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科目: 来源:一课一练(九年级英语第一学期) 题型:014

He answered the letter at once. Here “at once” means ________.

[  ]

A. only once
B. now
C. immediately
D. after a while


科目: 来源:一课一练(九年级英语第一学期) 题型:014

We should ________.

[  ]

A. learn each other
B. learn from each other
C. know about each other
D. help from each other


科目: 来源:一课一练(九年级英语第一学期) 题型:014

He could hardly speak German, ________?

[  ]

A. didn't he
B. did he
C. couldn't he
D. could he


科目: 来源:一课一练(九年级英语第一学期) 题型:014

He has given us ________ .

[  ]

A. a great help
B. many helps
C. a large number of help
D. a lot help


科目: 来源:一课一练(九年级英语第一学期) 题型:014

He asked the little girl ________ .

[  ]

A. when would she finish the letter
B. when she will finish the letter
C. when will she finish the letter
D. when she would finish the letter


科目: 来源:一课一练(九年级英语第一学期) 题型:014

We happened ________ in the same neighbourhood.

[  ]

A. to live
B. lived
C. live
D. living


科目: 来源:一课一练(九年级英语第一学期) 题型:014

A schoolmate of ________ will leave for Australia at the end of this year.

[  ]

A. my
B. me
C. I
D. mine


科目: 来源:一课一练(九年级英语第一学期) 题型:014

Mum ________ me to watch TV after I finished my homework.

[  ]

A. made
B. allows
C. allowed
D. let


科目: 来源:一课一练(九年级英语第一学期) 题型:014

________ the people enjoyed the English Evening.

[  ]

A. Neither
B. Both
C. All
D. None


科目: 来源:一课一练(九年级英语第一学期) 题型:014

________ his friends comes to see the film.

[  ]

A. Both of
B. None of
C. No one of
D. All of

