres an hour. The penguins do not move. When the females return from the sea, they will not remember their husbands. It does not matter. Only one thing matters-the eggs. Male penguins never fight-unless a penguin leaves a chick for a minute. Then they fight because they all want it. They are strange and wonderful birds.

1.From the passage we know that penguins usually lead ________ life.

[  ]

A.an active
B.a quiet
C.a hard
D.a simple

2.It seems interesting and unusual that the male penguins choose their wives ________.

[  ]

A.when the female penguins return from the sea

B.just by hearing in the darkness

C.each time they see the lovely females

D.after they have had their own grounds

3.It is ________ that take care of the eggs.

A.the male penguins

B.the female penguins

C.both the husbands and the wives

D.the penguins that lost in the fight

4.Only when ________ can a penguin walk through its neighbour's ground.

[  ]

A.it wins the fight

B.it has become a father

C.it gets married

D.it gets permission

5.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

[  ]

A.Female penguins often have their new husbands.

B.Male penguins fight when choosing their wives.

C.Female penguins take care of the eggs.

D.Male penguins use their ears to choose wives.


科目: 来源:英语竞赛教程 初二年级 题型:050


A Traffic Accident

  One afternoon after school had finished, Peter and Jane were walking along the street. Suddenly they heard a big noise.

  “Come on!”shouted Peter.“That sounds like an accident. Let's see what's happened.”

  They ran to where the noise came from. As soon as they got there, they could see what had happened. A small car had knocked into the side of a truck. The accident had happened in a quiet street with only four houses in it. Peter and Jane were the first ones to reach the accident. No other people came.“We must be the only ones who saw the accident,”said Jane. They found that both the car diver and the truck driver were hurt.

  “Peter,”said Jane.“Run back down the road to Mrs. Day's house. Ask her to call the policemen and the ambulance (救护车). Hurry, I'll stay here.”

  Off went Peter as fast as he could.

  There was nothing Jane could do but wait. She knew that when people were hurt in an accident, they shouldn't be moved.

  It wasn't long before the police car and the ambulance arrived. The policemen got the car door open and they carried the man out. Then they got the truck driver out. The men weren't seriously hurt, but they were both taken to hospital. The policemen thanked Peter and Jane.“You were very good children to act (行动) so quickly when you saw the accident. Thank you for all your help.”

1.The accident happened ________.

[  ]

A.in a quiet street one school day afternoon

B.in a busy street one school day afternoon

C.in a quiet street one Sunday afternoon

D.in a busy street one Sunday afternoon

2.________ heard the noise.

[  ]

A.Only Peter

B.Peter and Jane

C.Peter, Jane and Mrs. Day

D.Peter, Jane, Mrs. Day and the policemen

3.________ in the accident.

[  ]

A.Only the car driver was hurt

B.Only the truck driver was hurt

C.Neither of the two drivers was hurt

D.Both the drivers were hurt

4.________ called the policemen.

[  ]

B.The drivers
C.Mrs. Day

5.Jane did nothing before the policemen arrived because ________.

[  ]

A.she was too frightened to do anything

B.she was alone after Peter left

C.she was waiting for Peter

D.she knew she shouldn't move the two drivers


科目: 来源:英语竞赛教程 初二年级 题型:050


I Don't Mind It

  Mr. Johnson worked in a hospital. Three years ago, when he was sixty-eight, he retired (退休). But a lot of people come to ask him to look them over. He's very busy in the daytime and he wants to have a good rest at night.

  Half a year ago a young man moved into the room upstairs. At first he was quiet. The old man was satisfied with (对……满意) him. But now he has several friends. They often came to see him in the evening. They talked loudly, sang and danced. Mr. Johnson was unhappy, but he didn't say anything.

  It was the young man's birthday yesterday. All his friends came at seven in the evening. They drank too much and made a lot of noise. The old man couldn't fall asleep the whole night. This morning, as soon as he got up, he went upstairs and began to knock at the door. The young man opened for him and asked him to go in.

