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科目: 来源: 题型:050

  London is a famous city. It has a long history. Many people visit it every year. When you visit London, you must see these beautiful places.

  ·Buckingham Palace

  Do you know who lives there? Of course, the queen(女王)lives there. It was built for the Duke(公爵)of Buckingham in 1703. After that, many buildings were built there. In the Palace, there are a lot of art works. The Palace is opened to public(公众)for two months each summer.

  ·Big Ben

  It is a very famous clock in London. It is on a tower(塔). The tower is 316 feet high, and the clock is 23 feet wide. The minute hands are 14 feet long. It was built in 1859.

  ·Tower Bridge

  It is London's most famous place. Inside the twin towers, you can see the stories of the bridge.

  ·London Zoo

  Children must be interested in it! It was opened in 1828. It is the most famous zoo in the world. You can see about 650 kinds of animals in the zoo.

(1) How many beautiful places are in this article?

[  ]




(2) Which place do children love?

[  ]

ABig Ben.

BTower Bridge.

CLondon Zoo.

(3) Which place does the queen live in?

[  ]

ABuckingham Palace.

BLondon city.

CLondon town.

(4) Do many people come to see the beautiful places every year?

[  ]

AYes, they do.

BNo, they don't.


(5) When do people visit the Palace?

[  ]

AIn winter.

BIn spring.

CIn summer.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms in a school year: the first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.

  High school students take only four or five subjects each term. They usually go to the same classes every day and they have homework for every class.

  After class they do many interesting things. After high school, many high students go to college. They can go to a small one or a large one. They usually have to give a lot of money, so many college students work after class to get the money for their studies.

(1)How many months are there in a summer holiday in America?

[  ]

AOne month

BTwo months

CThree months

DAbout four months

(2)Most American children begin to go to school when they are ________ years old.

[  ]





(3)After high school, many students go to ________.

[  ]




Dmake money

(4)Many American students work after school to ________.

[  ]

Ahelp their parents

Bhelp the other people

Cget money for their studies

Dsee interesting things

(5)High school students take ________ subjects each term.

[  ]

Aonly two or three



Donly two


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Tomorrow is Sunday. I'm not going to work. I'm twenty-two. My little brother isn't going to school. He is ten years younger than 1 am. I'm going to do some shopping, my brother is going to do his homework. My parents are going to work. My father is going by bike, and my mother by bus. In the afternoon. I'm going to the park with my brother. We're going on foot. We're coming home at five. My parents are going to get home at five. After supper, I'm going to dance with my friends, and my brother is going to watch TV with my parents.

(1)My brother is ________.

[  ]





(2)My father's going to work ________.

[  ]

Aby bike

Bon bike

Cby bus

Don foot

(3)My brother and I ________ to the park in the afternoon.

[  ]

Aam going

Baren't walking

Care walking


(4)My father and mother are coming back ________.

[  ]

Aat 730

Bat 530

Cat 700

Dat 500

(5)I'm going to dance ________.

[  ]

Aat 630

Bat 730

Cafter 730

Dafter supper


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Tim and Li Fang are not going to have any classes next week. They're going to work on a farm instead (代替).

  They are going to leave at about seven thirty on Monday morning. They are going to travel (去) to the farm by bus. They are going to wear old clothes because they are going to grow (种植) rice. They are going to have fish for their lunch. They are also going to have a swim at the farm.

  Tim and Li Fang are excited about going to the farm. Not only are they going to help around the farm, they are going to learn about farming.

  Li Fang is worried that Tim won't arrive on time to catch the bus because he is nearly always late. Li Fang often has to say to him, Don't be late, Tim.

(1) When are Tim and Li Fang not going to have any classes?


BNext week.

CNext month.

DNext year.

(2) What time are they going to start?

AAt 700a. m.

BAt 730p. m.

CAt 630a. m.

DAt 730a. m.

(3) What are they going to do there?

AGrow rice.


CEat fruit.

DPick apples.

(4) How are they going to the farm?

ABy bike.

BOn foot.

CBy bus.

DBy car.

(5) Who is often late?


BHan Mei.

CLi Fang.

DZhu Quan is.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Kate goes to the Flower Furniture(家具)Company because she wants to buy a sofa for her living room. A salesman tries to help her. First he shows her the best sofa in the store. It's made of leather(皮革). And it's very nice. But it's very expensive. Kate is sorry because it isn't on sale(打折出售). The salesman then shows her a white fabric sofa(布沙发). It's comfortable. It's also cheap. But, it isn't on sale, either. Finally she sees a light green sofa at the back of the store. It s very comfortable, and it's not expensive. It's 40% off. She's very happy. She buys her favourite sofa in the store, and it's on sale. She pays $400 for the sofa.

(1) What does Kate want to buy for her living room?

[  ]

AA table.


CA sofa.

(2) The first sofa that the salesman shows Kate is ________.

[  ]

Amade of leather.

Blight green.


(3) Which sofa is on sale?

[  ]

AThe leather one.

BThe white one.

CThe light green one.

(4) How much does Kate pay for the sofa?

[  ]




(5) Which of the following sentences is NOT right?

[  ]

AIf the sofa that Sue buys isn't on sale, she has to pay more.

BThe white sofa is made of leather.

CThe light green sofa is at the back of the store.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  Tom is a postman. He gets home from work at 600 today. He takes the elevator(电梯)to his sixth-floor apartment(公寓). He opens the door and sees water on the floor. First, he goes to the kitchen and the sink(水池)isn't leaking(漏水). Then he goes to the bathroom and the toilet isn't leaking. Finally he goes to the living room and looks up the ceiling(天花板). The light is leaking.

