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科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:001



[  ]

A.Yes. They'll write to me soon.

B.Yes, but I haven't read it.

C.Yes. They'll come here next month.


[  ]

A.The same to you.

B.Thank you very much.

C.That's all right.


[  ]

A.Quiet.  B.Quickly.  C.Slowly


[  ]

A.Three years ago.

B.For about three years.

C.Just now.


[  ]

A.Yes, I like meat.

B.Too much meat is not good.

C.No, I'm full. Thanks.

Ⅱ.听力对话理解 根据听到的对话内容回答问题。

6.Who is the woman going to meet?

[  ]

A.Her close friends.

B.Her classmates.

C.Her teachers.

7.Which statement is true from the dialogue?

[  ]

A.The man hasn't done the exercises.

B.The man is too lazy.

C.The man is tired of doing the exercises.

8.Who does best in English?

[  ]

A.The man.  B.The woman.  C.Jim.

9.Where was the man probably born?

[  ]

A.In the north of China.

B.In Shanghai.

C.In a town near Guangzhou.

10.What does the woman want to know?

[  ]

A.The colour of his bike.

B.The colour of his motorcycle.

C.His black motorcycle.



11.What do you think the speakers are?

[  ]

A.A husband-and-wife looking for work.

B.Travellers visiting the city.

C.Businessmen on business.

12.When do the shops usually close?

[  ]

A.At 4:30 pm.  B.At 5:00 pm.  C.At 5:30 pm.

13.What do they want to eat?

[  ]

A.Chinese food.

B.French food.

C.We have no idea about it.


14.According to the conversation, what kind of weather is usual for march?

[  ]

A.Cool.  B.Very hot.  C.Dry.

15.Where has the man lived for ten years?

[  ]

A.In Florida.

B.In New York.

C.In California.

16.Where was the man born?

[  ]

A.In Florida.

B.In New York.

C.In California.


17.Why did he call the head waiter when he finished the meal?

[  ]

A.To praise him.

B.To pay for the meal.

C.To tell him he had no money.

18.Why did he tell the waiter what happened a year ago?

[  ]

A.To tell the waiter he couldn't pay for it again.

B.To let the waiter to answer for it.

C.To tell the waiter he could afford the meal now.

19.What's the meaning for“in full view”?

[  ]

A.With the help of.

B.In the face of.

C.To make fun of.

20.What do you think was the result of the story?

[  ]

A.The waiter apologized for what he had done.

B.The man was once again driven out of the hotel.

C.The man paid for the meal.


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:001



[  ]

A.I played games.

B.I had a great time.

C.I went to Hainan Island.


[  ]

A.It's in the northeast of Hainan Island.

B.It's in the north of Hainan Island.

C.It's in the southeast of Hainan Island.


[  ]

A.500 yuan.

B.Two hour.

C.Two thousand kilometres.


[  ]

A.It leaves at seven.

B.That boy over there.

C.Go straight along here.


[  ]

A.We are going to talk with him.

B.About where we are going for our holiday.

C.They are talking about our English teacher.



6.The speaker is the ________ in the family.

[  ]

A.student  B.youngest  C.boy

7.The parents have ________.

[  ]

A.two sons

B.two daughters

C.a son and a daughter

8.Who is the oldest in the family?

[  ]

A.Father.  B.Mother.  C.Brother.

9.The boy is ________ younger than his mother.

[  ]

A.20 years  B.25 years  C.28 years

10.The mother works in a ________.

[  ]

A.hospital  B.factory  C.school


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:001



[  ]

A.On the headmaster's desk.

B.On the teacher's desk.

C.On the classmate's desk.


[  ]

A.The park.  B.The cinema.  C.The museum.


[  ]

A.The maths teacher.

B.The Chinese teacher.

C.The headmaster.


[  ]

A.Playing basketball.

B.Playing football.

C.Playing volleyball.


[  ]

A.By sir.   B.By ship.   C.By train.



6.Mr Brown worked ________.

[  ]

A.in a small town

B.in a big city

C.in a factory

7.Mr Brown washed his new car ________.

[  ]

A.on Monday  B.on Wednesday  C.on Thursday

8.At that moment, a friend of his asked him ________.

[  ]

A.if the car was new

B.what car it was

C.if the car was Mr Brown's

9.When there was a football match, it was ________ turn to use the car.

[  ]

A.Jean's  B.Joe's  C.Linda's

10.It was very interesting that Mr Brown owned the car when ________.

[  ]

A.the car needed cleaning

B.there was a party in a town

C.the car really looked nice


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:001



[  ]

A.I have been a teacher for two months.

B.I have been a student for two months.

C.I have had the picture for two months.


[  ]

A.I have been a worker.

B.I have gone to England.

C.I have been to a farm.


[  ]

A.He has been a worker for a year.

B.He has made many machines.

C.He has played games.


