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科目: 来源:黄冈重点作业·初二英语(下) 题型:053


  Mr Parker was living in the country. One day he wanted to go to an office in the c 1 . He took out of the k 2 , got i 3 his car and drove to the city. He drove to the office and stopped in front of the door. He locked his car a 4 started to go into the office, but then he turned and went b 5 to his car.“I left my keys in the car!”he said to himself. He telephoned his wife and said,“Excuse me, I locked my keys in the car. Please b 6 me y 7 .”

  Mrs Parker got into their second car and drove twenty miles to help her h 8 . But when he was waiting for her, he walked a 9 his car and tried the other door. It wasn't locked t But he locked it q 10 before his wife came.

1.c________  2.k________

3.i________  4.a________

5.b________  6.b________

7.y________  8.h________

9.a________  10.q________


科目: 来源:黄冈重点作业·初二英语(下) 题型:053


  In schools boys and girls are learning foreign languages.

  Do you k 1 how many languages there are in the world? There are about one thousand five hundred. English is one of the most important l 2 because so many people use it, not only in England and America, but also in other c 3 of the world. It is d 4 to say how many people are learning it. Millions (百万) of boys and girls are t 5 to do so.

  Many English children study French. French is also a very important language. Some children study German, Russian, Japanese and Chinese.

  Which is the b 6 way to learn a language? We know that we all l 7 our own language well when we were children. If we learn a second language in the same way, it won't seem so difficult. How does a small child do? He l 8 to what people say, and he tries to guess what he hears. When he wants something he has to ask for it. He is using the language, t 9 in it and talking in it all the time. If people u 10 a second language all the time, they will learn it quickly.

1.k________  2.l________

3.c________  4.d________

5.t________  6.b________

7.l________  8.l________

9.t________  10.u________


科目: 来源:黄冈重点作业·初二英语(下) 题型:053


Once a great boxer (拳击手) called Tom Brown went to a restaurant (餐馆) f 1 supper. He took out his coat and h 2 it at the door. He was afraid that s 3 would take it. So he took a piece of paper and wrote on it:“The great boxer, Tom Brown, has l 4 his coat here. He will come back in a m 5 .”He put his coat w 6 the paper together and then went to have supper. When he came back , his coat was not here. He o 7 found another piece of paper on i 8 place. It r 9 :“A great runner has taken your coat away and he will not c 10 back any more.”

1.f________    2.h________

3.s________    4.l________

5.m________    6.w________

7.o________    8.i________

9.r________    10.c________


科目: 来源:黄冈重点作业·初二英语(下) 题型:053


The best way of learning a language is by u 1 it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as m 2 as possible. Sometimes you will g 3 your words mixed up and people will not understand you; sometimes people will say things too q 4 and you can't understand them. But if you k 5 your sense of humour (幽默感) , you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Don't be unhappy i 6 people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It is much b 7 for people to be laughing at your mistakes than to be a 8 because they don't c 9 what you are saying. The most important rule for learning English is “Don't be afraid of making any mistakes; e 10 makes mistakes.”

1.u________  2.m________

3.g________  4.q________

5.k________  6.i________

7.b________  8.a________

9.c________  10.e________


科目: 来源:黄冈重点作业·初二英语(下) 题型:053


A friend of mine who was quite thin and very careful about w 1 she ate every day felt very ill sometimes. When we had a meal t 2 , I used to say,“You should eat more and drink more hot water in winter (the British like drinking ice-cold water all year round) , and you should do some e 3 every day and don't stay at home all the time in winter.”To my surprise, she wasn't t 4 but seemed unhappy. She said,“Aren't you too bossy (霸道)?”I felt sorry. L 5 on, she told me that the English would say,“M 6 you should drink more hot water in winter.”or“Are you s 7 you wouldn't like any more to eat?”Saying in that way, she explained, you are g 8 people more choices. But sentences 1 9 “you should do”or “you shouldn't do”often make people feel like being t 10 as children.


科目: 来源:素质教育新学案初中英语第三册 题型:053


  High school students in the United States hear about twenty bells every day . The first bell is the tardy (过时) bell . If students are not in their seats when the tardy bell rings, they know they are late. Another bell rings at the end of each class and everyone leaves class quickly and goes to the next one. When students are in a different class, they are often happy to hear the bell ring, but if the class is interesting, they do not want the bell to ring.

  The favourite bell of most students is the lunch bell. They know that it is time to join their friends for lunch . They buy a hot meal in the school or they bring their lunch from home in a paper bag . Favourite foods to bring are sandwiches and apples.

  The students in 1 schools in 2 have to 3 the bell right for 4 times . If they hear the first bell 5 they get in their 6 , they know they didn't get to school 7 8 . Most of the students like the bell for 9 . The favourite fruit to bring to school is 10 .

1.________  2.________  3.________

4.________  5.________  6.________

7.________  8.________  9.________



科目: 来源:同步拓展·奥林匹克  初三英语 题型:053


  Dictionaries are very 1 books. People use dictionaries to 2 out the meaning (意思) of words. 3 you are learning English, you should use an English dictionary. 4 students have dictionaries which contain (包含) Chinese and English words. They are useful, but it is usually 5 to use a dictionary, written completely 6 English. If you use 7 a dictionary, you will have more practice (实践) in using English. This will 8 you to begin to think in English. A good English dictionary will 9 you the correct spelling of a word, and its pronunciation. Many dictionaries also show 10 a word is used in a sentence.


科目: 来源:典中点综合应用创新题 题型:053


  Some cats are black. Some cats are white. Some cats are black and white. But no cats are green.

  I have a mother cat. She has three sons and two daughters. The mother cat loves her sons and daughters and they love their mother very much. And she looks after them.


1.love的意思为 ________.

2.Where is the father cat? Do you know?


1.Cats are ________.

[  ]

C.black and white
D.A or B or C

2.Cats ________ green.

[  ]

A.are not

3.I have ________.

[  ]

A.two sons
B.some cats
C.three daughter
D.three sons and two daughters

4.The sons and the daughters love ________ very much.

[  ]

A.their mother's cats
B.their father
C.the mother cat
D.their brothers

5.________ looks after the sons and the daughters.

[  ]

A.No one
B.the mother cat
C.The father
D.The sister


科目: 来源:典中点综合应用创新题 题型:053

阅读,回答问题 Read and answer the questions

  I am  (1)  duty today. We're all here. Oh no, Li Ming and Wei Fang aren't  (2)  school. I don't know where they  (3) . I think they are  (4)  home.

  Today we have two new students. Their  (5)  are Lucy and Lily. They are twins. They look the  (6)  They're  (7)  English, but American.

  Han Meimei looks  (8)  the twins today. Lucy and Lily are  (9)  the same row. They put their coats here and ask, “Where  (10)  the toilet?”Han Meimei shows it to them.



1.We are all here today.

2.Lucy and Lily are twins.

3.Lucy and Lily are American.

4.Han Meimei is their teacher.

5.My name is Han Meimei.


科目: 来源:典中点综合应用创新题 题型:053


  A: Hello, Jim! How are you?

  B: Fine, thank you, Li Lei. How are you?

  C: I'm fine, too.



3.________ 用于熟人见面打招呼。

4.B所说的话中 How are you?可以用________ ________代替。