  He goes upstairs to the apartment. He comes to the seventh floor. He knocks on the door. But no one answers. His neighbour, Mr Green, isn't at home. Tom is worried now, so he decides to call the police.

  Ten minutes later, a policeman called Tony, comes to his house. He's very helpful. They come to the seventh floor. They open the door to Mr Green's apartment. They see a lot of water on the floor. Mr Green's sink in the kitchen is leaking. There is water everywhere. Tony helps Tom turn off the tap(水龙头). They clean up the water on the floor.

(1) What does Tom do?

[  ]

AA postman.

BA policeman

CA worker.

(2) Which floor does Tom live?

[  ]

AThe fifth floor.

BThe sixth floor.

CThe seventh floor.

(3) What is leaking in Mr Green's apartment?

[  ]

AThe sink in the kitchen.

BThe toilet in the bathroom.

CThe light in the living room.

(4) What does the wordwordedmean?

[  ]




(5) Which of the following is NOT right?

AThe toilet in Tom's apartment isn't leaking.

BMr Green is out.

CTony comes to help Tom half an hour later.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  In the United States, many people want to save(节省)time. In many families, the husband and the wife have to work full time, so their free time is very important(重要的)for them. They look for quick ways to do shopping.

  Many years ago, people had to go to the fish market to buy fish and to the butcher to buy meat and chicken and to the bakery, for bread. Nowadays most people go to one place, the supermarket. They can also buy things for the house. When Americans go out, they often go to the fast food restaurants. They can get food in a few minutes. It's very quick. There are many supermarkets and fast food restaurants in China now. Chinese people also want to save time like Americans. Many children like fast food very much. But their parents don't want them to have too much fast food. It's not good for their health.

(1) Where did most Americans go shopping many years ago?

[  ]

AThey did shopping in the supermarkets.

BThey went shopping in different places.

CThey did shopping in the fish market.

(2) Why is time very important for many Americans?

[  ]

ABecause the husband and the wife have to work full time.

BBecause the supermarkets are far from their houses.

CBecause no one goes shopping in their free time .

(3) What do Americans buy in the butcher?

[  ]


BMeat and chicken.


(4) What does the wordbakerymean?

[  ]




(5) Which of the following sentences is right?

[  ]

ANowadays American people can't buy bread in the supermarket.

BAmericans have to wait for their food in the fast food restaurants for a long time.

CMany Chinese children like fast food very much but their parents don't want them to eat it.


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  This is new term's resolution survey of our class.

  Wang Lin is going to work harder in school this term. He is also going to play sports with his friends. Lots of students are going to eat more vegetables. But they don't like vegetables. Their teachers ask them to do that for lunch at school. Diana says she is going to learn a new language, Japanese, because she wants to make some Japanese pen friends. Lucy is going to take some piano lessons. She really loves music. Daming is going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. He is going to be a great writer when he grows up.

(1) What is Wang Lin going to do in the new term?

[  ]

ATo work harder in school.

BTo play sports with friends.

CTo work hard and play sports.

(2) ________ ask students to eat vegetables at school.

[  ]




(3) What language does Diana want to learn?

[  ]




(4) Who is going to take some piano lessons?

[  ]




(5) Daming is going to be a ________ when he grows up.

[  ]

Apop singer


Cgreat writer


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name for each Chinese year. We may call it the year of the sheep, the year of the monkey or the year of the pig. And this year is the year of, the tiger.

  Before New Year’s Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On New Year’s Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late to welcome the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, people put on heir Hew clothes and go to visit their friends. They sayGood luckand some other greetings to each other. People usually have a very good time during the Festival.

(1)How many Chinese festivals does the passage talk about?

[  ]





(2)We can find every Chinese year has ________ name.

[  ]

Aan animal

Ba plant

Ca family

Da full

(3)How do Chinese people usually spend New Year’s Eve?

[  ]

AThey put on new clothes and go to the park.

BThey visit their friends and talk about the new year.

CThey are busy shopping and cleaning their houses.

DThey have a big dinner and stay up late to welcome the new year.

(4)On New Year’s Day, people say________to each other when they meet.

[  ]

AMerry Christmas

BGood luck

CHappy New Year

DBoth B and C

(5)The best title for this passage is ________.

[  ]

AGood Time

BThe Spring Festival

CBig Dinner

DThe Year of the Tiger


科目: 来源: 题型:050

  John is an American boy. His family is in China now. John likes chocolates very much. But his mother doesn't give him. They are not good for him, she thinks. But John has a very nice uncle. He loves John very much, and sometimes he buys John some chocolates. Then his mother lets John eat them. She wants to make John's uncle happy. One Sunday evening John says in his room,Please, God, give me a big box of chocolates tomorrow. because it's my birthday.John's mother says,God can't hear you, my boy.”“I know, but my uncle is in the next room, and he can hear.John says.

(1)John likes ________ very much.

Awatching TV




(2)Who sometimes buys John chocolates?

AHis mother.

BHis uncle.

CHis father.

DHis aunt.

(3)When is John's birthday according to the passage(根据文章)?

AOn Saturday.

BOn Sunday.

COn Monday.

DOn Tuesday.

(4)Where's John's uncle that day?

AAt school.

BIn the shop.

COn a farm.

DIn the next room.

(5)Where is John from ?