[  ]

A.That's terrible.  B.Good idea.  C.That's all right.


[  ]

A.He wants to make our city greener.

B.He wants to do his homework.

C.He wants to play games.



6.Peter went to school and came home ________.

[  ]

A.by bike  B.by bus  C.on foot

7.Last Friday ________ from school.

[  ]

A.he didn't come home

B.he came home late

C.he came home early

8.The teacher sent Peter to ________ after school.

[  ]

A.his mother  B.the headmaster  C.another teacher

9.________ gave the teacher the answer.

[  ]

A.Peter  B.Many students  C.Nobody

10.What do you think the teacher's question was?

[  ]

A.Who is the tallest in your class?

B.Who went home?

C.Who put ink on my chair?


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:001



[  ]

A.Yes, I finished it yesterday.

B.Certainly I do.

C.I don't think I can finish it.


[  ]

A.He's been to New Zealand.

B.He's gone to New Zealand.

C.He went to New Zealand.


[  ]

A.I have borrowed only one.

B.I borrowed it last Sunday.

C.I went to borrow a book.


[  ]

A.I went to Dalian two days ago.

B.I've been to Dalian twice.

C.Since last year.


[  ]

A.Don't be afraid. You can surf here.

B.Don't be afraid. I'll show you how to do it.

C.Don't be afraid. I like surfing.



6.Jack was a ________.

[  ]

A.driver   B.policeman   C.thief

7.The young man was a ________.

[  ]

A.policeman   B.driver   C.thief

8.Jack noticed that the young man was ________.

[  ]

A.his friend  B.his workmate  C.the murderer(杀人犯)

9.Jack drove through the red light in order to make the police notice his car, so he could ________.

[  ]

A.help the young man run away

B.help the police catch the murderer

C.make the police know his taxi was new

10.The policeman thanked Jack because he ________.

[  ]

A.drove through the red light

B.helped them catch the thief

C.let the young man go away


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:001



[  ]

A.Music books.   B.Maths books.   C.Notebooks.


[  ]

A.They have cleaned the kitchen(厨房).

B.They have washed their clothes.

C.They have washed the plates.


[  ]

A.She works in a factory.

B.She works on a farm.

C.She works in a school library.


[  ]

A.It's in his bag.   B.It's in his desk.   C.It's on his desk.


[  ]

A.He wants to borrow some art books.

B.He wants to borrow some maths books.

C.He wants to borrow some sports books.



6.Xiao Ming's aunt is a ________.

[  ]

A.doctor   B.worker   C.librarian

7.She is very ________ in her work.

[  ]

A.strict   B.careless   C.interested

8.Everybody must ________ on time.

[  ]

A.come to school

B.come to the library

C.return the books

9.The little girl looked worried because ________.

[  ]

A.she couldn't find the science book

B.she couldn't find the library book

C.she couldn't find the maths book

10.Where did another girl find the lost book? ________.

[  ]

A.She found it in the classroom.

B.She found it in the library.

C.She found it at the school gate.


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:001



[  ]

A.She's an English girl.

B.She's 15.

C.She's at home.


[  ]

A.Class 4.

B.4 in the morning.

C.Chinese and English.


[  ]

A.She's old.

B.She's very happy.

C.She's much better.


[  ]

A.99702.  B.79092.  C.97902.


[  ]

A.That's right.

B.That's all right.

C.You're right.



6.What's the weather like?

[  ]

A.Cloudy and warm.

B.Lovely and warm.

C.Fine but cold.

7.Where are the speakers?

[  ]

A.At the station.

B.In a flat.

C.In a park.

8.What is the man doing in England?

[  ]

A.Spending his holiday.

B.Practising his English.

C.Visiting a Greek family.


9.What is the woman preparing?

[  ]

A.Afternoon tea.



10.What is the woman going to do?

[  ]

A.Lay the table

B.Cut the bread

C.Open the orange juice


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:001



[  ]

A.Yes, I like.  B.Yes, please.  C.No, I don't.


[  ]

A.During holidays.

B.On Sundays.

C.Three weeks.


[  ]

A.I'll think about it.

B.It's very nice.

C.Twenty-five yuan.


[  ]

A.Winter.  B.Autumn.  C.Spring.


[  ]

A.English.  B.Chinese.  C.Japanese.


[  ]

A.I was watching TV.

B.I would like to watch TV.

C.I never watch TV.


[  ]

A.It may be a bit late.

B.It gets there at twenty to nine.

C.Twenty-five past nine.


[  ]

A.On Saturdays.

B.On Teachers' Day.

C.Last Saturday.


[  ]

A.I'm going to.  B.Yes, I did.  C.Yes, twice.


[  ]

A.January.  B.December.  C.October.


11.What does the man think about John?

[  ]

A.John is angry.

B.John is hungry.

C.John will tell the woman.

12.How much are two cups?