  “Did you hear me beat the ceiling (天花板) last night, young man?”asked Mr. Johnson.

  “It doesn't matter, sir,”said the young man. “I don't mind it. It was very noisy in my room, too.”

1.Mr. Johnson is a ________.

[  ]


2.A lot of people come over because ________.

[  ]

A.he's kind to them
B.he's very polite
C.they don't pay him for it
D.his medical skill (医术) is good

3.Mr. Johnson was ________ last night.

[  ]


4.The word“beat”in the story means ________.

[  ]


5.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.The young man thought Mr. Johnson came to say sorry to him.

B.Mr. Johnson wanted to drink with the young man.

C.Mr. Johnson hoped the young man to move in another house.

D.The young man was afraid to meet Mr. Johnson.


科目: 来源:英语竞赛教程 初二年级 题型:050


The computer (电脑) is fast, and never makes a mistake, while people are too slow, and full of mistakes sometimes. That's what people often say when they talk about computers. For over a quarter of a century, engineers (工程师) have been making better computers. Now a computer can do a lot of everyday jobs wonderfully. It is widely used in factories, hospitals and banks. A computer can report, decide and control (控制) in almost every field. Many computer scientists are now thinking of making the computer“think”like a man. With the help of a person, a computer can draw pictures, write music, talk with people, play chess, recognize (认出) voices, translate languages and so on (等等). Perhaps computers will one day really think and feel. Do you think that people will be afraid when they find that the computer is too clever to listen to and serve (为……服务) the people?

1.Engineers have worked on computers for ________.

[  ]

A.about a hundred years

B.more than twenty-five years

C.over three months

D.about ten years

2.Some people think that a computer is ________ people.

[  ]

A.cleverer than
B.as clever as
C.not cleverer than
D.alower than

3.Computers are ________ the people.

[  ]

A.doing more and more jobs for

B.going to laugh at

C.going to listen to

D.taking the place of

4.With the help of a person, a computer can ________.

[  ]

A.draw pictures

B.write music

C.talk with people or play chess

D.do all above

5.People will ________ the computers in the future.

[  ]

A.really be afraid of
B.make better use of
C.no longer use


科目: 来源:英语竞赛教程 初二年级 题型:050


Frederic Chopin

  Frederic Chopin was born in March 1810 near Warsaw (华沙) in Poland (波兰). He was one of the greatest musicians in the world. In 1831, when he went to Paris, no people but he could play the piano very well.

  At that time people in Paris liked the Hungarian (匈牙利的) pianist Franz Liszt.

  One night, at a concert, Liszt went to the piano and the people shouted. As all the lights in the concert were turned off, a wonderful piano concert started. The music was so good that the listeners were all greatly interested. They kept praising (不停地赞扬) the pianist and thought that Liszt had reached something new in playing the piano.

  Suddenly, all the lights were turned on again as the music came to an end. And there stood a young man instead of the famous Hungarian pianist Franz Liszt.

  Liszt had planned (安排) all this. As the lights went out, Liszt left his chair and let Chopin take his place. So with the help of Liszt and his own talent (天才), Chopin soon became famous.

1.Chopin was ________.

[  ]

A.the greatest musician in the world

B.a famous Polish pianist

C.a famous Paris pianist

D.one of the greatest musicians in Hungary

2.The wonderful piano concert started ________.

[  ]

A.after all the lights were turned on

B.when Liszt sat down at the piano

C.after all the lights were turned off

D.when Chopin went to the piano

3.When the music came to an end ________.

[  ]

A.Liszt stood at the piano

B.all the lights were turned off again

C.Chopin stood at the piano

D.people went out of the hall

4.Chopin became famous ________.

[  ]

A.before he came to the concert

B.because he was a student of Liszt's

C.because people in Paris liked him very much

D.since he played so well at the concert

5.From the story we know ________.

[  ]

A.Chopin could be famous because of his own talent and the help from Liszt

B.Liszt planned to make Chopin famous

C.Liszt was Chopin's teacher

D.one could be famous only with the help of a famous pianist