[  ]

A.1.5 yuan.  B.2 yuan.  C.3 yuan.

13.What is the probable relationship (关系) between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.Teacher and student.

B.Doctor and patient.

C.Husband and wife.

14.How does the man prefer to go to work?

[  ]

A.By car.  B.By bus.  C.By taxi.

15.Where is the woman living now?

[  ]

A.In an old house.

B.In the school.

C.With her parents.



16.How many people are there in the family?

[  ]

A.Three.   B.Four.   C.Five.

17.What did his father use to do?

[  ]

A.He used to plant rice only.

B.He used to grow fruit trees.

C.He used to be an experienced farmer.

18.What does his mother do?

[  ]

A.She helps in the farm.

B.She keeps the house, raises pigs and chickens.

C.She looks after the neighbours' children.

19.How old is his grandmother?

[  ]

A.She will be eighty next year.

B.She is eighty years old this year.

C.She is seventy-nine years old this year.

20.What do he and his sister study at college?

[  ]

A.They both study art and computer science.

B.They work hard at literature and science.

C.One studies art, the other studies computer science.


21.What didn't they mention in their talk?

[  ]

A.The weather.  B.Clothes.  C.Their teachers.

22.Why was the man going to New York?

[  ]

A.On business.

B.Attend a meeting.

C.On holidays.

23.Who did the woman know in New York?

[  ]

A.Her cousin.  B.Her friend.  C.Her brother.

24.What is Roger's telephone number?

[  ]

A.8765036.  B.8765493.  C.8765093.

25.Where does Roger live?

[  ]

A.1973, Downing Street.

B.1974, Brandon Street.

C.1976, Bender Street.


26.How does Mike go to work every day?

[  ]

A.By train.  B.By bus.  C.By taxi.

27.What does he always buy?

[  ]

A.A magazine  B.A book.  C.A newspaper.

28.What report did he read one Thursday morning?

[  ]

A.On basketball match.

B.On football match.

C.On volleyball match.

29.How was the report?

[  ]




30.What did he forget?

[  ]

A.To go to work.  B.To go home.  C.To get off.


31.What does the woman want to be?

[  ]

A.A doctor.  B.A teacher.  C.A lawyer.

32.What's the man's telephone number?

[  ]

A.8765940.  B.8765904.  C.8675904.

33.How many drinks does the man order altogether?

[  ]

A.One.  B.Two.  C.Three.

34.What does the woman want to know?

[  ]

A.Jackson's address.

B.Jackson's age.

C.Jackson's telephone number.

35.What is the probable relationship between the two people?

[  ]

A.Husband and wife.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Customer(顾客) and saleslady.


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:001



  Mother and Father went to a shop. Mother wanted to buy a hat. First Mother tried on a black hat. She liked it very much, because it was in her size. Then she tried on a white hat. She liked that one better. She thought it looked more beautiful than the black one and they were both the same size. It was quite clear that Mother liked both hats but she couldn't decide which one to choose. She spoke to Father:“My dear, which one do you think looks better on me?”“I don't know. But I think both are OK. Make up your own mind, Betty.”Mother smiled. She had a good idea,“I'm going to buy both.”

  Mother was very happy but Father wasn't. The two hats cost almost $600. That was enough for us to live on for nearly half a month.

1.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Mother wanted to buy a hat for Dad.

B.She wanted to buy a hat for herself.

C.She left the shop without buying anything.

2.What did Father think about the hats?

[  ]

A.Both were very good.

B.She could only buy one.

C.He preferred the white to the black.

3.How did Mother feel at the end of the story?

[  ]

A.Very happy.   B.Worried.   C.Angry.

4.What did the speaker think about the hats?

[  ]

A.Beautiful.   B.Expensive.   C.Out of date.


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 中考英语 题型:001



  Hello, everyone. You're welcome to Xi'an. I'm your guide. Well, first let me tell you something about the city. You know, ladies and gentlemen, Xi'an was one of the greatest cities in the world. It used to be called Chang'an, and now it is the capital of Shanxi Province. Xi'an is well-known for its history. There are many places of attraction for you to see, such as Banpo Village, Terracotta Warriors, and so on. Banpo Village is the oldest village in China and was discovered in 1953. Let me see, er, twenty-one years later, the Terracotta Warriors were discovered by a farmer digging a well. Now it is famous all over the world. Uhm, your hotel is in the centre of Xi'an. Right, let's go to the hotel first.

1.Who did the speaker speak to?

[  ]

A.Farmers.  B.Passengers.  C.Visitors.

2.How many places of attraction did the speaker mention in his speech?

[  ]

A.One.   B.Two.   C.Three.

3.When were the Terracotta Warriors discovered?

[  ]

A.In 1952.   B.In 1974.   C.In 1970.

4.Where are the people going to stay first?

[  ]

A.In Banpo Village.

B.In a large hall.

C.In the middle of the city.

